OSTER project's Twitter

Translations of tweets from @fuwacina. For an archive of other Vocaloid-related Twitters I no longer keep up with, go here.

April 16th, 2021

During the day, I'll do the final part of the Anata Janakereba composition stream, so thanks in advance.

The other day I was playing four-person multiplayer with friends, and in quests with multiple targets, my super-methodical friend would go back to camp to equip effective weapons for each monster, while I would immediately charge at monsters full of bloodlust and die (the worst). It's a game where your personality totally shows in your playstyle...

Cut another 10 seconds from yesterday... I'll call it there for practice.

I've been on a pretty good streak so far, but getting under 5 minutes certainly seems tough...

Longsword is super fun, but I wanna have fun with everybody else too, so I wanna get everyone together so we can all do solo Monster Hunter. (deranged)

An illustration of a pet shop clerk introducing a kitty. #TesrosetArt

["Buchi no mesu!!" ("Spotted female!", but readable all together as "I'll beat you down!")]

I've Been Killing Zinogre for 300 Years and

More to the point, I really wonder why people call it Vocaloid-esque when the sound I'm making is so distant from what's considered trendy in Vocaloid now...

Hope all the world's Vocaloid songs can be filled with more b5s and augs.

Maybe I am Vocaloid.

I still don't really get what they mean when people call my songs "Vocaloid-esque," considering when I started making music Vocaloid didn't exist in the world.

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