OSTER project's Twitter

Translations of tweets from @fuwacina. For an archive of other Vocaloid-related Twitters I no longer keep up with, go here.

February 2nd, 2020

Now remember, it's fun because we have that kind of friendship, but hearing that from someone else would be just plain harrassment...

The saying "good fences make good neighbors" means that if you aren't thinking of each other, it's hard to keep up a relationship. Being able to cheerfully joke with one another is proof that you understand what territory you can't step into. Which is exactly why being told by a super good friend "you're so flat lol" and getting mad can be enjoyable and comfortable.

I often think how you can't rest on your laurels after earning someone's favor. I don't like the term "rotten relationship" [i.e. "inseparable, like it or not"]; if friends have things they can give each other, you should value those things. Don't let 'em rot. Ya gotta keep 'em fresh.

Going on about this stuff always makes people say I'm into "radiant yuri."

Determining you're going to be with someone isn't the goal; how you live your lives together after that, and what you can provide each other, are first steps in discovering the meaning of being together. To keep that determination glittering always, you have to properly confront that.

It's embarrassing how blatantly the "kissing fish" couple was influenced by Bloom Into You, but I wish blessings on a couple who overcame many difficulties together and blossomed feelings of specialness toward each other, and hope they'll continue to search for the meaning of them being together...

It's sort of my ideal yuri - I want them to share not just their joys, but their pain and sadness too.

Ahhhhhhhh, I really do love this song...
OSTER project - kissing fish feat. Hatsune Miku & Megurine Luka [NicoNico]

I've used up all my playful bites, so I must go on a quest in search of new eros. Life is a long journey... You can't cling to playful bites forever...

I think I'll probably boast about coming up with the line "told with a playful bite, an "I love you" that can't be voiced" for the rest of my life, and would like it engraved on my tombstone... I want it put in history textbooks as a classic deathbed poem...

"Playful bite" has both a cuteness and a sexiness, and that balance makes it feel like the ultimate finishing move to me. But I've already used it twice, so it'll be hard to use in the future... Held hands and kisses are commonplace, so they're easy to use, but playful bites have a strong identity. A secret technique to reveal at just the right moment.

Both Selfish Sweet and Rabbit Fur use the term "playful bite." You got a fetish there...?

Going home in cold winter weather while listening to Selfish Sweet is the best... The creator of this song is undoubtedly a genius...

It's incredible how realistic Bloom Into You is about how girls are when they gather together. Like the scene on the LaLaport Toyosu terrace where they share opinions on movies... I'm just trying to convince all humanity to simulwatch it...

We talked about yuri manga while drinking, so I spoke passionately about Bloom Into You, anyway watch Bloom Into You.

(Naturally, I went on a pilgrimage to Shinagawa.)

Yuu-chan likes flapjack octopuses, yet her T-shirt is a jellyfish.

I wanna brag to everyone about my Bloom Into You T-shirt.

I got dead drunk two days in a row...

I'm a Bloom Into You otaku, so I bought a T-shirt like Yuu-chan's.

Once, I bought matching earrings with a friend and went out in high spirits, and next thing I knew, I'd lost one of them, which was super sad... Later, that friend also lost one of them, so we were matching again. (define "matching")

I put on some earrings my good friend's mother made me and went out in high spirits, but when I got home and took them off, I realized I'd lost the backing somewhere, and now I'm down in the dumps... From high spirits to down in the dumps...

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