OSTER project's Twitter

Translations of tweets from @fuwacina. For an archive of other Vocaloid-related Twitters I no longer keep up with, go here.

December 23rd, 2020

Once those who can endure having 5 billion weakpoints on their back can live for what they like.

I live for what I like! I live for what I like! I live for what I like! (chanting)

Let's make it a fun curse.

Liking is sometimes a much more powerful curse than hating.

Wish upon a star. :star:

I received a lot of affection items... :heart: Merry Christmas! :christmas tree:

I feel like putting the Pythagoras Switch song over a poltergeist video.

What makes a woman happy to get as a Christmas present? Spitfire Chamber Strings, obviously?

I call 4°C [jewelry brand] 277 Kelvin. (no I don't)

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