OSTER project's Twitter

Translations of tweets from @fuwacina. For an archive of other Vocaloid-related Twitters I no longer keep up with, go here.

November 5th, 2020

I'll just get ready for bed today and wake up early tomorrow.

There's so much I should get done by tomorrow, I'll definitely never finish... Why... Why did this happen...

Compared to Kiritan and Cat and Balloons, this was actually relatively easy.

Passenger Seat Road Movie was an unbelievably good song.

Stream finished! It took 3 hours to write the chord sheet... A job well done.

Starting now!
[OSTER Song Chord Analysis Stream] Passenger Seat Road Movie Edition [#TesrosetTransmission]

One hell of a sigh.


Tonight, starting at 8:30, I stream the suffering that is me analyzing the chords of a song I created myself into the world.
[OSTER Song Chord Analysis Stream] Passenger Seat Road Movie Edition [#TesrosetTransmission]

With that said, tonight I'm doing an OSTER-song chord analysis stream. (just having people watch over the process of writing sheet music)

My knowledge of chord progressions is kindergartener-level, so sometimes I don't notice the composite notes overlapping and write unnecessary stuff... (like C9/D)

So wait, basically, if you remove the root of a 9, it's a half-diminished...? I didn't realize this at all...

I wonder if there are religious sects based upon whether you interpret "dim" as dim7 or mb5.

Recently I realized that if you put a b9 on a 7, it forms a dim. (thought it was a dim slash chord, but it was a b9)

Don't go off and kill Hermione like that.

Twilight Diary - RYUTist
The suddenness of the second chord (#9??) in the first verse is wild. How wild? To put it in layman's terms for those who don't know much about music, it's as wild as if Hermione suddenly died around the start of Chamber of Secrets or Prisoner of Azkaban.

Blushing from all these compliments...

RT @hukkatunomaya OSTER-san:
Good at art. Good at making videos. Ridiculously good at making worlds, and it's so comfortable getting punched to death by all of her favorite things in 3 to 4 minute songs. She's even pretty great at streaming games. I listen to her when I wanna draw cute art of outdoors places like France or something, or girls wearing cute clothes.

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