OSTER project's Twitter

Translations of tweets from @fuwacina. For an archive of other Vocaloid-related Twitters I no longer keep up with, go here.

October 20th, 2022

When I watch a good anime, I'm like "Why did I never watch this before? Should I watch more anime?"

It's hard, okay.

I've hunted about 600 Magnamalos, but I still mess up the iai for the howl when it goes into a rage.

When I heard "pro hunter quiz," I was expecting something like:
"After doing a spinning charge, Malzeno follows it up by shooting balls in three directions. What animation comes next?"

Apparently Monster Hunter is actually a game everyone plays together.

[Screenshot of a Monster Hunter quiz: "While playing online, you enter a hub of unfamiliar hunters. What do you do first?
- Send "It's good to meet everyone!" in chat
- Supply items to bring along
- Eat food before you forget
- Check the equipment of other hunters in the hub
- Send "Please help me with this quest!" in chat"]

I don't enter a hub of unfamiliar hunters while playing online. (fin)

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