OSTER project's Twitter

Translations of tweets from @fuwacina. For an archive of other Vocaloid-related Twitters I no longer keep up with, go here.

see newer | go to latest

April 20th, 2021

There are many things you can't learn unless you're hurt.

Prettiness isn't having no scars, it's the miracle of loving even wounds ← So true

Can you read lyrics you wrote yourself aloud? [Poll]
- I could [26.4%]
- I don't want to [73.6%]

Good luck composin'! #TesrosetArt

While thinking to myself it's probably better not to have so many notes, I pack it full of 'em.

Why indeed...

RT @Seconds_Two Me: "If I recreate OSTER-san's songs, I should understand what's going on!"
Me after copying the intro: "How are each of these instruments going so wild yet coming together...?"

April 19th, 2021

I also did longsword practice today. At last, Magnamalo is starting to look like a big Zinogre.

I studied it so long ago, I don't even remember what window functions were, so I can't decipher my own lyrics anymore. (self-archeology)

"Hamming" in the Mathematigirl lyrics isn't like humming, it's the Hamming window function.

Topics touched upon in Tesroset Transmission so far: finding Pi with the Monte Carlo method, spaghettification in the vicinity of a black hole, the particle and wave nature of light.

Tesroset Transmission, the stream where I suddenly abandon the picture I was drawing to draw a black hole and explain spaghettification.

The state of today's drawing stream. #TesrosetTransmission
["(starts new drawing) Give me a second. Um... So, a black hole. (draws a circle, labels it "BH") Black hole. A black hole has really incredible gravity. It sucks in all sorts of things. (draws arrows pointing in) Because it's SUPER strong. (laughs) And this black hole, because its gravity is so strong... the gravity at the point around here (close to the hole), and the gravity at the point around here (further from the hole), it's really different. The close one pulls with really strong gravity, and the further one pulls with weaker gravity. So, suppose you had a single object. Let's say a spaceship, like this. (draws a spaceship between the points) My spaceship's so ugly it's probably unrecognizable, but - (laughs) Anyway, in the front, the gravity's strong, so it'll be pulled in. As a result, the spaceship'll get stretched all long and thin, like spaghetti. (draws long spaceship) And so it's called spaghettification. (laughs) This stream's wild. What kind of stream starts drawing a picture to explain spaghettification?"]

What Roset-chan complains about: "I was shocked to hear that the event horizon might not actually exist."

I thought I was streaming me drawing, but instead it became a stream about aspiring to all of us becoming tachyons and going to Proxima Centauri to do terraforming. Good job, everyone.

I'm starting soon, so come on in! :heart:

I have so many different types of streams, my channel's like a restaurant where you can eat Italian food and Japanese food and Chinese food and French food.

Though it's super uncertain whether I'll be able to draw once I read Marshmallows.

:clock: Tonight at 8 PM:
A chat stream where I read Marshmallows and doodle and such.
[Chat Stream] Musical Vtuber Roseko's Room [Tesroset Transmission]

It's so irrational how time passes when I work.

To say something blatantly obvious, it's absolutely not like you can just fix the pitch and it'll sound good, so singing is super tough.

Tesroset-chan are learning how to sing more and more...

Even so, covers are fun.

The torture of having to listen to my voice before it becomes Tesroset-chan.

Don't say "I'll go on a diet starting tomorrow" - it can wait until next year.

April 18th, 2021

Poems you scrawled in a notebook in middle school or whatever are purely embarassing history, but if you become, say, a pro lyricist in the future, those become "early works" from your youth, so I think it's necessarily to break through to make your past into something meaningful.

[After posting after midnight about accepting questions through Marshmallow] Whether I get Marshmallows or not, I'll chat. Maybe it'd be good to stream while drawing sometimes?

Think I'll do a chat stream tomorrow.

People have all kinds of differing values, so there are even people who hate sushi, people who don't want to touch boobs, and people who love paying taxes.

There are people in the world who don't get happy when told "I like you," so I'm glad to be the kind of person who does.

April 17th, 2021

So close to getting under 5 minutes...

To introduce myself for any recent followers, I'm a Vtuber doing her best to beat Zinogre fast. Thanks in advance.

I have about 10 free minutes, so I'm hunting Zinogre... Able to just casually get 5:XX now.

Rather than have Roset-chan sing I Wanna Be a Princess, I overwhelmingly want Tesro-sama to.

poor English Roset

I could work harder if I had Tesro-sama encouraging me like this daily.

Tesro-sama has an old-fashioned way of cheering.

Go for ittt! #TesrosetArt

Thanks for stream! The instrumental for the Anata Janakereba all-out arrangement has been completed! :clap: :clap: I plan to upload a video with a Tesroset-chan duet, so look forward to it!


:clock: Today at 1 PM:
I'll stream composition!
This will be the final episode of the Anata Janakereba all-out arrangement.
[Real Time Composition Stream] Anata Janakereba All-Out Arrangement 3 [Tesroset Transmission]

April 16th, 2021

During the day, I'll do the final part of the Anata Janakereba composition stream, so thanks in advance.

The other day I was playing four-person multiplayer with friends, and in quests with multiple targets, my super-methodical friend would go back to camp to equip effective weapons for each monster, while I would immediately charge at monsters full of bloodlust and die (the worst). It's a game where your personality totally shows in your playstyle...

Cut another 10 seconds from yesterday... I'll call it there for practice.

I've been on a pretty good streak so far, but getting under 5 minutes certainly seems tough...

Longsword is super fun, but I wanna have fun with everybody else too, so I wanna get everyone together so we can all do solo Monster Hunter. (deranged)

An illustration of a pet shop clerk introducing a kitty. #TesrosetArt

["Buchi no mesu!!" ("Spotted female!", but readable all together as "I'll beat you down!")]

I've Been Killing Zinogre for 300 Years and

More to the point, I really wonder why people call it Vocaloid-esque when the sound I'm making is so distant from what's considered trendy in Vocaloid now...

Hope all the world's Vocaloid songs can be filled with more b5s and augs.

Maybe I am Vocaloid.

I still don't really get what they mean when people call my songs "Vocaloid-esque," considering when I started making music Vocaloid didn't exist in the world.

April 15th, 2021

Truly, to think I was aiming to get under 10 minutes a few days ago but got down to 5:XX today... Energizes me to think my efforts aren't going unrewarded.

Love is the most beautiful and most foolish of all the emotions humans possess. (Roset-chan)

A Vtuber talking about her views on love while cutting up Tigrex. #TesrosetTransmission
["You can't just wait around. In Monster Hunter, or in love. A foreword from Roset-chan."]

I'm rewatching the 5:53 run and laughing at how I do stuff like miss two Helmsplitters in a row, so there's totally tons of time to make up.

Thanks for the stream! High rank Zinogre solo! In 5:53...!!!
Next time I'll revise my skills and weapon and try to break 5 minutes!!

I got 5:XX!!!!!!

[Monster Hunter Rise] Streaming Until I Beat High-Rank Zinogre Solo With Longsword Under 7 Minutes [Musical Vtuber Tesro & Roset]

The more strongly you come to feel the brittleness of the word "forever," I suppose you kind of come to think "let it all end already so it can really be forever"...

A Tesroset stream's starting in 5 minutes, but my stomach still hurts.

I like how this implies if you like it and love it, you'll make the flower you picked into a dried flower so it stays the same forever.

RT @bit_ravel What do you think the difference between "liking" and "loving" is? I like the Buddha's beautiful answer to this question: "If you say you like a flower, you'll just pick the flower. But if you love a flower, you'll care for it and water it every day." A flower wilts if you pick it. You can't forget that love isn't about possession, but giving thanks.

I tried the bow, but it made it such a completely different game it worried me.

I'd like to try my hand at other weapons, but who knows how that'll go...

I wonder how Rise players who finished all the quests are having fun now...

Going top-hunting tonight!

April 14th, 2021

And then any monster other than Zinogre will run me over dead.

Once you're able to counter every attack, there's no point in raising evasion, so switching to more offense-oriented armor could probably bring my time down...

Solo longsword gets more interesting the more you understand the monsters...

I streamed until I cut 10 minutes just four days ago, but today I'm streaming until I cut 7. Makes you feel the progress of humanity.

:clock: Tonight at 8 PM:
Aiming to be a top-hunter! #TesrosetTransmission
[Monster Hunter Rise] Streaming Until I Beat High-Rank Zinogre Solo With Longsword Under 7 Minutes [Musical Vtuber Tesro & Roset]

If I can get 0:XX on Zinogre, I'll upload an RTA video...

I'm not even streaming, but I totally yelped.

Got Zinogre down to 7:06... Tomorrow, I'll do a stream until I cut 7 minutes...

Willpower is more important than time. Willpower creates time.

Still want to work, but the battery ran out.

Want to have pop music with strings and wind instruments played for me forever.

Sure enough, pop music with strings and wind instruments is the best... #Dominowns #TesrosetTransmission

As a result, my isolation grows stronger still.

Doing absolutely everything yourself has no sense of speed and it's a wild amount of effort, but it's incredibly "meaningful" to say you did absolutely everything yourself...

Tesro-sama VS Kitty #TesrosetTransmission
["Got you now. Rrrrah! Why were you being so noisy, huh? Huh? Why? Whyyy? Why'd you do that? Hey. Kitty? ... *laughs* Why - why were you meowing? You've gotta talk to me. You gonna... explain your reasoning? Don't be unreasonable, explain. ... ...Won't tell me anything."]

Thanks for stream!!! Had some interruptions like cat trespassing, but glad I could make a good interlude.

[Real Time Composition Stream] Anata Janakereba All-Out Arrangement 2 [Tesroset Transmission]

My stomach continues to hurt today, but I'm doing a composition stream in 8 minutes. Please be gentle.

Wanna be this soon.

Dream chaser #TesrosetArt

Tesroset in Wholesomeland

The Debaucherous Kingdom, Tokyo Tesrosetland.

Recruiting opening staff for Tokyo Tesrosetland.

More and more of the people on my timeline are starting to sing, so before long I'll be able to do a follower musical.

Do give me that look, please.

:clock: Tonight at 10:00:
I'll continue my Anata Janakereba arrangement. :music score:
[Real Time Composition Stream] Anata Janakereba All-Out Arrangement 2 [Tesroset Transmission]

The illustration commemorating 40,000 channel subscribers. #TesrosetArt

Tonight I'll make more of this.

I'm a Vtuber who streams herself making live instrument songs without touching a single instrument, using only a mouse.
[Real Time Composition Stream] Anata Janakereba All-Out Arrangement [Tesroset Transmission]

I want to let all people who ask "OSTER-san, how do you make songs?" know about Tesroset Transmission...

Night OK

Today's composition stream. [Poll]
- Noon [19.4%]
- Night [80.6%]

Everyone's singing. I'm singing too.

I'm a singer.

I wanna go drinking with a Sith lord. Feels like we'd have an understanding...

Comparing yourself to others and getting depressed is a terrifying curse, and there's probably no limit to how far you can sink that way, but I figure I wouldn't have such a drive to try harder if it weren't for that, so I'll do my best as a chuuni-aspected anti-hero character who turns even curses into her own power.


RT @q07a_ It made me simply happy to tell OSTER how I kinda like the unique sense of reverb in old-fashioned western ballads and have her get it.

April 13th, 2021

"Meaning" is just in the moments where you're having fun.

If you start thinking that the things you're frantically doing have no point, you'll be too scared to do anything, so you should always lose your mind and follow your impulses to do the things you wanna do.

Don't leave me behind, everyone.

Things I Wanna Do: S+
Desire to Create: S+
Stamina: E-

10,000 Times Beating Zinogre of Gratitude

I like Tesro-sama's movements.

Monster Hunter is a rhythm game. #MonsterHunterRise

To capture, maybe 0:XX would be possible??

If I can do this with one death, 6:XX is in sight...

[Screenshot of beating Zinogre in 7:22 with 1 death] Hwooooohhh!!!!!! (1 death)

Why can people who can draw draw??

Theory: I'll increase the amount I need to draw too much and never finish this video in my life.

OSTER project is a fun group.

Friendly and cute.

I heard the term "parametric representation" used in daily life the other day, which I really enjoyed.

Whenever you see me talking about "whether or not I want to be recognized by my fave," I do not mean "whether or not I want to be legally recognized as my fave's child."

I'm great for working hard at Monster Hunter too. (??)

The one who sees and knows your hard work best is none other than yourself.

I had a super bizarre dream, but all I can remember about it is Suneo doing a compliance-ignoring rap.

Let's have a Splatfest over whether the universe's demise will be the Big Rip or the Big Crunch.
(war breaks out over the omission of any other theories, resulting in the universe's demise)

Molcar episode 15's depiction of the Molcars' souls wandering "what was once the universe" condensed into a zero-dimensional point by the Big Crunch was amazing... When you follow hard sci-fi themes to their conclusion, sure enough, they tend to end up at philosophical subjects. But to achieve such density in such a short runtime, truly you can only call it a modern masterpiece...

April 12th, 2021

Truly, the hunters were the real monsters...

Feels like I'm gonna hunt Zinogre to extinction from all this practice.

I'm a simple human who gets super cheered up when people give her attention.

Monster Hunter is fun by yourself or with friends. The ultimate game.

Wanna become a girl and kiss girls.

Narga's tough, Zinogre's fun.

It's too confusing how ikayaki [squid + fried] is nothing more than fried squid, but takoyaki [octopus + fried] isn't just fried octopus.

To show you a side of myself I don't normally show, I bought takoyaki at the convenience store the other day.

Are humans not creatures who are captivated by moments where they can see a side of a person they don't normally show?

I think that's great.

When a girl character is normally calm and composed and uses "watashi," then gets mad and tries to keep her composure, but you can tell the anger's getting to her because she switches to "ore," that's great, right??????

I wanna stream, but I'm exhausted...

Even if I forget the taste of first love, I'll never forget the gratin I had yesterday.

I'm sad that my body is such that one credit of DDR now kills me, but ultimately yesterday was the greatest day, so it's okay.

Just accepting "obvious" things at face value won't birth anything new, after all.

That's why worrying about details isn't a bad habit, Sugishita-san. [Reference to AIBOU catchphrase "I've got a bad habit of worrying about the details."]

I also feel like the root of scientific advancement is having the guts to find faults... Feels like you move forward by desperately looking for a counterexample and finding theories to back it up, over and over.

There are some things that only become clear when you nitpick, so maybe you could call the act of nitpicking a thought experiment unto itself?

"The word "impossible" is not in my dictionary" just makes me think about nitpicky things, like asking "Can you find the word "impossible" in your dictionary?" and you replying "impossible," which would be a paradox.

But it felt good. :heart:

I got carried away and made a part I should've made on stream... Forgive me...

No reason Coca-Cola.
[A Coca-Cola Without Rationality]

April 11th, 2021

If you sleep, you have a high probability of waking up someday.

Whenever my sense of self-affirmation is dead, I'll remember there's someone who's super pleased just to watch me eat pasta, and do my best.

Fetishism passed down will create the fetishism of the future...

Chasing after someone you look up to in creative works, and before you know it, realizing other look up to and chase after you - it feels satisfying to be a part of that cycle myself.

Math and programming knowledge helps speed up video creation, the four-kanji idioms and vocabulary I struggled to learn in Japanese class help with lyrics, and granted I just sort of make music by intuition but, (I just sort of make music by intuition but)

I'm sure people will forever ask "what good will the things I learn at school do me?", but in my case, the knowledge I learned in school proves very useful as a foundation for my creations...

Because words are something everyone uses, having your words out of all of them be seen as necessary makes it feel more special...

Providing songs is great, of course, but I'm glad to have jobs that are just lyrics...

Wanna do Tesroset manzai again.

I'm piling up too many jokes for joke videos I wanna make, I'll never make them all.

Whenever I draw, I wanna snap when I can't draw something well, making me feel like I'm not suited for art, but the same thing happens making music, so I think that's just how it is.

If I hadn't become a Vtuber I never ever would've thought about trying to sing, so I'm grateful for these times...

I feel like Tesro-sama's voice has a mysterious addictiveness.

[Retweeting Baka Mitai cover] Covers are fun.

April 10th, 2021

I'm a Vtuber who earlier today did a stream where I kept yelling about dinguses while fighting Zinogre, but lyrics and a song I made were played on TV today.

:heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

I heard a progression you don't normally hear on TV from the TV...

Here we go. #BattleAtheletesReSTART

Some people seem to have the wrong idea, but I only wrote the lyrics for this!

:heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

I wanna be reborn as a 17-year-old.

It's here... #KillingSlimesFor300Years

Bass is the most precious instrument.

Thanks for stream!! I was able to get under 10, but 9 was still too much!! :crying: I'll keep getting better!

I did it under 10 minutes, so now I'm attempting under 9...!!

Starting very soon!

April 9th, 2021

:clock: Today at 1:30:
Aiming to become a top-hunter, I attempt a trial. #TesrosetTransmission
[Monster Hunter Rise] Streaming Until I Beat High-Rank Zinogre Solo With Longsword Under 10 Minutes [Musical Vtuber Tesro & Roset]

I'm upset about being unable to beat Zinogre in under 10 minutes, so I wanna stream Zinogre until I can break 10 minutes.

It's scary to get higher the more you climb, but ultimately all you can do is climb, so at some point you have an epiphany, resign yourself, and casually climb.

Life is often likened to rails, but personally, "a ladder you can only go up" feels more right to me. Before you know, you're so high up you can't fall anymore, and if your feet slip you'll die.

Stream where I drink two glasses of wine, dance in my underwear, and make a godly song.

People good at Monster Hunter must feel so good about it, so I wanna get good and feel good.

The two who streamed with me yesterday complimented me after the stream for saying such funny things one after another, which made me really happy, so I'll keep doing my best on streams.

["Lord of Lightning: Zinogre"]

["Tyrant of the Desert: Diablos"]

["Once Again Doesn't Know Her Own Song's Chords: Roset-san (23)"]

April 8th, 2021

As the series goes on, I feel like longsword becomes more and more Endorphins: The Weapon... Too scary...

There's still only a limited number of monsters I feel like I've learned, but it's been really fun gradually learning to use Helmsplitter... This is Monster Hunter...

Narga-chan does a lot of feints, so I can't get the timing right, and the round-trip tail spin is such a threat.

The more I fight Narga, the less I understand, but the more I fight Zinogre, the better I get...

Urgent Quest

Tesroset Transmission will summon guests from those who are seriously close to me. Anyone close to me, please prepare yourself!

My cheek muscles hurt from laughing too much.

Monster Hunter is the most fun, thanks for being born.

Thanks for stream! It was fun! We've reached Hunter Rank 7. :sparkle: Thanks to Zura-san and Masuo-san! :smiling face:

Still going!!

[Monster Hunter Rise] Fun With Multiplayer [Musical Vtuber Tesro & Roset]

It's thundering, so I'm gonna beat Zinogre.

I feel like I said, while sharpening my longsword, "Merry Togisumasu [sharpen]!", but as much as I scrub through the archive, I can't find it...

Self-clipping Vtuber.

My stream archives are so big, I can't find my own statements.

If you ask me about a song that uses voice samples "What's this saying?", I'll snap back like "Do you understand all the English on the T-shirts you wear?"

I like the sense of belief behind that phrase which serious fans use: "everyone in OSTER project."

Tonight, we top-hunt!

[Linking an interview with Aoi Yuuki about Aimless Everyday] Yuuki-san... LOVE... :heart:
["Yuuki: OSTER project-san, who wrote the lyrics for Aimless Everyday, has such stylish word choice, and I'm really fond of it myself. The words can sound cute and fluffy, but she links idioms like "seikouudoku (peaceful retirement with division between work and hobby)" with "I'll show you I can obtain a peaceful life!", and mixes informal sayings with a rich vocabulary, making for some very wonderful lyrics.

Parts like "Umisen yamasen nukari arimasen," too, make use of four-kanji idioms while also rhyming and having an interesting sound - I think a big charge of Aimless Everyday is that you could listen to it forever and find it musically fun. When you read through the lyrics [...]"]

Lonesome art.

Everyone around a cake singing looks super fun, but I'm alone, why's that...

This is a video of a Vtuber writing lyrics and suddenly starting a graduation ceremony. #TesrosetTransmission
["(typing lyrics) "All the... students who encouraged me..." (laughs) "All the teachers who scolded me..." (laughs) Now you're just screwing around... You've gotta be kidding, what the heck. (laughs) "And... to all the attendees.""]

You can see the entire creation process of this song!
That's right - only on Tesroset Transmission.
[40,000-Subscriber Special] Composition Stream of Gratitude [Tesroset Transmission]

Filled with thanks for the 40,000 subscribers to my channel. :party popper:
I'll keep doing lots of fun stuff, so thanks in advance. :music score: :water pistol:
#TesrosetTransmission #TesrosetArt
Thank you for 40,000 subscribers!

April 7th, 2021

When you live in a world flooded with content, your sense of speediness glitches out.

I always have a mysterious impatience.

Some amazing people stream every day, so I wanna stream more and bang out lots of creations, but making stuff is super hard after all so I feel like I can't be speedy about it, but looking at it rationally, last night I wrote lyrics for and composed a song in 3 hours, and today I recorded vocals and drew art and finished a video in one day, and that's pretty speedy.

Getting emotional over what an emotional event this became.

I want everyone to see things I finish as soon as possible, but I've gotta wait until everyone's awake. [4 AM]

The video's done! I'll upload it tomorrow.

While making the 40,000 subscriber video, I thought about how great it is that all of OSTER project works so harmoniously with each other to create things and cried, but then realized that it's actually just me and cried.

:clock: Tonight at 9:30:
Advancing the hub in multiplayer! Casually having on my first guests! #TesrosetTransmission
[Monster Hunter Rise] Fun With Multiplayer [Musical Vtuber Tesro & Roset]

A picture that feels more like a restaurant spot-the-difference the more I draw it.

onaka [stomach] pain


Why's it that it sounds Disney at first, but the moment Tesro-sama starts singing, it becomes an educational program?

Finishing up yesterday's song.

Aim to have 10 billion mutuals.

Even after waking up, sure enough, I'm over 40,000 subscribers... It's a dream, but it's not a dream...

Got yelled at like "why'd you go viral again?" (complimented)

Don't go more viral than my songs.

Theme of Tokyo Tesrosetland is super good, so I wanna finish it up soon.

When I'm making lyrics that incorporate four-kanji idioms, I feel glad to know my studying in school wasn't a waste.

I provided the lyrics for this...!! The video's super cute too. :crying:
Aoi Yuuki / Aimless Everyday (TV Anime "I've Been Killing Slimes for 300 Years and Maxed Out My Level" Opening Theme)

April 6th, 2021

[Re: Yuuki 100% tweet going viral] Don't blow up in the background while I'm hitting 40,000 subscribers.

Tonight's composition stream was blisteringly fast... Doing the lyrics actually took longer.

Stream's over!!! Glad we got to 40,000 mid-stream!! I finished the song and lyrics, so I'll add vocals and make a video to upload soon!

I'm still streaming, so come watch.

[Screenshot of YouTube subscriber count] We got to 40,000 during stream!!!!!! Thank you, world.

[40,000-Subscriber Special] Composition Stream of Gratitude [Tesroset Transmission]

Tonight we party!!

I'm thinking I'd like to show the creation of a 40,000-subscriber commemoration song from the lyrics stage... I might even record vocals, lol

With great power comes great responsibility, but if you're asking whether a person saddled with great responsibility has great power within them, most won't. It's a cruel thing about this world.

:clock: Tonight at 8:30:
I'm going to do a stream commemorating 40,000 subscribers to my channel, so please get me to 40,000 subscribers during the stream! I'll do anything! #TesrosetTransmission
[40,000-Subscriber Special] Composition Stream of Gratitude [Tesroset Transmission]

Opened my notes app to this and I'm gonna snap.
["Sobbing with a disappointed look, just what happened?
Where's that old U I know, who'd always laugh like the sun?
Is it a city college?"]

[Reference to lyrics of Yuuki 100%, playing on "doko dai" (where are you) as "where's the college (daigaku) you go to?"]

A nightmare where I'm made to take part in a two-person recorder performance for a college culture festival. (nightmare of the day)

April 5th, 2021

Super Chat very much. (???)

Miss Worldwide #TesrosetTransmission
["(reading donation comment) "Hello from America!" Hello! Hello from Japan! (laughs) Thank you - Thank you Super Chat。 Super Chat very much。 Oh yes。 Super Chat... very much。 (laughs) Poor English。。。 Poor English moment。 Sorry。"]

Tesroset Transmission is an at-home stream.

Thinking about it from the standpoint of the one being stanned, I want to appeal to people who treat me as something special like "thank you always, I remember you," but looking at these results, it's tough, huh.

[Re: fave poll] As the poll's spread, the ratio has begun to change...

I can't stop the loneliness

[Screenshot of votes for the fave poll currently at 50% for both] This is amazing.

Hope my next stream can be a commemoration one for 40,000 subscribers.

I was prepared to play Monster Hunter once stream was done, but I used up all my energy and now I'm lying in bed.

Composing might be my special talent.

Made this today. #TesrosetTransmission

The vote's so split you could do a Splatfest on this.

I want my fave to: [Poll]
- Acknowledge my existence [44.4%]
- Not acknowledge my existence [55.6%]

Afternoon stream over! Thanks for coming to watch! Found some real productivity making up to the first chrous in two hours...


:clock: At 1 PM:
My first all-out arrangement of the new year isssss... this song!!!
A transcendent real time composition stream using a mouse and a freeware sequencer! Please come watch! #TesrosetTransmission
[Real Time Composition Stream] Anata Janakereba All-Out Arrangement [Tesroset Transmission]

It sucks how making content to broadcast to the world is too involved so it doesn't feel fast at all.

I'll broadcast to the world more and more that Tesroset are cute.

I'm lonely, so I want to get away from social media, but getting away from social media is lonely. (modern disease)

April 4th, 2021

It's becoming more and more unclear what kind of account this is, but this is the account of a Let's Player artist video creator singer manzai comedian musical Vtuber.

I win.

Even if I strech my arms out wide,
I can't fly through the sky one bit,
But I can grill and eat birds who fly

Even if I shake my body,
I can't make a pretty sound,
But I can crush that ringing bell with a hammer

Bells, birds, and then there's me
I am the strongest

:devil face: #TesrosetArt

Women's feelings are more important than life.

The tragic yuri episode of AIBOU made my feelings a mess, it was the best... Thank you, AIBOU...

I love the cool old guy at the armory in Monster Hunter so much.

Monster Hunter is a rhythm game.

April 3rd, 2021

[Screenshot of 39,856 subscribers on YouTube] When I get 40,000 subscribers on my channel, I'm gonna do a party stream...

My Switch Joy-Cons are broken... Not a shred of joy left.

A race to see how far I can go with low-level armor.

Thanks for watching the second part of becoming a top-hunter!! I managed to raise my hunter rank solo!! I was sweating going against high-rank Narga with low-level armor, but I'm glad I was able to defeat it.

Beginning now!

:clock: Today at 1 PM:
I'm aiming to be a top-hunter in a solo hub.
[Monster Hunter Rise] To Be a Top-Hunter 2 [Musical Vtuber Tesro & Roset]

April 2nd, 2021

If I could do it all over, I'd want to restart from character creation.

Confronting cruel reality can make you want to redo your entire life, but considering the toil of overcoming everything I've overcome again and my lack of faith that I'd come out with a better life than I have now, I've just gotta keep living like this, and also you can't do life over anyway.

I'm searching for followers who would play Monster Hunter with me on Tesroset Transmission.

The dango girl was depressed and saying "I can't fight monsters like you, hunter," then got encouraged like "you can fight by doing what's within your ability!", then I saw her in a Rampage firing a machine gun at monsters, and I thought, sure enough, power is everything.

March 31st, 2021

I feel like the way humans know it's foolish to worry over things that worrying won't change, yet can't stop themself from worrying anyway shows their true foolishness.
