OSTER project's Twitter

Translations of tweets from @fuwacina. For an archive of other Vocaloid-related Twitters I no longer keep up with, go here.

October 31st, 2022

Humans are animals who are still using instincts programmed many thousands of years ago without any updates.

I'm doin' my best in this life so I can drink the greatest beer in the afterlife.

Feels like the beer in the afterlife would be the most tasty.

To write a love song with male vocals, you need to understand how a woman wants to be thought of and what she wants to be told, and to write a love song with female vocals, you need to understand romantic thoughts a woman can sympathize with.
In other words, whatever you make, you need to understand women.

I wanna destroy the Earth and go drinking soon.

Listening to a genius song makes me wanna get good at making music...

When you make music for 20 years, you're beset by the illusion that songs with the structure "ABC ABC D C" are so commonplace they're no good.

This year's Halloween ended with me dressing up as a person sick in bed with corona.

Corona is total crap.

It's Halloween, but I'm making an entirely unrelated song.

Toothpicks smell like trees.
Wiener [Vienna] coffee smells like wieners.

You'll be able to buy a verified checkmark with money, you say?

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