OSTER project's Twitter

Translations of tweets from @fuwacina. For an archive of other Vocaloid-related Twitters I no longer keep up with, go here.

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May 18th, 2020

I hope they implement a Nook Stop function to convert from Bells to yen.

If you don't have money, you can't even buy your own life. Money is the foundation of everything you can gain from there, so you at least need money to buy things after all. End of explanation.

There certainly may be things money can't buy, but I think most things in the world are "things you need money to buy."

I want to tell this to all young people. Life isn't all about money. The most important thing in life is cash.

May 15th, 2020

Oh no! It's the end of the line for my trusty flimsy human...

May 14th, 2020

My theory is that 70% of people who say they like neat and tidy people just like the disparity when someone neat and tidy is being lewd.

[Jun: "Oh, it's 3:22? I bet there's a pervy yuri competition being held in Iruma, Saitama right around now..." (Iruma, Saitama? / Huh?)]
Spreading false rumors.

[Jun: "Don't you feel kinda restless when you're in close contact with someone?" (I do / I don't)]
Social distancing.

May 12th, 2020

Which looks like it tops to you, :whale: or :dolphin:? Probably :dolphin:, right? I think it'd be good if they took turns. :dolphin: :whale: :whale: :dolphin:

May 11th, 2020

Medicine's expensive. :sniffle:

Hey, my mask's getting pretty stuffy
Hurry and say my name

Hey, I've been waiting so long
Hey, I want to hear your voice
Hurry and say my name
With your voice, say my name
♪ An Hour in the Hospital Waiitng Room

May 10th, 2020

"10 Essential Steps For Counting From 1 to 10"
1. 1
2. 2
3. 3
4. 4
5. 5
6. 6
7. 7
8. 8
9. 9
10. 10
What did you think?

I'm sure theory super comes in handy for taking a closer look at this and organizing things neatly... I say, still not studying it.

And when you make songs by feel and use your ears to judge, you can't tell if it's muddy or emo, so making fancy songs is hard and wears at your nerves.

To put it in simple terms for those who don't make music, if you use the sounds that make up fancy chords just right, it sounds super fancy, but if you make a misstep, it just sounds grody, which is what makes them hard to use. I'll sum it up in a video sometime if I have time.

A stylish song quickly becomes muddy with one wrong step.

Just like how artists worry "I dunno if the perspective here is right..." when they're drawing, music creators worry "I dunno if this part is muddy..." when they're making music.

Maybe some of it is bias in the works I've consumed, but I don't get much of a moe feeling from master-servant relationships, and desire equal relationships instead...

My brain is glitching out due to quarantine, so I'm fantasizing about Miku-chan, Rin-chan, and me driving to the shopping mall and looking at accessories and clothes together and eating in the food court and taking selfies together...

I just want to be normal, equal-footing friends with Miku-chan and Rin-chan.

This is gonna sound gross, but I'm a dreamer girl who doesn't want Miku-chan and Rin-chan to call me "Master," but my real name plus "-chan."

[Jun: "I hear people who like being told "good girl" are unsatisfied people who want to grab chests! For real?"]
For real.

May 9th, 2020

[Jun: "It's Sunday, hop. I guess it might be good sometimes to forget about paying taxes and thoroughly indulge in napping."]

I can't fully explain with words the sensations I have when I listen to music, and there's no guarantee we'll even feel similar ways listening to the same thing, but nevertheless, I release my strongest fetishism into the world through songs...

I wanted to say that I like chords that aren't merely doing something unusual, but also have a sense of meaning, but to my chagrin, my lack of knowledge meant I couldn't concretely explain what I meant at all... Jazzy stuff? What even is the music I like.

Music is made of a bunch of elements, and I'm sure different people listen to and like different parts, but I've always had an abnormal fetishism for chords that led to making songs like these.

Thanks to my illness that kills me if I'm not doing something weird, I might not be able to make songs like my old ones anymore.

I'm steadily becoming unable to make normal songs...

May 8th, 2020

If you tighten the noose around others, it's your neck it's gonna tighten around in the end.

I have a song called Tapioca New Year, and beneath the pretense of just being a silly song, this is basically what it's saying. Recognizing differences isn't for other people's sake, it can make life easier for you too.

I kind of can't trust someone who'd witness someone else's happiness and say out loud "that's strange" or "that's wrong"... Even if their definition of happiness differs from yours, you're not them, so what the hell else can you say but "I guess you are happy"?

The moment someone tries to judge whether another person's happiness is good or bad, I'm always like "Do you need someone's permission to live happily? What kind of person has the right to give that permission? And what do they matter to me?"

Man, I really feel that lately, lol... I wanna treasure the people who listen...

[Retweets a comic about Miku. When Miku shows up, people take notice - but when she announces she's here to sing a new song, they lose interest and leave. However, a few excited fans remain, which encourages her.]

May 7th, 2020

Don't you ever get Clint Eastwood and Vivienne Westwood mixed up?!

Since I've done programming in that way, when using After Effects, I rack my brain trying to make things as easy as possible with Expressions.

MIDI inputting can also be considered programming in a broad sense.

May 6th, 2020

And with that intense preface out of the way, I'll finally express my values: I prefer big boobs.

If you're too afraid of being disliked, you'll hold yourself back for protection. When I think about whether someone who lived like that to their grave would've had a happy life, my self-control-hating self is like "Nooooo!"

There are as many sets of values as there are people, so showing your own values creates opportunites for others to think "that's not for me." However, it also makes opportunities for people to agree. I think it can probably be worthwhile to present yourself just the right amount. That's social media for you.

Despite knowing that whenever I state any kind of opinion, some will like it and some won't, there are moments where as a human I can't help wanting to speak my thoughts. Which is the opinion I just stated.

With unkempt hair due to staying home and being unable to visit a beauty parlor, wearing absolutely no makeup and loungewear from Uniqlo, I'm making a song with off-the-charts girl power.

It's good to like yourself for endeavoring to like yourself.

I have an incredible interest in myself, so I could name 100 things I like and 100 things I dislike.

Whenever I see someone making fun of others for saying they like themselves, my mind wanders wondering what's fun about a life where you can't like yourself. It's fun if you can like yourself, try it.

[Jun: "It'll work out, hop. Your luck today is "unlucky," bun! It's a certain white cat [Toro]'s birthday today, hop! I wonder if he'd be happy if we went girl-eating together..."]
You should refrain from wording it like that.

May 5th, 2020

I don't think it's kindness to be self-deriding and put other people before yourself. If you're kind, ya gotta include yourself in the list of people to be kind to.

Can't they just abolish the system of age and let everybody be high school girls? Like, LOL.

Also, no matter how old I get, I'll never call myself an "old fart" 'til I'm in the grave... Calling other people that is outrageous as it is, but using it for yourself ends up including and dissing others too, so don't carelessly say negative words like that. Well, but I'm still in high school, so I don't need to worry about that for a while yet.

Calling yourself a "fatty" can hurt people who weigh more than you, so I'm a beautiful supermodel born of sympathetic feelings.

May 4th, 2020

The composer grows the veggies, the arranger cooks them, and it goes on the plate the lyricist made. If you do all that yourself, 'course it'll be exhausting. I'm doing all that myself, so I'm exhausted.

Delicious vegetables can be super delicious on their own, but the range of flavors can be vastly broadened through cooking. Wanna have pie?

If anyone ever asks what the job of an arranger is, I think the best way to put it is that if a composer is someone who grows vegetables, an arranger is someone who cooks vegetables.

It's Air Comiket Day 3 ["virtual" Comiket, essentially], so I'm taking part with my cosplay of air.

It's not like there's a rule against going outside without making or anything, sure... But people get lazy if they're not given impetus.

I'm gonna forget how to use makeup soon...

May 3rd, 2020

[Jun: "Okay, let's pervy yuri together!"]
You make it sound like you're going to grab a snack...

["CONGRATULATIONS! Cleared Puzzle Level 800!"]
I'm getting work done. Good for me.

When I start thinking about the loneliness of humans, it makes me want to flap my limbs around and whine about the unreasonable nature of living in this world, so I try to avert my eyes as much as possible.

Words aren't tools that can represent feelings exactly either, so even with the best communication currently available to humanity, humans are outrageously alone. This is getting heavy, so I'm gonna stop. Wonder if my boobs can get heavy.

Though it's because of that looseness that I'll be eternally fighting against the worry of no one agreeing with what I think is beautiful.

Of course the tone is important, but I'd have to say I put emphasis on the feeling of the chords and phrases... Though even within that, there's a lot of sensations I can't possibly explain but just kinda like. What's neat about art is how it takes individual sensitivities as input, so the standards are incredibly loose.

Even if I say I like fancy songs, there are all sorts of elements it could be, like the tone, or the lyrics, or the style, so just saying I like fancy songs alone might not get across what I mean at all.

[Jun: "My job of grabbing chests at Steak Gusto was fun..."]
Stay home.

May 2nd, 2020

I want to make girls feel glad they're girls. :ribbon:

RT @zhelobok #OSTERsMostGeniusLyrics They're all so good that I can't name just one, but... There are a lot of her lyrics that make me glad to be a girl!! :ribbon:

I'm sorry for planting bombs in all of your memories.

Maybe if it weren't for the second chorus lyrics, the bitter medicine and painful injections would just be taken literally, but I'm sorry to say that song is nothing but metaphors.

I sometimes get people telling me they didn't realize it listening to my songs long ago, but listening to them again as adults, they're like "these are some wild lyrics, huh." That's right, everyone's become adults. That's what becoming an adult is.

Love Ward is a pretty lusty lover-stealing story, but the parts that make it seem like a cute song get you feeling like you were unwittingly fed poison!

Whale Rider and Dolphin Jet comic when?

I'd say the perviest part of Dolphin Jet is "try checking the switch," but what do you think?

If I tried to give a serious explanation of Dolphin Jet, I feel like my account would be locked, so I'll take my Dolphin Jet explanation to the grave.

[Toro, Jun, Ricky, Pierre, and R-Suzuki: "Let's kiiiss!"]
They're pretty pent up from self-quarantine.

It's sad to think I've reached an age where it doesn't make me happy or anything, but truly just makes me think "why?"

(Buying beer at the supermarket)
Clerk: "Do you have an ID to prove your age?"
Me in my 20's: "They saw me as young... :smiling face:"
Me in my 30's: "Why???????"

May 1st, 2020

Me giving a Bloom Into You presentation on a group call: "Sayaka Saeki is Tokugawa Ieyasu, Yuu Koito is Toyotomi Hideyoshi, Maki-kun is Hisoka."

Thanks for 10000000000 likes.

[Retweeting the Marunouchi video] As an addendum for RTers going "I don't know what's going on": I also don't know what's going on.

I sometime see people who aren't familiar with me be like "Theory-knowers are somethin' else!", but I am! A feeling-rider! We're no different! Let us shake hands! And share our suffering as fellow feeling-riders!

All the chords are written out there in the video, but I'm not conscious of chords at all when I'm making it, and just putting in the sounds I'm imagining in my head, so what I'm actually doing is looking at the finished progression and figuring out the names of everything one by one to make a video of it... Don't know theory.

I occasionally stream composing work to get the feeling that I'm working hard and making music. Please do come watch.

I think I've always had a complex about only faintly feeling like I'm actually making music. And about never properly studying music at a music college or vocational school. So in that case I should study it myself, geez, but I can't sustain any effort to, so I'm just beyond help...

When I bring up how I have no idea what keys to press on a keyboard to make the sound I'm imagining, people look at me like I'm an alien, but to me, people who know that doing such and such will cause this sound are superhumans from another dimension.

Even if chord explanations write the scale, I can't play the sound in my head, so I don't know what it sounds like until I play it, which is just plain inconvenient. But I have no desire to train myself either. Truly lazy. :sloth:

April 30th, 2020

The videos I upload to Twitter are focused on showing my techniques, so they're musically busy. If you like them, I'd be very happy if you listened to my actual songs as well. They're available all sorts of places! :music note:

I think properly studying theory is a shortcut. Being a lazy slacker, I made music following my feelings for 20 years, and matured into a Galapagos pervert... I'll continue to walk my own unique path of perversion.

It's been about 20 years since I started making music, but I want to have at least a little pride in where I'm at now, using a mouse the whole time, only ever self-taught, and keeping the same style. I couldn't think about chords like this from the start, but there's a lot more I can see now compared to before!

You might think the more complex a chord progression is, the better, but the more complex a chord progression is, the better.

In analyzing the chords for this, I've established that I use minor major seventh flat fives.

A minor seventh flat five is a half-diminished, but what's a minor major seventh flat five called? Do you just say it like that? Like it's your regular order at Starbucks?

I like my songs, so I want to hear my songs made by a bunch of different people... (???)

Lately, I've had an interest in going like "Normally there'd be a minor here, right? Guess what, I'll make it a major. Bet this'd usually be a major seventh, but I'll make it a regular seventh," etc., and emo things happening or not happening as a result.

Not knowing theory, it's nice when I can at least find patterns and express them in my own words. Like "the pre-landing aug."

Sometimes I get asked "why did you go with this chord here?", but all I can answer is "it felt emo," sorry...

What sorts of standard progressions, you ask? Uh, try Googling it...

It's fun to do a sort of "custom recipe" for chord progressions... Like "how shall I make the Canon chords my own?"

Incidentally, if you watch this video, you can understand how to read chords in 2 minutes.
Roughly Explaining Super Simple Chord-Reading #3.5

As in this video, it feels like most chord progressions that look complicated are made up of simple standard progressions.

I made a video where Marunouchi Sadistic becomes more and more OSTER-style. #Dominowns

I'll probably agonize over it for life, but I also think it'd be the end if I stopped agonizing over it. If you always think you're the greatest, what are you supposed to aim for? The fact you can't reach greatness means you can strive for greatness.

I often go "I can't even do this? I'm not cut out for music, stop it already...", but maybe I keep going anyway because that's all I've got left.

But when it concerns yourself, you do tend to focus on the areas where you're lacking. I know the feeling of worrying that you're not good at something everyone else is. But if you let that make you give up entirely, you're also giving up the things you're good at and like, which is a huge waste.

I think it's fine to find one thing you're good at and brute force your way with it. You don't need to use complex chords; if you can distinguish yourself with the way you make or arrange sounds, go for it. There's no one answer.

I'm super bad at making sound and mixing, and I also lack the interest to work on those. But thinking of chords and phrases is my strong suit, so I run all the way with that to make the songs I do, and I keep going with the hope that it'll reach people who like that kind of thing.

It's best to believe that there's no such thing as a person who can call everything their strong suit. If you focus on a single weakness and be like "I'm not cut out for this," you'll make your strengths cry...

April 29th, 2020

I'm here... I'm right here...

Twitter's weird.

The timeline's doing a thing, so I'll upload this video some other time.

So is the timeline back now? Or not?

Making a dirty joke while Twitter's being funky and getting a weak response makes me horribly lonely, so stop it...

I'm not getting any notifications at all, so I thought I'd been abandoned, but Twitter's just busted...

April 28th, 2020

Just take my word for it - instead of playing the basic root note with your left hand, it sounds kinda fancy if you just play the seventh instead, so everyone should try it out.

It's the thing where if you play a seventh with your left hand, it's kind of fancy-like, and also the thing where you play G and F with the left hand and Dbm with the right. I'm using a mouse, so my hands aren't actually on a keyboard, but.

F, Db, E, Ab, and the bass is G... What even is that?

I don't understand the chords of my own progressions.

April 27th, 2020

I'm facing a pot boiling at 1 AM and chanting "Become tasty...", so I'm pretty sure I qualify as a witch. :witch:

When people claim "double standards" about people who have conflicting emotions, I think they're just under a mistaken impression that they're living without contradictions themselves. Though actually, no, I don't think having two conflicting emotions at the same time is a contradiction at all!

But you kinda wanna push through that conflict to proudly put the end result out into the world like "This is the ultimate art in the universe!!", right???

Schrödinger's Creator

I think creators are creatures in two overlapping states: thinking they're geniuses, and thinking they're hopelessly lacking talent.

A Hollywood movie where if I don't make a tweet that gets over 1000 likes every 3 days, the bus with hostages on it explodes.

I did good staying indoors on sunny Saturday, so even though it's raining, I'm gonna go for a walk... Gotta recover mentally or else.

April 26th, 2020

Spaghetti Challenge

I'm behind the times, so until a few months ago, I thought SpaCha [Super Chat, donating to streamers on YouTube] was a weapon in Splatoon.

However nice the weather is, there are a lot of people out on Saturdays, so I'm not leaving the house then... I'm not, but the weather is nice... The sun is calling me... :sniffle:

I'm really fond of my friends who, after I got absurdly drunk during a group call and gave a stupid-loud presentation on Bloom Into You, actually heeded me and read it.

There's a 5-billion lightyear gap between understanding the structure of an amazing progression and producing it yourself.
