OSTER project's Twitter

Translations of tweets from @fuwacina. For an archive of other Vocaloid-related Twitters I no longer keep up with, go here.

December 15th, 2020

When I relisten to stuff I used to like a lot, I still really like it, and it's fun how now that I have some understanding of chords, I often understand why I liked it...

I want someone to compare the beef quality of cows made to listen to classical music, and cows made to listen to sexy songs full of augs, flat fives, tensions, and slash chords.

People dig up the porn classic artists were drawing after they die and publish it for all the world to see, too... Art is scary.

If by some chance I end up living the life of a great composer, and they make a movie like Amadeus about me after my death, it's super scary imagining that they film would recreate me making weird noises of stimulation while streaming... I wonder if Mozart was afraid of that too...

Music is eternal.

The Triforce of Lust

Perhaps this is a chance for humanity to evolve into being stimulated by chord progressions instead...???

Pornhub... did you die...?

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