OSTER project's Twitter

Translations of tweets from @fuwacina. For an archive of other Vocaloid-related Twitters I no longer keep up with, go here.

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November 4th, 2022

Quit worrying about things you can't control, like how others think of you.

Autumn of sexual desire.

I'm isolated from the world.

I didn't know most of the words in the Buzzword Awards, so maybe I'm not even Japanese.

"Reskilling" does not mean "in the middle of respawn-killing [AKA spawn camping]."

I tragically missed the Buzzword Awards again this year. I'll do my best next year.

BFD: "Ahh, sounds good..."
Superior Drummer: "Ahh, sounds good..."
Addictive Drums: "Ahh, sounds like Addictive Drums..."

November 3rd, 2022

If I were Van Gogh, I'd upload a video of a live event painting a can of tomatoes to YouTube and pull in tons of ad revenue.

November 2nd, 2022

Rice 150g (Normal) ← Understandable
Rice 250g (Large Serving) ← Where's 200g???

November 1st, 2022

Becoming the ultimate temporary vocals machine.

People who call Makkuro-Kurosuke [the "soot sprites" in Totoro and Spirited Away] "Susuwatari" seem like they'd also call Goku Kakarot.

Fussiness is a disease.

Being fussy about things doesn't make you in any way superior to someone who isn't fussy, and as long as you can be satisfied with that life, then it's clearly better not to be fussy. I think this because I was born as someone who must be fussy.

So I have sometimes been envious of people who can "just sorta live."

People who can be satisfied just living without necessarily accomplishing anything are getting the most out of life.

I think of both Monster Hunter and Splatoon as games about how well I can resist the urge to do moves that I'm really better off not doing.

I played Splatoon after 100 years and I was so bad I felt bad.

Ranking of Names That Sound Like They'd Be a Vtuber
1st: Tsururi Nameko [Slippery nameko mushrooms]
(2nd: Nameraka Toufu [Smooth tofu])

October 31st, 2022

Humans are animals who are still using instincts programmed many thousands of years ago without any updates.

I'm doin' my best in this life so I can drink the greatest beer in the afterlife.

Feels like the beer in the afterlife would be the most tasty.

To write a love song with male vocals, you need to understand how a woman wants to be thought of and what she wants to be told, and to write a love song with female vocals, you need to understand romantic thoughts a woman can sympathize with.
In other words, whatever you make, you need to understand women.

I wanna destroy the Earth and go drinking soon.

Listening to a genius song makes me wanna get good at making music...

When you make music for 20 years, you're beset by the illusion that songs with the structure "ABC ABC D C" are so commonplace they're no good.

This year's Halloween ended with me dressing up as a person sick in bed with corona.

Corona is total crap.

It's Halloween, but I'm making an entirely unrelated song.

Toothpicks smell like trees.
Wiener [Vienna] coffee smells like wieners.

You'll be able to buy a verified checkmark with money, you say?

October 30th, 2022

Though I try to make up for the delay of getting knocked on my ass, I'm well behind, and my lungs hurt, I'm a hopeless human...

Recent voice synths seriously sing so good it makes me recoil.

I'm a person who only does what I like, so nobody have any expecations for me. (pulls head over blanket (totally correct Japanese))

Indifferent might not be quite the word, but when someone doesn't have any expectations of me, then no matter what I do, since they had no expectations for me as a person to begin with, they won't hate or like me because of it, which is relieving.

People who are indifferent to others seeming the most kind is a pretty serious bug.

[After midnight] :ghost:

Make a song about mentally-ill lesbians glorifying beer.

I can only write songs about mentally ill women or glorifying beer or lesbians.

It hurts how the longer I live, the less able I am to write glittery lyrics like I used to...

I actually have a theory that this is the OSTER project-composed song that's been heard the most.


RT @_MKPO "Cocoa High Income" #MundaneHalloween #MundaneHalloween2022

I lack concentration the most when I'm doing lyrics.

Maybe even the people you love are just a fantasy your mind came up with, or perhaps you yourself are just a hallucination being had by someone else.
If philosophers are thinking about stuff like that all the time, it's no surprise if they go nuts.

It's not you not being here that's lonely, it's thinking about you not being here that's lonely.

In other words, the existence of not only other people, but of all things in this world, cannot be proven except by what is sensed by your mind.

It's unfair how modern people have the stupidly good study tool known as YouTube.

People say math isn't about memorization, but if for instance every time a double-angle formula came up, you had to use the addition theorem to get to it, you'd absolutely never finish your tests in time, so in that sense it is.

I'd heard that it's more fun to study as an adult than in your school days, but I mean duh, obviously compared to school where you have to do a bunch of rote memorizing even in fields you have little interest in with no time to enjoy it, being an adult who can study the things they're interested in at their own pace is more fun.

Sometimes I'm like "Even if I weren't here, the world would go on turning without a hitch, huh...", but then I'm like "That's just obvious, ain't it? When'd you get such an inflated self-worth thinking you were a member of the Avengers or something? lmao", and I lmao.

October 29th, 2022

Black Montblanc
White Everest
Crimson Nanga Parbat

It was a long, painful battle.
["I finished a song."]

Whether it sounds good or bad to the ear is everything. As long as it sounds good, I can do whatever I want, got it? (violent)

Honestly, even in cases where I have things recorded live, it's totally normal to have multiple layers dubbed together, and if it sounds good when listening to it, you shouldn't hesitate to use it.

Shanks! His arms! They're multiplying!

The piano in this part couldn't be played unless you had three arms, but maybe I can just establish that the pianist for this song has three arms?

Sapiens homo

[Search for "cold compress 8 hours," with suggestions "cold compress 8 hours doesn't last," "cold compress 8 months," "cold compress 8 hours for adult," "cooling sheet 8 hours doesn't last"]

October 28th, 2022

Feels like I only have like half my lung capaity.

Don't start making the weather get better day by day the moment I get sick, you jerk.

My fever's gone down, but my nose and throat and lungs are dead, so I can only make a voice like a cursed spirit.

[Sad News] Confirmed positive for corona. :fairy:

October 27th, 2022

Throat dead! Nose dead! Lungs dead!

My nose and throat hurt so bad, but I don't really need anything above the neck, and my back hurts too, so who needs anything below the chest. Starting today, I'll live as only boobs.

When I went to the hospital to get tested, there was a field where I had to write the days I got my vaccine shots, and I was like "oh shoot what do I do, I don't remember...", but I resolved it in seconds by searching my own tweets for "Superbly-Dressed Lady."

Sure enough, I was a superbly-dressed lady who resolved to get a fourth vaccine shot.

It's probably thanks to the vaccines that it pretty much just feels like cold symptoms, but whenever my nose and throat are bad, it gets to my ears too, so it's being painfully obstructive to work...

I'm still waiting on the test results, but just based on my condition, I'm currently 9999% likely to have coronavirus. Why'd it have to happen at such a busy time as this... :eyeroll:

October 26th, 2022

If you see someone being called the second coming of OSTER, have them try holding a longsword.

I can't become anyone else, but no one else can become me.

I'm OSTER project from the OSTER project community.

My health's so done I can't do work. :skull:

To think my body would become so ragged in 15 years...

#TheHellWereYouGuysUpTo15YearsAgo [Links Miracle Paint]

October 25th, 2022


[""Novel Pervy Sex" and more / Recommended search terms for you (Hold to display a preview)"]

It seems you can tell whether someone's a programmer just by asking them "what's the opposite of dynamic?"

My main occupation.

Non-main-occupation income.

Talking with humans, it occurs to me that lacking humanness might be the most humanlike thing.

I went to sleep at a human hour and woke up at a human hour... I've finally become human...

October 24th, 2022

Progress report: Today I took a walk and went shopping and made stew and went to a hot spring.

After being told "this sounds like it'd play in Mario Party," I can't hear it any other way... It hurts.
Michel Camilo's "Why Not!"

Gaming Dick Flower Arrangement Club
Dynamic Balls Baseball Club
[The first is in reference to an AI-generated image posted on 5channel produced from more or less that prompt, with glowing rainbow disembodied genitalia]

"Ushi-suji" in English being "beef tendon" has to be a joke, right? [Since "tendon" read as Japanese means rice with tempura]

October 23rd, 2022

I'm a virgin, so just having a girl be nice to me makes me like her.

October 22nd, 2022

5-finger se
socks [Using a word that could be read as both "finger" or "toe"]

October 21st, 2022

When I say I wanna be a pro gamer, I feel like people'll say "don't make light of gamers," but you oughta not make light of me either. (?)

Skilled only at makin' music.

Schedule Management C-

When work ends, a hospital visit begins, and when the hospital visit ends, work begins.

Rendered unable to Splatoon ever again.

I'm so busy, I might not be able to Splatoon anymore this month.

I was generating bizarre images at 3 AM.

["Tesro-sama riding The Great Panjandrum onto the beaches of Normandy"]

October 20th, 2022

When I watch a good anime, I'm like "Why did I never watch this before? Should I watch more anime?"

It's hard, okay.

I've hunted about 600 Magnamalos, but I still mess up the iai for the howl when it goes into a rage.

When I heard "pro hunter quiz," I was expecting something like:
"After doing a spinning charge, Malzeno follows it up by shooting balls in three directions. What animation comes next?"

Apparently Monster Hunter is actually a game everyone plays together.

[Screenshot of a Monster Hunter quiz: "While playing online, you enter a hub of unfamiliar hunters. What do you do first?
- Send "It's good to meet everyone!" in chat
- Supply items to bring along
- Eat food before you forget
- Check the equipment of other hunters in the hub
- Send "Please help me with this quest!" in chat"]

I don't enter a hub of unfamiliar hunters while playing online. (fin)

October 19th, 2022

Men intervening in yuri
Men hooting at yuri
Either one
Is no good, huh
- Mitsuo

Good morning. [Screenshot of search for "[gundam] the witch from mercury intervening in yuri"]

October 18th, 2022

Don't you think the third-or-so cutest girl in class is the most sexy?

I really like the Alcubierre drive because it looks at FTL travel, which feels hopeless because the speed of light is a constant and no matter exists that can move faster than light, and takes the approach that even if the speed of light is immutable, no one said anything about space and time being immutable.

Worries come from your mind, not from matter, so if you destroy your mind, the worries will go away!!!!!

I haven't even had dinner yet, but my head is filled with the souvenir taco rice I'm eating for lunch tomorrow.

Halloween makes you want to drink at a Halloween party, so the answer is Alcohol Song.

RT @crab_kanikani Incorrect answer: I always want to listen to all of Fuwafuwa Cinnamon-san's songs whether it's Halloween or not.

Indeed, what song could it be? I can't even guess...

RT @the_voca_colle \ Illustration Quiz :light bulb: /
What's the name of the song that has this illustration?!
Answer in the replies!

It might be that spooky song of Fuwafuwa Cinnamon-san's (@fuwacina) you feel like listening to when it's Halloween... :ghost:

Here's the answer! [trick and treat]

Watching other people play Splatoon, I had the thought that I'll never get good at this game my whole life unless I banish my ingrained notion that games are something you play by yourself.

I wanna go to Kusatsu.

I learned from this trip that Okinawa stans taco rice.

Guess I'll go stupid hard on work starting today?

October 17th, 2022

I think you should give up on "Concrete Road."
Because you're more suited for "Victory Road."
(Seiji Amasawa getting three splats by himself and pushing forward to throw a Power Clam at the goal)

Country road
May lead me home,
If I just ink it
All on my own
Make a clam shot,
Into the basket,
And we might go

Point-lead hold

Ring Fit Adventure directing torture: "Let's cut off all your fingers and toes! 1! 2! 3! 4!"

Going on a trip made me put on, if converted to TNT, 80 billion megatons, so I can't eat anything starting tomorrow.

Honestly though, Voyager-kun reaching 119 AU is super amazing. But even then, it's 70,000 years to Proxima Centauri?? Proxima Centauri should come greet us instead.

Is space huge or what?!
Wrong, we're tiny. Even the speed of light is chump change.

Looking it up, I saw the phrase "the gravitational lens's focal point is 550 AU from the sun," and I was like "ohoh... :heart:" (5 times Voyager)

I got excited learning about the concept of a solar gravitational lens telescope for the first time...

When it comes to videos to watch on a return plane ride, my pick's gotta be videos about using an Alcubierre drive for interstellar travel!

I wonder if Monster Hunter will also do a Monster Hunter collab to bring back past monsters?

October 16th, 2022

The way a full course of French cuisine lets you experience something super delicious despite never seeing these meals before and not really knowing what they are so strange.

I'll do my best to be able to take part in Niji Splatoon Festival myself someday...

Mutton Love Song

Cows are the ultimate creature, producing only the greatest food whether it's by turning into meat or putting out milk.

Even people who say they like dogs or cats must actually like cows best, right?

Every time I drive an unfamiliar rental car, I think "handling a car's as hard as handling a woman."

Ah, the season of SM.

["SM Season Pizza" (AKA small pizza di stagione)]

This is so mischievous.

morning :sun:
