OSTER project's Twitter

Translations of tweets from @fuwacina. For an archive of other Vocaloid-related Twitters I no longer keep up with, go here.

November 12th, 2020

Whether it's rice or bread or yuri or BL, I like anything that's tasty!!!!

Nobody says "You say you like rice, so does that mean you hate bread?", so isn't it strange how often people are like "You say you like yuri, so does that mean you hate BL?"???

Forget public stances. Fistfight with your true feelings.

True thoughts: "I'm more charmed by connections between hearts and the intersection of lives than surface-level fetishism."
True thoughts: "I love girls on a bed telling each other they're cute."
Public thoughts: "null"

:christmas tree:

The trip's over, but I'm carrying this around.

It makes a nice smell when you cook onions in butter.

Laughing at how hardly anything has changed since the previous comic.

Crappy birthday month comic 2. #TesrosetArt

[Tesro: (For real though, can't think of what to give her for her birthday...)
Tesro: "She reeks like a dog sometimes, so maybe she'd like perfume or somethin'? (Dolce & Gabanna~♪ Is pretty pricey, huh~♪) But I've got no clue what sorta scent she'd like..."
Tesro: (Guess I'll ask indirectly.) "Hey, Roset, what kinda smells you like? (super-direct)"
Roset: "The smell of onions cooked in butter..." Tesro: "Go cook 'em yourself then." (12 days until birthday)]

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