OSTER project's Twitter

Translations of tweets from @fuwacina. For an archive of other Vocaloid-related Twitters I no longer keep up with, go here.

November 7th, 2020

What happens at night when three women go to a hot spring ryokan → Mutual killing

We're holding an event. #TesrosetArt #LostDogArt #MakemonArt

[Three-Dog-Sisters-Only Event: BKOket in Miyagi (BKO = Bayachao, Kii, OSTER)]

Graves of the three dog sisters.

You can't even put Print Club photos on your phone battery pack anymore...

Yet while some things disappear, new technology and culture can lead to new opportunities for things to be sublimated into moe.

Putting your favorite songs on a cassette tape or flipping between A-side and B-side already don't work in lyrics...

If wired earbuds go extinct, subjects such as cords getting tangled in your bag or two people sharing earbuds with their faces close won't work in lyrics anymore, which is sad to think about.

The day I've been looking forward to every day for a month has finally come, and the thought that it'll be over has me feeling lonely already.

OSTER-san is early to rise.

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