OSTER project's Twitter

Translations of tweets from @fuwacina. For an archive of other Vocaloid-related Twitters I no longer keep up with, go here.

April 19th, 2021

I also did longsword practice today. At last, Magnamalo is starting to look like a big Zinogre.

I studied it so long ago, I don't even remember what window functions were, so I can't decipher my own lyrics anymore. (self-archeology)

"Hamming" in the Mathematigirl lyrics isn't like humming, it's the Hamming window function.

Topics touched upon in Tesroset Transmission so far: finding Pi with the Monte Carlo method, spaghettification in the vicinity of a black hole, the particle and wave nature of light.

Tesroset Transmission, the stream where I suddenly abandon the picture I was drawing to draw a black hole and explain spaghettification.

The state of today's drawing stream. #TesrosetTransmission
["(starts new drawing) Give me a second. Um... So, a black hole. (draws a circle, labels it "BH") Black hole. A black hole has really incredible gravity. It sucks in all sorts of things. (draws arrows pointing in) Because it's SUPER strong. (laughs) And this black hole, because its gravity is so strong... the gravity at the point around here (close to the hole), and the gravity at the point around here (further from the hole), it's really different. The close one pulls with really strong gravity, and the further one pulls with weaker gravity. So, suppose you had a single object. Let's say a spaceship, like this. (draws a spaceship between the points) My spaceship's so ugly it's probably unrecognizable, but - (laughs) Anyway, in the front, the gravity's strong, so it'll be pulled in. As a result, the spaceship'll get stretched all long and thin, like spaghetti. (draws long spaceship) And so it's called spaghettification. (laughs) This stream's wild. What kind of stream starts drawing a picture to explain spaghettification?"]

What Roset-chan complains about: "I was shocked to hear that the event horizon might not actually exist."

I thought I was streaming me drawing, but instead it became a stream about aspiring to all of us becoming tachyons and going to Proxima Centauri to do terraforming. Good job, everyone.

I'm starting soon, so come on in! :heart:

I have so many different types of streams, my channel's like a restaurant where you can eat Italian food and Japanese food and Chinese food and French food.

Though it's super uncertain whether I'll be able to draw once I read Marshmallows.

:clock: Tonight at 8 PM:
A chat stream where I read Marshmallows and doodle and such.
[Chat Stream] Musical Vtuber Roseko's Room [Tesroset Transmission]

It's so irrational how time passes when I work.

To say something blatantly obvious, it's absolutely not like you can just fix the pitch and it'll sound good, so singing is super tough.

Tesroset-chan are learning how to sing more and more...

Even so, covers are fun.

The torture of having to listen to my voice before it becomes Tesroset-chan.

Don't say "I'll go on a diet starting tomorrow" - it can wait until next year.

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