OSTER project's Twitter

Translations of tweets from @fuwacina. For an archive of other Vocaloid-related Twitters I no longer keep up with, go here.

November 6th, 2020

OSTERian (alien race)

It could only end in me making a tag like "TeRorists Assemble" and getting my account frozen by Twitter.

I'm jealous of people who have a name for the way they call for fans, but all I can think of is like, taking the first characters from Tesro and Roset to make "TeRorist"... It's over...

The Yahoo-Auctioned Neverland ["yakusoku" vs. "Yahuoku"]

Just as I was enjoying the aroma of tea, my cat took a poop. :mad:

When they're starting out, nobody can do nothin'.

Don't envy people who can do stuff, stubbornly try your best until you can do it.

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