OSTER project's Twitter

Translations of tweets from @fuwacina. For an archive of other Vocaloid-related Twitters I no longer keep up with, go here.

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December 28th, 2020

Every day, I'm thinking "why is my cute little Roset-chan so darn cute?"

A driving date with my beloved ingredients. :heart:
Let's always be happy.

December 26th, 2020

I put in an Among Us joke, but I've never played it.

Murder comic. #TesrosetArt #MakemonArt

[At the hot spring. Roset: "I'll wash your back, okay?"
*scrub scrub scrub scrub* Bayachao: "Feels goooood..."

I wanna be Impostor
Kimi o gyutto
Dakishimete ageru kara oide [Parody of Hirai Ken's Pop Star]

December 25th, 2020

It's the ending of Mario 64.

Wanting a lover and wanting yourself to have a lover are different things. Merry Christmas. :christmas tree:

Merry Christmas. #TesrosetArt #MakemonArt

Today's Chirstmas too! Hooray!

December 24th, 2020

The line between nice kids and naughty kids is a mystery.

Hurry up, Santa, I'm fine with just cash this year.

[Crowd of alternating women-holding-hands emoji and women-women-couple emoji, with a chestnut ("kuri") emoji in the center]
Alone on Kuri-smas.

Don't you feel like "Merry" isn't used for anything except Christmas? Like, you don't say Merry New Year?

December 23rd, 2020

Once those who can endure having 5 billion weakpoints on their back can live for what they like.

I live for what I like! I live for what I like! I live for what I like! (chanting)

Let's make it a fun curse.

Liking is sometimes a much more powerful curse than hating.

Wish upon a star. :star:

I received a lot of affection items... :heart: Merry Christmas! :christmas tree:

I feel like putting the Pythagoras Switch song over a poltergeist video.

What makes a woman happy to get as a Christmas present? Spitfire Chamber Strings, obviously?

I call 4°C [jewelry brand] 277 Kelvin. (no I don't)

December 22nd, 2020

@BAYACHAO [in response to previous tweet]: "Don't use Twitter while you're pooping."
Don't use Twitter while you're nude.

Gaining a special power.

December 21st, 2020

Just wait for that silver shield! (still a ways to go)

[35,021 YouTube subscribers] Heyyy! Already 35,000! Thank yoou!!

Stop with the endless bizarre collabs.

RT @BAYACHAO It's ♪Roset-chan's Song. #TesrosetTransmission #TesrosetArt

I falter in the rain,
I falter in the wind
I can't do cold,
And I can't do heat
I snack between meals,
And I take naps too
I don't wanna exercise
I wanna get praised :heart:

I want people to blast it from their speakers. (neighborhood nuisance)

Cobalt Beat is a mega-wild song, so I'm really looking forward to hearing it play on TV...

Haven't done an anime song in a long time! I'm glad!!

December 20th, 2020

I uploaded a video today, and made an important announcement, and my dinner was delicious, so I'm letting it slide how I hardly prrduced anything today!

Slapping butts, grabbing stomachs, and killing each other at night. Such hot spring trips are good indeed... :tengu mask: (carnage)

RT @BAYACHAO The hot springs trip was fun! :hot springs: Here's Babio vanishing into darkness.

Girls meeting up and acting like they're all grade school boys is the most fun. :heart:

Claire-san telling me "it seems like you had a fun trip, OSTER-san" made me grin like a fool... (it was super fun)

I'm doing a lot of announcements today... I'm doing nothing but announcements... I'm broadcasting to the world... :heart:

From the TV anime Battle Athletes ReSTART! beginning broadcast in April 2021, I did the lyrics, composition, and arrangement for the opening theme Cobalt Beat sung by Nanaka Suwa-san! :woman dancing:
:music notes: Look forward to it! :music notes:

The premiere was a hit! Thank you very much! Please continue to enjoy the video.

Feeling super nervous!

Very soon!!

Tonight at 6 PM:
A YouTube premiere of the Vocaloid version of Rainbow Stories! :circus tent: :rainbow: Let's all watch it together!
Rainbow Stories (VOCALOID ver.) - OSTER project #HatsuneMiku #ProjectSekai

If this were an educational children's show, the second verse would change to "My awesome Tesro-sama," then it would go to a third verse that's like "now sing it with your own name!"

Let's all sing together. [Karaoke version]

[Retweeting Roset-chan's Song] The new song I released yesterday! Please listen!

December 19th, 2020

When you get in the bath, you're wrapped up in a nice smell, so I recommend it.

Singing "Roset-chan, Roset-chan, my cute little Roset-chan" gives me way too much of a feeling of self-affirmation.

This kind of incomprehensible mutual creation of things is super fun and reminds me of early NicoNico.

RT @BAYACHAO A waste of OSTER project's talent. (laughing eternally)

RT @BAYACHAO My first original song made in 10 minutes after I was told I could make a song with just my voice.
The original version.

My new song. #TesrosetTransmission
[Roset-chan's Song; Lyrics/Composition: Bayachao, Arrangement/Vocals: Roset-chan
Roset-chan, Roset-chan
My cute little Roset-chan
Why are you so darn cute?
Why are you so darn cute?]

You need 540,000 yen a month to live a regular life in Tokyo? Ridiculous.
I need 50 million yen per month.

December 17th, 2020

Thank you for loving meee! :bomb: :explosion:

The most effective way to express the feeling of "thank you" is to say "thank you."

This is the result of a person who was told "Sit still!" but can't sit still, grows up like that, and makes music that can't sit still.

Come to think of it, I never was good at sitting still... So that's how it is.

I have a problem where if I change chords too rapidly, there's a restrictive path the bass has to go through, so I end up not being able to play with it much.

I occasionally see comments on the Suki-Yuki arrangement like "the bass sure is active," but by my songs' standards I thought it was pretty moderate, so that's concerning.

Much like an artist who likes big boobs drawing boobs big, I like bass, so I mix the bass to be loud.

I seriously don't notice things outside of music to the point where it's like "are you sick?", so I'm desperately terrible at finding things. I go "the soy sauce is gone" and look around when the soy sauce is right in front of me. The soy sauce's existence has been wiped from my brain.

A song using different chords in the same spot is a technique with a similar emo-ness to coming back to the place you first met now as lovers. "The same but different" is good.

I have a stupidly crude personality and am the kind of person who doesn't take notice of details at all, but I did notice how the rising notes in the Häagen-Dazs commercial song are a half-tone different between the first time and the second time, with the first half being minor chords and the second half being major chords, and thought that was super good, so I feel like maybe it's an issue of interest.

December 16th, 2020

Starting today, every day is Christmas.

The Roset-chan stick is so useful, it's always saving me.

It's been a long time since I got this many views on NicoNico...

December 15th, 2020

When I relisten to stuff I used to like a lot, I still really like it, and it's fun how now that I have some understanding of chords, I often understand why I liked it...

I want someone to compare the beef quality of cows made to listen to classical music, and cows made to listen to sexy songs full of augs, flat fives, tensions, and slash chords.

People dig up the porn classic artists were drawing after they die and publish it for all the world to see, too... Art is scary.

If by some chance I end up living the life of a great composer, and they make a movie like Amadeus about me after my death, it's super scary imagining that they film would recreate me making weird noises of stimulation while streaming... I wonder if Mozart was afraid of that too...

Music is eternal.

The Triforce of Lust

Perhaps this is a chance for humanity to evolve into being stimulated by chord progressions instead...???

Pornhub... did you die...?

December 14th, 2020

Cucumbers may be more than 90% water, but no-brand [used as a term for generic-brand products] is more than 75% no-bra.

[Kuro: "After a bath, I like to down some potassium cyanide..."]
Don't kill yourself refreshing yourself.

This screen is extremely "technical difficulties."

Look at this instead of YouTube. [Retweets Roset-Babi opening theme]

YouTube... did you die...?

The day ended while I was making a crappy video...

The theme I made for the opening of yesterday's stream that gets more and more sexy that I'm very proud of. #TesrosetArt #Dominowns

The more you like things, the more stupidly particular you get about them and the more specific things become... But I'm doing my best under the belief that sticking with that specificity and raising them to perverse heights might allow it to be looked up to as something cool...

I think the happiest thing for a creator is having people around you who also like the things you like, but I know that gets harder the more specifically I lean into my tastes, so I feel truly lucky.

[Retweeting Mitchie M congratulating her remix] I always feel that being able to make what you like is best, but that doesn't mean I'm not happy to place first in a ranking or anything!! I'm glad. :heart:

December 13th, 2020

But I've still got a lot more to announce, so I'll live... I'll fulfill all my responsibilities. :flame:

So grateful, nothing could make me happier as a creator... Is it okay for me to be this happy? Can I die now?

I had a ton of fun on the Roset-Babi stream, and lots of people listened to Suki-Yuki, so I've got no regrets...Thank you, everyone...

RT @_MitchieM I want them to hold a Hatsune Miku Big Band show where OSTER-san arranges all the songs.
Want this...

[Retweeting the results of the VOCALOID Collection remix rankings] My Suki! Yuki! Maji-Magic arrangement placed first in the Vocaloid Collection remix rankings! :medal:
Thank you for listening to it so much!! :snowflake: :snowman:

[OSTER (as Roset) joins Babichao for a collab stream.]

Everyone's making their bodies 3D. I'm the only one whose body isn't 3D.

[In response to the final results of the season poll:] It was a yellow-hued spring.

December 12th, 2020

Lemon Eclipse

OSTER project wants to sleep with the Moon Queen.

Bizarrely few summer votes... True, maybe I don't have many summer songs... Summer Idol...

Lots of votes for spring and winter... Didn't expect this much of a bias.

Your impression of OSTER songs: [Poll]
- Spring :cherry blossom: [41.5%]
- Summer :sunflower: [10%]
- Autumn :falling leaves: [19.5%]
- Winter :snowman: [28.9%]

♪Want To Make A Snow Miku Song / OSTER project

I should start a zoo.

I feel like I'm making nothing but songs involving animals this year???

I am the alchemist of reharmonization.

December 11th, 2020

It's true!! I'm grateful!!

RT @_MitchieM OSTER-san's "Suki! Yuki! Maji-Magic" remix is first in the Vocaloid Collection REMIX ranking!

Thanks for listening!
For this remix, I used the original song's vocal data generously provided by Mitchie M-san!! :snowflake: :snowman:

Suki! Yuki! Maji-Magic (OSTER project All-Out Arrangement!)
I did a thorough rearrangemnet of Mitchie M-san (@_MitchieM)'s Suki! Yuki! Maji-Magic! Merry Christmas! :snowflake: :snowman: :rabbit: :heart: #VocaloidCollection #VocaloidCollectionREMIX

Today at 6 PM:
An advance release of my Suki! Yuki! Maji-Magic all-out arrangement on NicoNico!!! Look forward to it!!!! :snowflake: :snowman: :christmas tree: :turkey leg: :cake: :present:

SInce it became December, I've been listening to Christmas songs constantly, so every day is Christmas.

It's the most :music notes: wonderful tiiime :music notes: of the yeeeeear... :music notes:

December 10th, 2020

This is a wanted poster.


The new [Smash Bros.] fighter is me. (spoilers)

New theories of black holes have erased the concept of the event horizon, which has added some transience to the title.

Amazing how I came up with the bizarre title of Candy Jar Event Horizon.

All I want for Christmas is boob :baby bottle:

Let it go (didn't say I would let it go)

I'm remembering this time when, the moment a friend who came to visit from another prefecture found out they couldn't leave because heavy snow had stopped the buses, a song from Frozen started playing with perfect timing, and laughing about it. (it was no laughing matter)

Come to think of it, I'm aware of the issue with Piano Girl having disappeared on NicoNico, but I didn't upload that one, so I can't do anything... Maybe I should ask about it...

December 9th, 2020

So many happy things have happened lately, I'm living life with the face in my icon. [still ^u^-face Roset]

Internet died, so I guess I'll go to bed...

I can only make wild songs.

What the, this song's wild.

Finally got the engine going... Such a slow starter.

The part at the end of Awatenbou Santa Claus that goes like
Shararanrin, chachacha, donjararan :music notes:
feels like you're at the final boss and it's reviving all the bosses you beat to attack you, which I really love.

Silent night :night with stars:
Hold me tight :love hotel: :heart:

The innards of moving Roset-chan. (animation controlled by trig functions, no warmth at all)

If you do composition, illustration, and video work at the same time, you'll die. (trivia)

Having her move really does make her so cute and give me energy...

Patient who has to post progress or she'll die.

She's... alive...

There still isn't anybody who's made Vocaloid songs that are more my thing than Tokage-san...

I like music, see.

People good at making songs make such good songs.

[Retweeting this article featuring her and other Vocaloid producers listing songs important to them and why] The result of me going full otaku mode like a moron.

People who can draw are messed up in the head. (compliment)

People good at art tell me that faces aren't made symmetrical so it's better if they're not perfectly even, but achieving the balance of being uneven but still cute at all is stupidly difficult so?????

When drawing eyes head-on, rather than trying super hard to balance both eyes, just drawing one and flipping it horizontally looks a lot better, so I'm despairing.

Bizarre situation of having Cubase open next to Clip Studio.

["What would Roset-chan think if she saw that tweet?"]

I'm not bad at art. It's my artstyle. (encouragement)

December 8th, 2020

RT @livedoornews [13 Years of History] A Look Back On the 970,686 Vocaloid Videos Posted to NicoNico Douga
[Charts of usage of particular Vocaloids] Hatsune Miku is by far the most used, having several times the uses of second place ("all UTAUs"). 258 uploaders have broken 1 million views.

Isn't being 1/258 pretty amazing?

It makes me sad that I haven't yet encountered the Cocoa truck.


December 7th, 2020

"Kaba" in English being "hippopotamus" feels like it has to be a joke. I get the "hippo" part, but what kinda clown brings in another "po" after that, huh? And then what comes after this bizarre "hippopo" business? Tamus? It's such severe whiplash I can't keep up. Hippopotamus. I keep saying it again and again.

[From Spotify year-end summary] 71 people listened to OSTER project the most.
Thanks for your support again this year! #2020ArtistWrapped

Maybe deep down I have a mentality of trying to justify the outcome of my efforts.

The songs I make myself are packed with things I like, so it's natural that I'd like them, and doesn't the fact you made it yourself add like a 1.2x multiplier to the goodness??
Though that multiplier gets in the way of objectivity and can make improving the quality of your work troublesome.

People sometimes ask what music I usually listen to. Well, the artist I listen to most is OSTER project...

SISTER project-san...

OSTER Claire is good.

RT @koo_chan Claire-san's otaku love pouring out as a result of singing OSTER-san's Vocaloid song Miracle Paint. #TanuSanAssemble #SisterClaire #LookHereClaire
