OSTER project's Twitter

Translations of tweets from @fuwacina. For an archive of other Vocaloid-related Twitters I no longer keep up with, go here.

November 13th, 2020

F#m7-5 is a bottom.

[OSTER project]
A poet who expressed types of liking as colors, and the mixing of different colors making a muddy black.

Before the different-colored "likes"
Mix together and turn black,
You said you loved me,
Still being my kind self
The woman I want to untie these fingers
Should listen to Friendship
[VOCALOID] Friendship [Kagamine Rin]

I opened up iTunes and it came up with the songs we listened to together on the trip, and I'm gonna cry. (emotionally unstable)

Getting tired of your own songs is fatal...

I've felt that so many of my past self's songs have simple progressions anybody could come up with, and I've had times where I felt my expressiveness so lacking I wanted to quit, but I'm glad I didn't.

I do also think that maybe my music was simpler and thus easier to listen to back when I couldn't do a lot, though.

I believe I'll be announcing one wild-ass song after another soon, so make sure to prepare a fresh pair of underwear.

My current music is the result of evolving through trial and error, so I'm super happy if you like my recent songs.

People say "OSTER-san's songs never change," but musically, I'm changing a ton, and I can do lots of stuff I couldn't do in the past, so it's fun making music.

I wanna cry with everyone ASAP, but I'm crying alone... How lonely...

I'm gonna cry over how good these unreleased songs are, but they're not released yet, so I'm gonna cry.

Made a lot of good songs again this year...

I feel most alive when I'm reharmonizing.

And when I am making a song, I opt for doing reharmonization, the most fun stuff... Can't do that... Gotta leave that for streams...

I thought "I've gotta make a song" and grabbed my tablet pen... I'm sick...

Why Vol. 1...??

Uh, if anybody knows what's going on, I'd like to know. [Screenshots of two messages notifying her that OSTER-san's CD Vol. 1 has ranked 23rd in Vietnam and 57th in China on the anime album charts.]

It's best to live life considering that the people who made the "I could never make this" song probably also couldn't make songs like yours.

When I hear an awesome song, I'm like "It's so amazing I could never make it in my life...", but when I make a good song, I'm like "My songs ain't too shabby either..."

I'm always doing so much weird stuff that I have a tendency to forget my main occupation.

[Jun: "It'll work out. For clearing it in 23 moves, OSTER, you're like a musician, hop!"]
I do technically have that as my main occupation.

I think whoever wrote the lyric "The antiseptic of the word "love" seeps in and stings" is a genius.
It was this person called OSTER.

I'm a crappy comic creator.

LOLing at the thumbnail crop. [Which is exactly the final panel.]

Crappy reserved bath comic. #TesrosetArt #MakemonArt #LostDogArt

["Reserved bath, yaaaaay!" ↑Disappears after this
*squeeze squeeze squeeze...* (grabbing stomachs for some reason) OSTER: "Wooow, Babichao, your stomach is so big! ♥" Bayachao: "Nah, yours is bigger, isn't it? ♥"
OSTER: "I'll kill you."
Kii: "Just what... are these people...?" (dadadada, dadadada... da-dah!)]

I'm under a curse where I have to draw one crappy comic every day.

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