OSTER project's Twitter

Translations of tweets from @fuwacina. For an archive of other Vocaloid-related Twitters I no longer keep up with, go here.

December 17th, 2020

Thank you for loving meee! :bomb: :explosion:

The most effective way to express the feeling of "thank you" is to say "thank you."

This is the result of a person who was told "Sit still!" but can't sit still, grows up like that, and makes music that can't sit still.

Come to think of it, I never was good at sitting still... So that's how it is.

I have a problem where if I change chords too rapidly, there's a restrictive path the bass has to go through, so I end up not being able to play with it much.

I occasionally see comments on the Suki-Yuki arrangement like "the bass sure is active," but by my songs' standards I thought it was pretty moderate, so that's concerning.

Much like an artist who likes big boobs drawing boobs big, I like bass, so I mix the bass to be loud.

I seriously don't notice things outside of music to the point where it's like "are you sick?", so I'm desperately terrible at finding things. I go "the soy sauce is gone" and look around when the soy sauce is right in front of me. The soy sauce's existence has been wiped from my brain.

A song using different chords in the same spot is a technique with a similar emo-ness to coming back to the place you first met now as lovers. "The same but different" is good.

I have a stupidly crude personality and am the kind of person who doesn't take notice of details at all, but I did notice how the rising notes in the Häagen-Dazs commercial song are a half-tone different between the first time and the second time, with the first half being minor chords and the second half being major chords, and thought that was super good, so I feel like maybe it's an issue of interest.

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