OSTER project's Twitter

Translations of tweets from @fuwacina. For an archive of other Vocaloid-related Twitters I no longer keep up with, go here.

October 30th, 2022

Though I try to make up for the delay of getting knocked on my ass, I'm well behind, and my lungs hurt, I'm a hopeless human...

Recent voice synths seriously sing so good it makes me recoil.

I'm a person who only does what I like, so nobody have any expecations for me. (pulls head over blanket (totally correct Japanese))

Indifferent might not be quite the word, but when someone doesn't have any expectations of me, then no matter what I do, since they had no expectations for me as a person to begin with, they won't hate or like me because of it, which is relieving.

People who are indifferent to others seeming the most kind is a pretty serious bug.

[After midnight] :ghost:

Make a song about mentally-ill lesbians glorifying beer.

I can only write songs about mentally ill women or glorifying beer or lesbians.

It hurts how the longer I live, the less able I am to write glittery lyrics like I used to...

I actually have a theory that this is the OSTER project-composed song that's been heard the most.


RT @_MKPO "Cocoa High Income" #MundaneHalloween #MundaneHalloween2022

I lack concentration the most when I'm doing lyrics.

Maybe even the people you love are just a fantasy your mind came up with, or perhaps you yourself are just a hallucination being had by someone else.
If philosophers are thinking about stuff like that all the time, it's no surprise if they go nuts.

It's not you not being here that's lonely, it's thinking about you not being here that's lonely.

In other words, the existence of not only other people, but of all things in this world, cannot be proven except by what is sensed by your mind.

It's unfair how modern people have the stupidly good study tool known as YouTube.

People say math isn't about memorization, but if for instance every time a double-angle formula came up, you had to use the addition theorem to get to it, you'd absolutely never finish your tests in time, so in that sense it is.

I'd heard that it's more fun to study as an adult than in your school days, but I mean duh, obviously compared to school where you have to do a bunch of rote memorizing even in fields you have little interest in with no time to enjoy it, being an adult who can study the things they're interested in at their own pace is more fun.

Sometimes I'm like "Even if I weren't here, the world would go on turning without a hitch, huh...", but then I'm like "That's just obvious, ain't it? When'd you get such an inflated self-worth thinking you were a member of the Avengers or something? lmao", and I lmao.

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