OSTER project's Twitter

Translations of tweets from @fuwacina. For an archive of other Vocaloid-related Twitters I no longer keep up with, go here.

see newer | go to latest

November 27th, 2020

People's feelings are super complicated, so they're not things you can observe and easily decide things about, and shouldn't be called strange or denied - I can think that way now.

I was just born, so the world is full of things I don't get.

For a long time, I didn't know there were people who could be told "I like you" by someone they like and have no feelings other than "thank you," so I was like "human feelings are really amazing" and went and made it... :heart:

The Friendship sequel might be more of an "official fanwork" than a "sequel." (since it changes the premise of the Friendship relationship)

Songs like this.
[VOCALOID] Friendship [Kagamine Rin]

I think the theme of a lesbian falling in love with an oblivious hetero might be one of my idiosyncracies.

beautiful strings arrangement #Dominowns

I think everyone's frantically analyzing the chords in the background.

[Re: "me listening to well-made chord progression" art] This is the Tesroset art that's spread the most lately...

It's not remotely like I haven't been making music, so why haven't I posted that many videos...??

I haven't put up that many new songs this year, but I'll release just that many all at once!

Next month, it seems like I'll be uploading a lot of videos all at once.

I swear, kids these days...
have all got so much talent and energy that it makes me envious... Feels like I'm falling behind... Help me...

Even if you say that, my maternal instincts interfere,
And I go to meet them with a sapphic bag in hand [Reji fukuro (register bag, AKA plastic shopping bag) -> rezu (lesbian) fukuro]

November 26th, 2020

This creature called the "self" is amazing - she's the only one I can ask to create for OSTER project without being paid anything. I'll work her 'til she drops.

The "self" is the world's most ultimate slave to use as you wish.

This is a song that was popular in the Pervy Yuri period.
[VOCALOID] Whale Rider [Kagamine Rin]

[Ricky: "Sigh, speaking of pervy yuri... After the Jomon period was the Yayoi period, and after the Yayoi period was the Pervy Yuri period, ribbit."]
Someone who knows his history.

Maybe it just hasn't met any onigiri yet. It doesn't mean you have no meaning. There's someone out in the world who can give you meaning.

As you live your life, you'll find there are many things akin to an onigiri case that lives its life never meeting an onigiri.

The onigiri case, born only to hold onigiri.
The pizza cutter, born only to cut pizzas.
Me, born only to make you smile.

Me when I'm listening to a really well-made chord progression. #TesrosetArt

[Roset: "Amazing! Amazing! Amazing! Amazing!" (could also be read as "tasty")]

stay home traveler

Maybe Maison Hatsune is like that...??

All my life I've wanted to go to a dormitory where there's moms who know a bunch about DTM.

When my heart is shook by a synth on sale for Black Friday, there's no mom there anymore to scold me like "Hold on, you haven't even used your Serum yet!"

November 25th, 2020

Musicals are my life, and my life is musicals. (because even when I'm around others, I start singing all of a sudden with no forewarning)

Every day someone is born, and every day someone dies. Every day, the world turns.

It's not my birthday... I wanna have a birthday every day...

November 24th, 2020

Today... was a fun day... Sleepy... Thank you, everyone...

The fact you can reveal your idiosyncracies more casually!

33-year-old me... The 33-year-old me who made music while putting up with sciatica, overcame two surgeries, couldn't go outside due to coronavirus once she could finally walk again, had a song of hers played from a truck in Shinjuku, became a Vtuber, did game streams and singing, and started drawing crappy comics... You did well... Leave the rest to me... Rest easy...

I might even do my best with singing. (???)

Another year! I'll do my best with music and lyrics and art and comics and videos and streams and everything!! (death)

Thanks for all your birthday wishes!! I'm reading all your replies!!! Thank you!! Love!!!!

D e a t h  P i k m i n  a r e
s t r o n g  a g a i n s t  d e a t h

November 23rd, 2020

Reaching your aspiration isn't the goal, it's the start of a new dream.

I've never felt more glad to be doing music... Grateful as hell... sniff...

But I feel like painful things such as that caused me to make Labradorite, and allowed me to encounter people who've experienced similar pains, so it makes me feel like everything's paid off...

I know the difficulties and pains that can stand in the way of continued creation painfully well... So Labradorite was packed with those feelings... So a person who's overcome similar obstacles and continued creating doing Labradorite stabs me in the heart so hard my tear glands glitch...

No matter how many times I watch or how I look at it, 'course I'm gonna cry at this... Ain't nobody who wouldn't cry having them done to them...
[Sing and Draw] Labradorite feat. Bayachao

Thank you for loving meeeee!! :bomb: :explosion:

I've been loved... :heart:

There's nothing more blessed than something I do because I like to do it being part of someone else's happiness.

It ended up being an illustration of Tesro-sama looking at Roset-chan's panties and blushing...

The balloons are here!! I'll keep doing my best at a lot of stuff, so regards!!! #TesrosetArt

[OSTER project] Labradorite feat. Yu Tokiwa [Music Video]
Song that'll be special to me my whole life.

When the world is overflowing with so much music, the fact there are people who encounter and like my music and live being supported by it... I had no idea how much that would affirm and support me.

When I made Labradorite, I wrote the lyrics out of the feelings of being found by someone who was the object of my aspiration, but actually becoming someone others aspire to, I realize that feeling of "you found me" is the same for the person being aspired to.

I'm as emotional as the final episode of a 2-cour anime playing the opening theme from the first cour...

Lately it's been so novel just directly tackling feelings I've never experienced before in my life. Maybe I'm just a newborn baby...

My birthday's reached the climax before it's even started.

RT @BAYACHAO I learned of OSTER-san through Miracle Paint, and even my poster characters Pain and Ting came from there, and I've kept doing art while chasing after OSTER-san and being supported by many of her songs. Especially when I was going to a private art school to prepare for university, I would often hate my art or feel unsure, and even saw heartless words that wounded me.

I remember listening to Labradorite to encourage myself while walking home, and I kept walking, and then OSTER-san followed me on Twitter, and found me. The fact she wrote the theme song for the project I've been working on forever and now gets along with me as a person makes me go like, isn't this too much of a dream?

The way music can keep having meaning added to it like this might mean it's never truly finished. How amazing.

Labradorite was a song sung by a person I'd long looked up to, so a person who'd long looked up to me singing it makes me so unimaginably emotional I feel like I'm gonna die...

Was it all foreshadowing...?

I've been told "Labradorite is OSTER-san's character song," but I want it to be the character song of all people chasing dreams.

I've become far too familiar with the destructive power of Labradorite.

The number one OSTER-project-obsessed woman is being made to cry like heck for her birthday...

[Bayachao posts [Sing and Draw] Labradorite feat. Bayachao]

I don't wanna put on weight, but I wanna eat food.

I don't wanna age, but I wanna be celebrated...

Perhaps the biggest difference between art and music is one existing on the axis of time.

You can't win just spamming super moves.

I think making music might be like a fighting game. In that just learning individual chords doesn't do much for you, and you have to learn how to link them together to make combos, and know what combos to use to create a flow that's appropriate for that point in the battle. Not that I'd know since I've never played any fighting games, but...

What are the rules of what a friend is?!

The rules of what a friend is are such a challenging game...

Is "feminist" [as the word is used in Japanese, which is... a bit different] only for men who treat women with care...? Then what do you call a woman who treats women with care...

November 22nd, 2020

Dame da ne...
Dame yo...
Dame nano yo...

It's amazing how the song Miracle Paint still has people learning about it even after 13 years, and it doesn't feel real that I made it. Maybe Miracle Paint made me.

I want all days OSTER project uploaded a song to be holidays.

I'm celebrating Miracle Paint's birthday.

When you're on your period, sometimes you lash out in frustration! That's not your fault!! It's the other person's fault! It's the world's rfault! It's everything's fault!! Kill! Take!! Burn to the ground!!!

[Jun: "Say, come to think of it, come to think of it, I havent been doing pulmonary respiration lately."]
It do be like that.

November 20th, 2020

When I have fun and wear out my brain a lot, I become a dummy towards the end, but I can solely understand the fact that it was fun, so I become a dummy dummy who can do nothing but smile.

I've obtained everything the world has to offer.

Roset-chan noticing the person in front of her at the ticket gate only has 3 yen left on their IC card and getting worried for them. (Roset-chan of the day)

November 19th, 2020

Chord Progression Support Software vs. Chord Progression Destroying Vtuber

Scared about my encroaching birthday.

20, November

First place in the Vtubers Whose Stomachs Hurt ranking.

[Screenshot of 32,008 YouTube subscribers] Already to 32,000... :heart:

]R-Suzuki: "Oh, right! Speaking of trips... I saw someone doing pervy yuri on the street, so I did syncrhonized pervy yuri with them!"]
This is a touchy subject for me.

I want the Triforce of Courage to declare that any drawing mistakes are just part of my style.

I didn't notice how I've been drawing Tesro-sama's cheeks as shiny lately. (junk brain)

I keep subdividing just by living. #TesrosetArt

[Tesro: "Roset, is there anybody with your same birthday?" Roset: "I've never thought about it. Let's take a look!"
Wiki: "People born November 24th: OSTER project (composer), Fuwacina (video creator), Roset (Vtuber), Tesro (Vtuber), KUMOKIRI (composer), Tenko (composer), The Princess in KING & Princess (composer), [???]ria (composer)..." Tesro: "Huh, there's a bunch..." (didn't say there were a bunch) (5 days until birthday)]

People who don't know a lot about music probably don't know this, but BPM stands for Bacon Potato Muffin.

Thanks to creating that character, I still remember the term "orthonormal basis" to this day. (forgot the concept though)

Remembering how during linear algebra classes, I invented and doodled the mysterious character of Orthonormal Basis Funkitty-chan, and going insane.

"Since I met you, my life's done a π..."
"You can't just use radians like that."

Maybe I'm just too dumb to understand, but when people say "my life did a 180," wouldn't turning 180 degrees just mean you're going back the way you came?

November 18th, 2020

They better fix the bug where the moment you say "I hate people who talk about how much they hate things," it becomes self-hatred.

Without a dislike button, I can't even hit the dislike button on articles saying there should be a dislike button.

Out-there chords, out-there strings... It's 100% me on my BS...

I seriously love this arrangement so much, I could listen to it forever... #Dominowns

Wraaaaaa!!! Suki-Yuki is complete!!! Whooooo!!!!

I seriously hate my voice so much I didn't even want to use it for a backing chorus, and yet I like Roset-chan's voice... Technology is incredible...

Roset-chan chorus. :heart:

Even when I sleep incredibly late, I wake up in the morning... Strange...

November 17th, 2020

Since the year started, I've been repeating a cycle of making a stupidly good song and entering a Beaujolais state where I'm like "I can't possibly make anything better than this." Too unstoppable.

But I need to put in the Roset-chan chorus to finish it... I can't record the Roset-chan chorus in the middle of the night...

I like my Suki-Yuki arrangement so much I keep listening to it, and now it's 3:30 [AM]...

Sometimes you feel restless because you think you have to have the same interests as those around you. But the feeling of liking is a better talent than any other, so you can put all your energy into what you find most sexy. Become a pervert unfalteringly. Please, become a pervert with me. Don't let me be alone.

There are people around the world who are stimulated by things like cars and heavy weapons. That just happens to be music for me.

I can't provide sexy illustrations, but I can provide sexy progressions, so forgive me.

The NSFW images you liked
are appearing on the timeline.
- Roseo [Reference to poet Mitsuo]

Considering even Gold Roger didn't have a virtual body, I've become an entity surpassing Gold Roger.

I've obtained friends I can go on trips with and a virtual body. Can that be defined as everything the world has to offer? Perhaps I'm already practically Gold Roger?

I started 2020 absolutely mentally dead, yet I've had so many wonderful things happen lately, and I'm getting happier and happier... The best...

The time when I was muttering chords to myself while working out the key switching for the guitar chords was when I most intensely felt "why am I broadcasting this scene to all the world?"

Everyone come to Tesroset Transmission... Come to this world brimming with madness... :music score:

I'm always grateful to people who come watch... And more than anything, it's just plain fun...

Big Vtubers getting 5-digit simultaneous viewer counts makes me feel weird, but looking at it rationally, around 200 people watching someone place notes on a piano roll with the mouse and get hyped all by herself is not normal.

The dog next door is howling at an ambulance, which makes me want to play Roset-chan's howl.

Roset-chan only meaning to buy supplies for dinner but wasting money on apple juice... (me)

Roset-chan reheating a discount sealed meal she bought from the supermarket in the microwave and eating it... (me)

CoCo Ichibanya beef curry is godly. I allow myself to get it on days I go to the hospital.

Hospital visit complete. :flex:

Doctor: "Please put on some muscle."

Getting excited over creating things is healthy.

I'm not very knowledgeable about that kind of thing, so for a long time I didn't know the difference between "otome game" [where you date guys] and "gal game" [where you date girls]. But why does the title describe the characters exclusively when it's male-oriented? Shouldn't it be "dono [gentleman] game" instead?

"I like otoge."
Person throwing me for a loop: "Oh yeah, Uta no Prince-sama is good!"
(Which "otoge" is it...??)

Long ago, I had a mismatched conversation where I said I liked rhythm games [otoge], and they thought I meant otome games.

At times when I'm listening to my own songs, I'm like "Huh? Is she a pro?", but I guess I am technically a pro...

I think it's probably like, if you touch kind feelings with thick gloves to make sure you don't get burned, you can't feel yourself touching them and crush them by mistake, which is pretty genius after all... I'm glad...

Sometimes I just write lyrics by feel.

"When feelings are too kind, you can't grab them with mittens" is a really cute lyric, but I still don't quite get what it means.
Incidentally, it's from a song by someone called OSTER.

Listening to yesterday's arrangement and so happy in the moments where I feel confident in my genius.

Did the thing of setting my alarm for 7 and waking up at 6.

November 16th, 2020

I don't know a thing... I'm making big band just on feeling...

I've been asked how you study orchestration, and how DO you study orchestration??? (??)

Really, it's extremely wild that you can make such gorgeous big band music with just a mouse and a computer these days... Glad I was born in this era...

I used a lot of creative energy today, so I might be dead by tomorrow...

I need to finish up some things and get to sleep quick, but I'm so exhausted I can't move from my bed... The act of composition consumes way too much mana.

If I keep up this pace, maybe I'll be Alan Menken in about 5000 years.

This arrangement was truly a labor of love... Glad I put in the effort... I'm so happy I keep getting closer to being able to make my ideal music all on my own.

Stream oveeeeer!!! Unbelievably, it went so well it ended up being the final part... I'll upload the song next month, so look forward to it! :present: Merry Christmas! :christmas tree: :santa:

Entered the last chorus.

Entered the last bridge.

Witness my all-too-genius arrangement. (very proud of it)

Starting really sooooon! Everybody gather roooound!
[Real-Time Composition Stream] Suki! Yuki! Maji-Magic All-Out Arrangement 5 [#TesrosetTransmission]

Only those who stubbornly live until they strike upon happiness become happy.

Stating at 9 PM: From the interlude to the final bridge and chorus!!
[Real-Time Composition Stream] Suki! Yuki! Maji-Magic All-Out Arrangement 5 [#TesrosetTransmission]

Hopefully I can do the night segment around 9 PM.

Stream... over... Sorry for being so exhausted, I'll be back for more tonight!

Getting started.
[Real-Time Composition Stream] Suki! Yuki! Maji-Magic All-Out Arrangement 4 [#TesrosetTransmission]

Perhaps I can release a book of crappy comics before long???

Women with emotional unstability going dimensions beyond "tsundere."

[OSTER: "Do you like meee?" Bayachao: "Hate you."
Bayachao: "I like Kii-chan." (eee eee)
"Our lit-up aspirations become reality~ Our dreams begin now~ Once more to a yet-unseen world~" ♪ Labradorite / OSTER project
Bayachao: "I love you for life..." *tears welling*]

Hope I don't get sleepy.

Starting 3 PM. A rare afternoon stream!
[Real-Time Composition Stream] Suki! Yuki! Maji-Magic All-Out Arrangement 4 [#TesrosetTransmission]

"I've got good news and bad news. Which do you wanna hear first?"
"The good news."
"I was lying about having bad news."

:blue heart: :yellow heart: :red heart:

Eh?! Is it okay if I draw a crappy comic again today?!

Being sexy is a bad thing? That's not it. Turn the feeling of finding things sexy into energy. That is the wondrous power of the Dark Side.

November 15th, 2020

Dunno if I can't sleep or don't wanna sleep.

I'm like, I want to arrange this per my own interpretation because I like it so much, but I like it so much that I dunno where to break it apart and how...

I had the same thought when I remixed murmur twins, but it's such a struggle figuring out how to make an arrangement of a song that's way too good into "something different and good."

Truly, the original is so perfect and good that I'm like, I have to go hard on my strong suits or else there's no point to making it. I'm giving my all...

I'm listening to this a ton to arrange it, but it's really amazing how much happens in it for being a 3 minute 20 second song...
[SNOW MIKU Official Song] Suki! Yuki! Maji-Magic feat. Hatsune Miku [Mitchie M]

Strange... It's almost my birthday, yet I've got no sense of my birthday approaching... Have I lost it after getting too old?

I wanna do collab streams, so I need to look into sending DAW audio to Discord...

Laughing imagining Tesro-sama and Maiken-chan streaming, since it'd probably end up being a plain old stream between the people behind the characters.

It's Tesroset art... Tesroset art drawn by someone besides me... LOVE... :heart:

RT @kiro247 I picture them being about the same height. #TesrosetArt #LostDogArt

[Maiken: "Maiken is bigger!" Tesro: "Only by the ears, tho."]

I can't remember in what way I get stimulated when I'm working alone.

I stream myself getting super stimulated as I make music, but what exactly am I doing when I'm making music by myself...?

Stream's over!!! I panicked as everyone watched my technical difficulties, but I'm super glad I got to make a wild arrangement... I'll continue tomorrow, so I hope you watch! :heart:

[Real-Time Composition Stream] Suki! Yuki! Maji-Magic All-Out Arrangement 3 [#TesrosetTransmission]

It's fiiiiixed! Resuming.

(And now Windows Update's starting...)

Project files get super big, so I had a feeling this might happen someday...

Sorry, had difficulties, I'll reschedule... :crying:

Technical difficulties... :crying:

Starting another night!!
[Real-Time Composition Stream] Suki! Yuki! Maji-Magic All-Out Arrangement 3 [#TesrosetTransmission]

Roset-chan is experiencing stomach pain right now, but I'll do my best to start on time.

Starting tonight at 8PM... Another night of Suki Yuki!
[Real-Time Composition Stream] Suki! Yuki! Maji-Magic All-Out Arrangement 3 [#TesrosetTransmission]

Why do guard characters like that always tend to say stuff like "Hey, woman! This isn't the place for someone like you!"...?

The thing where I'm like "Are you saying you've forgotten the face of your own ruler?" and them apologizing "Huh?!? Oh my! My apologies!!!"

Being told I'm infringing copyright when I upload my own songs to YouTube feels like royalty who disguised themselves as a citizen to act in secret getting stopped by the guards when trying to return to the castle.

Here's this week's.
[Official MV] Love Ward feat. Hatsune Miku

You can write "josei" [woman] and read it as "person," so you can rewrite "I Became Another Person's Girlfriend" [a song by wacci] as "I Became Another Woman's Girlfriend."

Lately I've gotten into a routine of waking up on time in the morning, drawing, napping, making food, making songs, and sleeping.

Babio vanishing into darkness was clearly the climax of the trip.

I want to say I've actually heard of a water allergy, but how do you live like that...

Life seems hard for people with a lot of squicks. If you got squicked out by oxygen or water or something, you wouldn't be able to live...

Composition streams are also a lot of fun for letting me broadcast my emotions to the world... Not sure if I'm actually sharing my emotions with anybody, but... Yeah, if I had to say, maybe the majority of people are just enjoying watching this strange beast who's stimulated by music...

Of course I love experiencing nature and eating local delicacies and everything, but I have a super-strong desire to share the joy of those things with others...

I think you can definitely divide people into factions on this, but I suppose people who're able to enjoy trips by themselves find where they go more important than who they go with.

It's overwhelmingly more important to me who I go with on trips than where...

I can't stop thinking about the trip, so I've become a mass producer of trip comics.

[OSTER: "What're Elsa's clothes like?"
OSTER: "They're L-size!!" Kii: "Gyahahahaha!"
Bayachao: "Not funny."
Bayachao: "Not remotely funny."]

I like how dog-like this Roset-chan is.

I'm having the most fun when I'm making crude drawings.

November 14th, 2020

I hardly know any songs that use progressions like this... I wanna know about more...

Don't you think it's a sexy progression? Could you guys keep a straight face making something like this? Really??

Tesro-sama making an extremely sexy progression and getting super stimulated but doing their best to refrain from shouting late at night and being a nuisance to the neighbors. #TesrosetTransmission

If I were singing or something, I'd get that, but having 150 people come to a stream of me quietly clicking around a piano roll to compose a song is too amazing.

Summary of today. Absolutely vile reharmonization of the back half of the chorus. #TesrosetTransmission #Dominowns

Stream's over! Managed to finish up to the end of the first chorus! Long way to go!!

Getting started!!
[Real-Time Composition Stream] Suki! Yuki! Maji-Magic All-Out Arrangement 2 [#TesrosetTransmission]

Tesro-sama is currently suffering from stomach pain, so apologies, but the stream might start a little late. Best of luck, Tesro.

When you gaze long into the abyss, the abyss gets shy. How cute.

Love Prison also has #9 in the chorus.

Normal person: "What kind of music do you like?"
Pervert (me): "Music that goes to a #9 when the melody's swelling..."

Forgot to include it, but it's starting at 8 PM!

"Suki-Yuki tonight!"
"Sukiyaki tonight, huh..."
"No, tonight is... Suki-Yuki!!! :cow: :snowflake: :snowman:"
[Real-Time Composition Stream] Suki! Yuki! Maji-Magic All-Out Arrangement 2 [#TesrosetTransmission]

So you have to get 100,000 subscribers for an official checkmark on YouTube, huh...

November 13th, 2020

F#m7-5 is a bottom.

[OSTER project]
A poet who expressed types of liking as colors, and the mixing of different colors making a muddy black.

Before the different-colored "likes"
Mix together and turn black,
You said you loved me,
Still being my kind self
The woman I want to untie these fingers
Should listen to Friendship
[VOCALOID] Friendship [Kagamine Rin]

I opened up iTunes and it came up with the songs we listened to together on the trip, and I'm gonna cry. (emotionally unstable)

Getting tired of your own songs is fatal...

I've felt that so many of my past self's songs have simple progressions anybody could come up with, and I've had times where I felt my expressiveness so lacking I wanted to quit, but I'm glad I didn't.

I do also think that maybe my music was simpler and thus easier to listen to back when I couldn't do a lot, though.

I believe I'll be announcing one wild-ass song after another soon, so make sure to prepare a fresh pair of underwear.

My current music is the result of evolving through trial and error, so I'm super happy if you like my recent songs.

People say "OSTER-san's songs never change," but musically, I'm changing a ton, and I can do lots of stuff I couldn't do in the past, so it's fun making music.

I wanna cry with everyone ASAP, but I'm crying alone... How lonely...

I'm gonna cry over how good these unreleased songs are, but they're not released yet, so I'm gonna cry.

Made a lot of good songs again this year...

I feel most alive when I'm reharmonizing.

And when I am making a song, I opt for doing reharmonization, the most fun stuff... Can't do that... Gotta leave that for streams...

I thought "I've gotta make a song" and grabbed my tablet pen... I'm sick...

Why Vol. 1...??

Uh, if anybody knows what's going on, I'd like to know. [Screenshots of two messages notifying her that OSTER-san's CD Vol. 1 has ranked 23rd in Vietnam and 57th in China on the anime album charts.]

It's best to live life considering that the people who made the "I could never make this" song probably also couldn't make songs like yours.

When I hear an awesome song, I'm like "It's so amazing I could never make it in my life...", but when I make a good song, I'm like "My songs ain't too shabby either..."

I'm always doing so much weird stuff that I have a tendency to forget my main occupation.

[Jun: "It'll work out. For clearing it in 23 moves, OSTER, you're like a musician, hop!"]
I do technically have that as my main occupation.

I think whoever wrote the lyric "The antiseptic of the word "love" seeps in and stings" is a genius.
It was this person called OSTER.

I'm a crappy comic creator.

LOLing at the thumbnail crop. [Which is exactly the final panel.]

Crappy reserved bath comic. #TesrosetArt #MakemonArt #LostDogArt

["Reserved bath, yaaaaay!" ↑Disappears after this
*squeeze squeeze squeeze...* (grabbing stomachs for some reason) OSTER: "Wooow, Babichao, your stomach is so big! ♥" Bayachao: "Nah, yours is bigger, isn't it? ♥"
OSTER: "I'll kill you."
Kii: "Just what... are these people...?" (dadadada, dadadada... da-dah!)]

I'm under a curse where I have to draw one crappy comic every day.

November 12th, 2020

Whether it's rice or bread or yuri or BL, I like anything that's tasty!!!!

Nobody says "You say you like rice, so does that mean you hate bread?", so isn't it strange how often people are like "You say you like yuri, so does that mean you hate BL?"???

Forget public stances. Fistfight with your true feelings.

True thoughts: "I'm more charmed by connections between hearts and the intersection of lives than surface-level fetishism."
True thoughts: "I love girls on a bed telling each other they're cute."
Public thoughts: "null"

:christmas tree:

The trip's over, but I'm carrying this around.

It makes a nice smell when you cook onions in butter.

Laughing at how hardly anything has changed since the previous comic.

Crappy birthday month comic 2. #TesrosetArt

[Tesro: (For real though, can't think of what to give her for her birthday...)
Tesro: "She reeks like a dog sometimes, so maybe she'd like perfume or somethin'? (Dolce & Gabanna~♪ Is pretty pricey, huh~♪) But I've got no clue what sorta scent she'd like..."
Tesro: (Guess I'll ask indirectly.) "Hey, Roset, what kinda smells you like? (super-direct)"
Roset: "The smell of onions cooked in butter..." Tesro: "Go cook 'em yourself then." (12 days until birthday)]

November 11th, 2020

I mean, I've been making music for 20 years and still have a lot of moments of excitement, which makes me think of myself as an incredible pervert and genius.

Finding things you like and can become absorbed in is also effort... I don't want to be the kind of irresponsible person who doesn't bother and never gets absorbed in anything...

I think artistic skill is more about your ability to have fun or like doing it more than anything technical, and that part's more important than anything. If you don't have that talent for enjoying, you need to make up for it via efforts to make it enjoyable...

I crawl along suffering just to grasp moments of enjoyment... But I'm always thinking how it's not like I need to suffer or else, 'cause I'd have no qualms having fun the whole way through...

When people can create just from a feeling of enjoyment, I think that's an amazing talent you should cherish.

When you create a lot of things, you feel like "There's not a single thing I can easily just make and have fun with," but I can endure the suffering for those moments of "This is fun!", and I tend to forget that suffering and try things again.

A Vtuber who draws comics and makes music.

The three dog sisters get along very well.

As far as I got today. #Domniowns

Stream over!!! Good work me!! It came out super well, so my energy was shooting through the roof over and over!!

Still going!!!

[Real-Time Composition Stream] Suki! Yuki! Maji-Magic All-Out Arrangement [#TesrosetTransmission]

Boy, this is an unprecedented amount of stream nervousness... To do someone else's song... I'll do my best...

Tonight, starting 8:30, I'm going to do an arrangement of Mitchie M-san's "Suki! Yuki! Maji-Magic"!!! Look forward to it!!
[Real-Time Composition Stream] Suki! Yuki! Maji-Magic All-Out Arrangement [#TesrosetTransmission]

[Retweeting the remix stream announcement] Doing this tonight! I'll reveal what the song is once I schedule the stream. :clap:

Crappy comic of an authentic trip report. #TesrosetArt #MakemonArt #LostDogArt

[Day 2, On the Train. OSTER: "It's exhausting when you're having a fun time, huh?" Bayachao: "Well then, should we make it ominous?" OSTER: "Why's that?"
Bayachao: "Y'know, the truth is, I despise you."
OSTER: "Really?! I hate you too!"
Both: "Whaaat, we're so totally alike, I love iiiiit!"
Kii: "What does "ominous" mean?"]

November 10th, 2020

I don't know whether my art can truly be called art. (negative)

Pant, pant... Drew art... I'll post it when there are more people around... [3:57 AM]

Looking back through trip photos and grinning.

Happiness is having pride in being nuts.

Life's definitely more fun if you're nuts, so everyone should go nuts.

No matter how I look at it, a car of three women singing enthusiastically to the Okaasan to Issho music playing in the car was definitely abnormal.

I'm careful not to make dirty jokes on streams, and I'm careful to make dirty jokes when meeting up with girls. (???)

Please wait patiently while imagining what song it could be. :thought bubble: (Hint: Vocaloid song)

It's Christmas next month, so I'd like to do streams where I make a remix of a certain song. :cake: :christmas tree: :turkey leg: :bell:
Aiming to do the first episode tomorrow! Look forward to it!

I can't stop sneezing, so stop saying rumors about me.

Won't Bemani songs please go on subscription services...?

It was a dream, but it wasn't a dream... The Three Dog Sisters trip was super fun! I'll turn the wonderful time we spent into wonderful creations! :flex: :explosion:

Perhaps because of partying too hard on the trip, I've got mysterious bruises on my body.

November 9th, 2020

Are people who see you being a noisy dumbass and be a noisy dumbass back great or what... Glad I was born a dumbass... (dumbass)

Wanna summarize my personal favorite scenes in a crappy comic.

These three days have been such an information overload my brain can't keep up, but if one thing is certain, it's that it was a happy time... LOVE

The trip lasts until I get back home.

["I'm the guardian deity of Fox Village. Now, come in!"]

Saw the maples.

November 8th, 2020

Can no longer make any expression but this.

Girls' Trip (all of them are elementary-school boys)

November 7th, 2020

What happens at night when three women go to a hot spring ryokan → Mutual killing

We're holding an event. #TesrosetArt #LostDogArt #MakemonArt

[Three-Dog-Sisters-Only Event: BKOket in Miyagi (BKO = Bayachao, Kii, OSTER)]

Graves of the three dog sisters.

You can't even put Print Club photos on your phone battery pack anymore...

Yet while some things disappear, new technology and culture can lead to new opportunities for things to be sublimated into moe.

Putting your favorite songs on a cassette tape or flipping between A-side and B-side already don't work in lyrics...

If wired earbuds go extinct, subjects such as cords getting tangled in your bag or two people sharing earbuds with their faces close won't work in lyrics anymore, which is sad to think about.

The day I've been looking forward to every day for a month has finally come, and the thought that it'll be over has me feeling lonely already.

OSTER-san is early to rise.
