OSTER project's Twitter

Translations of tweets from @fuwacina. For an archive of other Vocaloid-related Twitters I no longer keep up with, go here.

November 11th, 2020

I mean, I've been making music for 20 years and still have a lot of moments of excitement, which makes me think of myself as an incredible pervert and genius.

Finding things you like and can become absorbed in is also effort... I don't want to be the kind of irresponsible person who doesn't bother and never gets absorbed in anything...

I think artistic skill is more about your ability to have fun or like doing it more than anything technical, and that part's more important than anything. If you don't have that talent for enjoying, you need to make up for it via efforts to make it enjoyable...

I crawl along suffering just to grasp moments of enjoyment... But I'm always thinking how it's not like I need to suffer or else, 'cause I'd have no qualms having fun the whole way through...

When people can create just from a feeling of enjoyment, I think that's an amazing talent you should cherish.

When you create a lot of things, you feel like "There's not a single thing I can easily just make and have fun with," but I can endure the suffering for those moments of "This is fun!", and I tend to forget that suffering and try things again.

A Vtuber who draws comics and makes music.

The three dog sisters get along very well.

As far as I got today. #Domniowns

Stream over!!! Good work me!! It came out super well, so my energy was shooting through the roof over and over!!

Still going!!!

[Real-Time Composition Stream] Suki! Yuki! Maji-Magic All-Out Arrangement [#TesrosetTransmission]

Boy, this is an unprecedented amount of stream nervousness... To do someone else's song... I'll do my best...

Tonight, starting 8:30, I'm going to do an arrangement of Mitchie M-san's "Suki! Yuki! Maji-Magic"!!! Look forward to it!!
[Real-Time Composition Stream] Suki! Yuki! Maji-Magic All-Out Arrangement [#TesrosetTransmission]

[Retweeting the remix stream announcement] Doing this tonight! I'll reveal what the song is once I schedule the stream. :clap:

Crappy comic of an authentic trip report. #TesrosetArt #MakemonArt #LostDogArt

[Day 2, On the Train. OSTER: "It's exhausting when you're having a fun time, huh?" Bayachao: "Well then, should we make it ominous?" OSTER: "Why's that?"
Bayachao: "Y'know, the truth is, I despise you."
OSTER: "Really?! I hate you too!"
Both: "Whaaat, we're so totally alike, I love iiiiit!"
Kii: "What does "ominous" mean?"]

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