
Romanji Settings

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Lyrics Layout

Plazma (J) Plazma (R) Plazma (E) Source / Subbed ]
Azalea (J) Azalea (R) Azalea (E) Source / Subbed ]
とまれみよ Tomare Miyo Stop, Look Both Ways Crossfade ]
マルゲリータ Marugeriita Margherita Crossfade ]
がらくた Garakuta Junk Source / Subbed ]
RED OUT (J) RED OUT (R) RED OUT (E) Source / Subbed ]
毎日 Mainichi Every Day Source / Subbed ]
さよーならまたいつか! Sayoonara Mata Itsuka! Bye Now, See You Someday! Source / Subbed ]
地球儀 Chikyuugi Globe Source / Subbed ]
月を見ていた Tsuki o Miteita Moongazing Source / Subbed ]
LADY (J) LADY (R) LADY (E) Source / Subbed ]
恥ずかしくってしょうがねえ Hazukashikutte Shou ga Nee Y'all Should Be Ashamed [ No Source ]
KICK BACK (J) KICK BACK (R) KICK BACK (E) Source / Subbed ]
ETA (J) ETA (R) ETA (E) [ No Source ]
M八七 M Hachi-juu-nana M87 Source / Subbed ]
POP SONG (J) POP SONG (R) POP SONG (E) Source / Subbed ]
コンフェッション Konfesshon Confession Source / Subbed ]
死神 Shinigami Shinigami Source / Subbed ]
ゆめうつつ Yume-Utsutsu Half-Dreaming Crossfade ]
Pale Blue (J) Pale Blue (R) Pale Blue (E) Source / Subbed ]
つぎはぎマリアージュ Tsugihagi Mariaaju Patchwork Marriage Source / Subbed ]
Q. (J) Q. (R) Q. (E) Source ]
けけアイドル(OSTERアレンジ) Keke Aidoru (OSTER Arenji) Bubblegum K.K. (OSTER Remix) Source / Subbed ]
カナリヤ Kanariya Canary Source / Subbed ]
Décolleté (J) Décolleté (R) Décolleté (E) Crossfade ]
迷える羊 Mayoeru Hitsuji Stray Sheep Crossfade ]
ひまわり Himawari Sunflower Crossfade ]
優しい人 Yasashii Hito Kind Person Crossfade ]
カムパネルラ Kamupanerura Campanella Source / Subbed ]
感電 Kanden Shock Source / Subbed ]
ネコに風船 Neko ni Fuusen Cat and Balloons Source / Subbed ]
kissing fish (J) kissing fish (R) kissing fish (E) Source ]
助手席ロードムービー Joshuseki Roodo Muubii Passenger Seat Road Movie Source / Subbed ]
盗み出せ!アンティークのチキン Nusumidase! Antiiku no Chikin Steal the Antique Chicken! Source ]
そして誰もいなくなって Soshite Daremo Inakunatte And Then Let There Be None Source ]
でしょましょ Desho Masho Let's / Isn't It [ No Source ]
馬と鹿 Uma to Shika Horse and Deer Source / Subbed ]
海の幽霊 Umi no Yuurei Ghost of the Sea Source / Subbed ]
まちがいさがし Machigai Sagashi Spot the Difference Source ]
ごめんね Gomen Ne I'm Sorry [ No Source ]
Flamingo (J) Flamingo (R) Flamingo (E) Source / Subbed ]
パプリカ Papurika Paprika Source / Subbed ]
Paper Flower (J) Paper Flower (R) Paper Flower (E) [ No Source ]
クランベリーとパンケーキ Kuranberii to Pankeeki Cranberry and Pancakes [ No Source ]
Lemon (J) Lemon (R) Lemon (E) Source / Subbed ]
Uta no Sumu Ie
~Mezon Hatsune~
The House Where Music Lives
~Maison Hatsune~
Source ]
女神の握手 Megami no Akushu Goddess's Handshake Crossfade ]
ミラクルショウタイム Mirakuru Shoutaimu Miracle Showtime Source ]
打上花火 Uchiage Hanabi Fireworks Source ]
Nighthawks (J) Nighthawks (R) Nighthawks (E) Crossfade ]
爱丽丝 爱丽丝 (Arisu) 爱丽丝 (Alice) Crossfade ]
fogbound (J) fogbound (R) fogbound (E) Crossfade ]
春雷 Shunrai Spring Thunder Source / Subbed ]
Moonlight (J) Moonlight (R) Moonlight (E) Crossfade ]
かいじゅうのマーチ Kaijuu no Maachi Monster's March Crossfade ]
飛燕 Hien Flying Swallow Crossfade ]
静かの海で逢いましょう Shizuka no Umi de Aimashou See You in the Silent Sea Source / Subbed ]
灰色と青 Haiiro to Ao Gray and Blue Source / Subbed ]
砂の惑星 Suna no Wakusei Sand Planet Source / Subbed / Alt ]
Neighbourhood (J) Neighbourhood (R) Neighbourhood (E) [ No Source ]
ピースサイン Piisu Sain Peace Sign Source / Subbed ]
Irokoizata wa Subete Sakuzu de
Kaiketsu Kanou de Aru Koto no Shoumei
Proof Geometric Construction
Can Solve All Love Affairs
Source / Subbed ]
翡翠の狼 Hisui no Ookami Jade Wolf [ No Source ]
ララバイさよなら Rarabai Sayonara Lullabye Goodbye [ No Source ]
orion (J) orion (R) orion (E) Source / Subbed ]
love (J) love (R) love (E) [ No Source ]
amen (J) amen (R) amen (E) [ No Source ]
ナンバーナイン Nanbaa Nain Number Nine Crossfade ]
LOSER (J) LOSER (R) LOSER (E) Source / Subbed ]
すきなことだけでいいです Suki na Koto Dake de Ii Desu All I Need Are Things I Like Source / Subbed ]
リバースデイズ Ribaasu Deizu The Reverse Days Source / Subbed ]
君を忘れた Kimi o Wasureta I Forgot You Source / Subbed ]
クソみたいなJ-POP Kuso-mitai na J-POP That Crappy J-Pop Source / Subbed ]
1BitHeart (J) 1BitHeart (R) 1BitHeart (E) Source / Subbed ]
Blue Jasmine (J) Blue Jasmine (R) Blue Jasmine (E) Crossfade ]
ホープランド Hoopurando Hopeland Crossfade ]
ミラージュソング Miraaju Songu Mirage Song Crossfade ]
シンデレラグレイ Shinderera Gurei Cinderella Gray Crossfade ]
雨の街路に夜行蟲 Ame no Gairo ni Yakouchuu Night Bugs on a Rainy Street Crossfade ]
Neon Sign (J) Neon Sign (R) Neon Sign (E) Crossfade ]
Undercover (J) Undercover (R) Undercover (E) Crossfade ]
ウィルオウィスプ Uiru O Uisupu Will-O-Wisp Crossfade ]
あたしはゆうれい Atashi wa Yuurei I'm A Ghost Crossfade ]
再上映 Saijouei Rerun Crossfade ]
メトロノーム Metoronoomu Metronome Source / Subbed ]
フローライト Furooraito Fluorite Source / Subbed ]
こころにくだもの Kokoro ni Kudamono Fruit for the Heart [ No Source ]
旅人電燈 Tabibito Dentou Traveler's Lamp [ No Source ]
アンビリーバーズ Anbiriibaazu Unbelievers Source / Subbed ]
はじめまして地球人さん Hajimemashite Chikyuujin-san Hello There, Earthling Source / Subbed ]
さようなら、花泥棒さん Sayounara, Hana-Dorobou-san Goodbye, Ms. Floral Thief Source / Subbed ]
衆生は踊る Shujou wa Odoru The People Dance Source / Subbed ]
ペトリコール Petorikooru Petrichor Crossfade ]
懺悔の街 Sange no Machi Repentance Town Crossfade ]
Flowerwall (J) Flowerwall (R) Flowerwall (E) Source / Subbed ]
物語は散った後に Monogatari wa Chitta Ato ni The Story After the Petals Fall Source / Subbed ]
ぼうけんのしょがきえました! Bouken no Sho ga Kiemashita! Your Adventure Log Has Vanished! Source / Subbed / Alt ]
ヒビカセ Hibikase Ripple Out Source ]
予言'99 Yogen '99 Prophecy '99 Source ]
夢見がち拘束具の悲壮な高校デビュー Yumemigachi Kousokugu no Hisou na Koukou Debyuu A Collar Dreamer's Pathetic High-School Debut Source / Subbed ]
EveR ∞ LastinG ∞ NighT (J) EveR ∞ LastinG ∞ NighT (R) EveR ∞ LastinG ∞ NighT (E) Source / Subbed / Alt ]
ホラ吹き猫野郎 Horafuki Nekoyarou Braggart Alleycats Crossfade ]
眼福 Ganpuku Sight for Sore Eyes Crossfade ]
しとど晴天大迷惑 Shitodo Seiten Daimeiwaku The Trouble of Dripping Wet Sun Crossfade ]
海と山椒魚 Umi to Sanshouuo The Sea and the Salamander Crossfade ]
花に嵐 Hana ni Arashi Flower and Storm Crossfade ]
メランコリーキッチン Merankorii Kicchin Melancholy Kitchen Crossfade ]
Party×Party (J) Party x Party (R) Party x Party (E) Source / Subbed ]
絵の上手かった友達 E no Umakatta Tomodachi My Friend Was Good At Drawing Source / Subbed ]
TypeWriter (J) TypeWriter (R) TypeWriter (E) Source / Subbed ]
アイネクライネ Aine Kuraine Eine Kleine Source / Subbed ]
リビングデッド・ユース Ribingu Deddo Yuusu Living Dead Youth Source / Subbed ]
忘却無人 Boukyakubujin Forgetfull of Myself Source ]
Music Wizard of Oz (J) Music Wizard of Oz (R) The Music Wizard of Oz (E) Source / Subbed ]
じっっと見ている Jittto Miteiru St-aring Down Source / Subbed ]
ニナ Nina Tho Source / Subbed ]
クライヤ Kuraiya Crier Source / Subbed ]
怪盗Fの台本 Kaitou F no Shinario Phantom Thief F's Scenario Source / Subbed ]
ドーナツホール Doonatsu Hooru Donut Hole Source / Subbed ]
鳥にでもなりたい Tori ni demo Naritai Wanna Be A Bird At Least [ No Source ]
ポッピンアパシー Poppin Apashii Poppin' Apathy Source / Subbed ]
徒花満ちて Adabana Michite Ripen, Fruitless Flower Source / Subbed ]
傘の下に雨が降る Kasa no Shita ni Ame ga Furu Rain Under the Umbrella Source / Subbed ]
僕は空気が嫁ない Boku wa Kuuki ga Yomenai I Can't (Mar)read the Situation Source / Subbed ]
サマータイムレコード Samaa Taimu Rekoodo Summer Time Record Source / Subbed ]
しかばねの踊り Shikabane no Odori Corpse Dance Source ]
アウターサイエンス Autaa Saiensu Outer Science Source / Subbed ]
こどものしくみ Kodomo no Shikumi What Children Are Made Of Source ]
次元跳躍シャンプーハット Jigen Chouyaku Shanpuu Hatto The Dimension-Leaping Shampoo Hat Source / Subbed ]
夕景イエスタデイ Yuukei Iesutadei Sunset Yesterday Source / Subbed ]
風が吹けば人類が終わる Kaze ga Fukeba Jinrui ga Owaru When the Wind Blows, Mankind is Doomed Source / Subbed ]
オツキミリサイタル O-tsukimi Risaitaru Moon-Viewing Recital Source / Subbed ]
ネオテニーラヴ Neotenii Ravu Neoteny Love Source / Subbed ]
東京レトロ Toukyou Retoro Tokyo Retro Source / Subbed ]
ツギハギエデン Tsugihagi Eden Patchwork Eden Source / Subbed ]
ザ・カップリングエンターテイメント Za Kappuringu Entaateimento The Shipping Entertainment Source ]
笛吹けども踊らず Fuefukedomo Odorazu Flute Without Dancing [ No Source ]
百鬼夜行 Hyakkiyakou Pandemonium Crossfade ]
トゥイー・ボックスの人形劇場 Tuii Bokkusu no Ningyou Gekijou Twee Box Puppet Show Source / Subbed ]
ゲーセン上のアリア Geesen-jou no Aria Aria On the Game Center Source / Subbed ]
サンタマリア Santa Maria Santa Maria Source / Subbed ]
アヤノの幸福理論 Ayano no Koufuku Riron Ayano's Happiness Theory Source / Subbed ]
ムラサキ Murasaki Violet Source / Subbed ]
スレッドネイション Sureddoneishon Threadnation Source ]
ゲームスぺクター2 Geemu Supekutaa 2 Game Specter 2 Source / Subbed ]
ロスタイムメモリー Rosu Taimu Memorii Lost Time Memory Source ]
さくら Sakura Sakura Source / Subbed ]
君はできない子 Kimi wa Dekinai Ko You're a Useless Kid Source ]
東方見聞録 Tou-hou Kenbunroku Marvels of the East Source ]
しんでしまうとはなさけない! Shinde Shimau to wa Nasakenai! Death Should Not Have Taken Thee! Source / Subbed / Alt ]
夜咄ディセイブ Yobanashi Diseibu Night Tales Deceive Source / Subbed ]
Twilight ∞ nighT (J) Twilight ∞ nighT (R) Twilight ∞ nighT (E) Source / Subbed / Alt ]
浮かれバケモノの朗らかな破綻 Ukare Bakemono no Hogaraka na Hatan The Festive Monster's Cheerful Failure Source / Subbed ]
ロクベル Rokuberu Rockbell Source / Subbed / Alt ]
Juvenile (J) Juvenile (R) Juvenile (E) Source ]
Snow Song Show (J) Snow Song Show (R) Snow Song Show (E) Source / Subbed ]
その魔王はまるで恋する乙女のように Sono Maou wa Marude Koisuru Otome no You ni The Dark Lord's Like a Fawning Girl Source / Subbed ]
ムニエル Munieru Meunière Source ]
林檎売りの泡沫少女 Ringo-uri no Utakata Shoujo The Transient Apple Salesgirl Source / Subbed ]
てんしょう しょうてんしょう Tenshou Shoutenshou Reincarnation Ascensation Source ]
ワールド・コーリング Waarudo Kooringu World Calling Source / Subbed ]
Hocus Pocus (J) Hocus Pocus (R) Hocus Pocus (E) Source ]
週刊少年バイバイ Shuukan Shounen Baibai Weekly Shonen Bye-Bye Source / Subbed ]
Q&A (J) Q&A (R) Q&A (E) Source ]
あなたは醜い Anata wa Minikui You Are Ugly [ No Source ]
地底人が見せた抜群の生活感 Chitei-jin ga Miseta Batsugun Seikatsu-kan Learning Effective Living from Cavepeople Source ]
虹色団地の神隠し Niji-iro Danchi no Kami-Kakushi The Spiriting Away at Rainbow Apartments Source / Subbed ]
夏の終わり、恋の始まり Natsu no Owari, Koi no Hajimari Summer's End, Love's Beginning Source / Subbed ]
群青レイン Gunjou Rein Ultramarine Rain [ No Source ]
39 (サンキュー) 39 (San-kyuu) 39 (San-kyuu) Source / Subbed ]
サーシャ Saasha Sasha Source ]
チルドレンレコード Chirudoren Rekoodo Children Record Source ]
Crazy ∞ nighT (J) Crazy ∞ nighT (R) Crazy ∞ nighT (E) Source / Subbed / Alt ]
甘宿り Ama-yadori Taking Sweet Shelter Source / Subbed ]
星のとなりの空け者~カッパ~ Hoshi no Tonari no Utsukemono ~Kappa~ Fools Among the Stars ~Kappa~ Source / Subbed ]
星のとなりの空け者~彦星~ Hoshi no Tonari no Utsukemono ~Hikoboshi~ Fools Among the Stars ~Hikoboshi~ Source / Subbed ]
星のとなりの空け者~織姫~ Hoshi no Tonari no Utsukemono ~Orihime~ Fools Among the Stars ~Orihime~ Source / Subbed ]
because the sky is (J) because the sky is (R) because the sky is (E) Source ]
ハートブレイク・ヘッドライン Haatobureiku Heddorain Heartbreak Headlines Source / Subbed ]
地球最後の告白を Chikyuu Saigo no Kokuhaku o The Last Confession on Earth Source / Subbed ]
サカナ暮らし Sakana Kurashi Fishy Living Source ]
1imb0 (J) 1imb0 (R) 1imb0 (E) Source / Subbed ]
人造エネミー Jinzou Enemii Manmade Enemy Source ]
エイは育ち、僕はプロポーズに鉄を曲げる Ei wa Sodachi, Boku wa Puropoozu ni Tetsu o Mageru Via Stingrays, My Proposal Bends Iron Source / Subbed ]
如月アテンション Kisaragi Atenshon Kisaragi Attention Source / Subbed ]
アイロニ Aironi Irony Source / Subbed ]
抄本 Shouhon Excerpt Crossfade ]
心像放映 Shinzou Houei Mental Television Crossfade ]
首なし閑古鳥 Kubi-nashi Kankodori Headless Cuckoo Crossfade ]
乾涸びたバスひとつ Hikarabita Basu Hitotsu One Stale Bus Crossfade ]
Black Sheep (J) Black Sheep (R) Black Sheep (E) Crossfade ]
トイパトリオット Toi Patoriotto Toy Patriot Crossfade ]
ディスコバルーン Disuko Baruun Disco Balloon Crossfade ]
あめふり婦人 Amefuri Fujin Rain Woman Crossfade ]
caribou (J) caribou (R) caribou (E) Crossfade ]
駄菓子屋商売 Dagashi-ya Shoubai Cheap Sweets Selling Crossfade ]
Machi Town Crossfade ]
さかさまに Sakasama Ni In Reverse Source / Subbed ]
かえるたちのうた Kaeru-tachi no Uta Frogs' Song Source ]
外見と内面 Gaiken to Naimen Outwards and Inwards Source / Subbed / Alt ]
ラブソングを殺さないで Rabu Songu o Korosanaide Don't Kill the Love Song Source / Subbed ]
否世界ハーモナイゼ Hi-sekai Haamonaize Non-World Harmonize Source / Subbed ]
六兆年と一夜物語 Roku-chou-nen to Ichiya Monogatari A Tale of Six Trillion Years and a Night Source ]
恋と病熱 Koi to Byounetsu Love and Fever Source / Subbed / Alt ]
スーパーヒーロー Suupaa Hiiroo Super Hero Source ]
気になるあいつは怪獣少年 Ki ni Naru Aitsu wa Kaijuu Shounen My Crush Was A Monster Boy Source / Subbed ]
ナイアガラシュート Naiagara Shuuto Niagara Chutes Source ]
vivi (J) vivi (R) vivi (E) Source / Subbed / Alt ]
春に一番近い街 Haru ni Ichiban Chikai Machi A Town Nearing Spring Source / Subbed ]
My Colorful Confuse (J) My Colorful Confuse (R) My Colorful Confuse (E) Source ]
帰宅のテーマ Kitaku no Teema Theme of Coming Home Source ]
ラッパ吹きの少年 Rappa-Fuki no Shounen The Trumpet-Playing Boy Source ]
ゴーゴー幽霊船 Goo Goo Yuureisen Go Go Ghost Ship Source / Subbed / Alt ]
センセーショナル Senseeshonaru Sensational Source ]
神様はエレキ守銭奴 Kamisama wa Ereki Shusendo God's An Energy Cheapskate Source / Subbed / Alt ]
ジサツブシ Jisatsu Bushi A Suicide Tune Source ]
黒猫系女子 Kuroneko-kei Joshi Black-Cat Girl Source / Subbed ]
想像フォレスト Souzou Foresuto Imagination Forest Source / Subbed ]
ハイド&シーカー Haido & Shiikaa Hide & Seeker Source / Subbed ]
カトレア Katorea Cattleya Source / Subbed ]
人の命は平等じゃない Hito no Inochi wa Byoudou Janai Life Isn't Fair Source ]
Bad ∞ End ∞ Night (J) Bad ∞ End ∞ Night (R) Bad ∞ End ∞ Night (E) Source / Subbed / Alt ]
ゆめゆめ Yumeyume Dream Dream Source / Subbed ]
とても痛い痛がりたい Totemo Itai Itagaritai Hurting for a Very Hurtful Pain Source / Subbed ]
ワンホット・ミニッツ Wan Hotto Minittsu One Hot Minute Source ]
消火器がダンディーで気が利く場合 Shoukaki ga Dandii de Ki ga Kiku Baai A Classy, Tactful Fire Extinguisher Source / Subbed / Alt ]
メリーとニコラウス Merii to Nikorausu Merry & Nicolaus Source / Subbed ]
ミートミーツガール Miito Miitsu Gaaru Meat Meets Girl Source ]
スカイフィッシュ Sukaifisshu Skyfish Source ]
ちょっとだけメリークリスマス Chotto Dake Merii Kurisumasu A Vaguely Merry Christmas Source ]
ヘッドフォンアクター Heddofon Akutaa Headphone Actor Source ]
エゴママ Egomama Egoselfish Source / Subbed ]
パラダイス明晰夢 Paradaisu Meisekimu Paradise Lucid Source ]
宝石と謎とプリンセス Houseki to Nazo to Purinsesu A Gem, A Riddle, A Princess Source ]
おもひでしゃばだば Omohide Shabadaba Memury Shabadaba Source ]
恋距離遠愛 Renkyori Enai Love-Distance Long Affair Source / Subbed ]
みおリョシカ Mioryoshika Mioshka Source ]
月乃 Tsuki no Of the Moon Source ]
アメリカン60 Amerikan 60 American 60 Source / Subbed ]
3331 (J) 3331 (R) 3331 (E) Source ]
あの日のボクへ Ano Hi no Boku e To Myself in the Past Source / Subbed ]
スイートフロートアパート Suiito Furooto Apaato Sweet Float Flats Source / Subbed ]
グロリアス・ワールド Guroriasu Waarudo Glorious World Source / Subbed / Alt ]
マスマティガール Masumatigaaru Mathematigirl Source ]
Waltz of Anomalies (J) Waltz of Anomalies (R) Waltz of Anomalies (E) Source / Subbed ]
beautiful world (J) beautiful world (R) beautiful world (E) Source ]
さんぽみち Sanpomichi Avenue Source / Subbed ]
=world (J) =world (R) =world (E) Source ]
なれのはて Nare no Hate The Bitter End Source ]
完全性コンプレックス Kanzen-sei Conpurekkusu Perfectionist Complex Source ]
夏に去りし君を想フ Natsu ni Sarishi Kimi o Omofu Leave In Summer, Yet You're In My Fluffoughts Source / Subbed ]
arachnoid (J) arachnoid (R) arachnoid (E) Source ]
アモーレ Amoore Amore Source / Subbed ]
梨本ういが僕を殺す Nashimoto-Ui ga Boku o Korosu Nashimoto-We, Kill Me Source ]
ラジカル男女の唄 Rajikaru Danjo no Uta A Radical Man and Woman's Song Source / Subbed ]
エレベーター・ガール Erebeetaa Gaaru Elevator Girl Source ]
Alice in Musicland (J) Alice in Musicland (R) Alice in Musicland (E) Source / Subbed ]
クワガタにチョップしたらタイムスリップした Kuwagata ni Choppu Shitara Taimu Surippu Shita Time-Warped After Chopping My Stag Beetle Source / Subbed / Alt ]
未完成人間 Mikansei Ningen Incomplete Human Source ]
じょーじょーゆーじょー Joujou Yuujou Best of Friendships Source / Subbed ]
ライトラグ Raitoragu Light Lag Source / Subbed ]
不感症信号機 Fukanshou Shingouki Frigidity Signs [ No Source ]
スタートライン Sutaato Rain Start Line Source / Subbed ]
嘘つきの世界 Usotsuki no Sekai Liar's World Source / Subbed ]
カカカタ☆カタオモイ-C Kakakata☆Kataomoi-C C-C-Can I Share This With You? Source / Subbed ]
トロイ Toroi Dim Source / Subbed ]
ドーシレ Doushire Doshire Source ]
ガラクタ姫とアポストロフ Garakuta-hime to Aposutorofu The Trash-Heap Princess and Apostrophe Source / Subbed ]
Love Trigger (J) Love Trigger (R) Love Trigger (E) Source ]
神様と林檎飴 Kamisama to Ringo-Ame God and Candy Apples Crossfade ]
アンハッピーリフレイン Anhappii Rifurein Unhappy Refrain Source / Subbed ]
一方通行 Ippou Tsukou One-Way Route Source / Subbed ]
愛 think so, Ai think so, Amore or less. Source ]
エスケープゲーム Esukeepu Geemu Escape Game Crossfade ]
梔子ビクリと花の街 Kuchinashi Bikuri to Hana no Machi Little Vikkly of Floralville Source ]
サイノウサンプラー Sainou Sanpuraa Skill Sampler Source ]
ラストバトル Rasuto Batoru Last Battle Source / Subbed ]
いたいあたしあしたあいたい Itai Atashi Ashita Aitai Worromot Kees I Niap Ni Source ]
ささいなこと Sasai na Koto Trivial Things Source / Subbed ]
眩暈電話 Memai Denwa Vertigo Phone Crossfade ]
Stockholm syndrome (J) Stockholm syndrome (R) Stockholm Syndrome (E) Source / Subbed ]
防衛本脳 Bouei Honnou Defense Insthinkt Source ]
おわりのはじまり Owari no Hajimari Beginning of the End Source / Subbed ]
ファニバニ Fani Bani funny bunny Source ]
ペダルハート Pedaru Haato Pedal Heart Source / Subbed ]
白痴 Hakuchi Idiocy Crossfade ]
僕はまだ本気出してないだけ Boku wa Mada Honki Dashitenai Dake I'm Only Just Getting Started Source / Subbed ]
↑人生ゲーム↓ ↑Jinsei Geemu↓ ↑Game of Life↓ Source ]
飴玉サイコロジスト Amedama Saikorojisuto Candy Diceologist Source ]
神曲 Kamikyoku Epic Song Source ]
モウモクポエム Moumoku Poemu Blindness Poem Source ]
十面相 Juu-Mensou Ten-Faced Source / Subbed ]
妄想スケッチ Mousou Sukecchi Delusion Sketch Source / Subbed ]
遊園市街 Yuuen Shigai Urban Playground Crossfade ]
パンダヒーロー Panda Hiiroo Panda Hero Source / Subbed ]
うたうたいのうた Utautai no Uta The Song of the Singer Source / Subbed ]
Trees In Our Homeland (J) Trees In Our Homeland (R) Trees In Our Homeland (E) Source ]
eve*2 (J) eve*2 (R) eve*2 (E) Source / Subbed ]
ドミノ倒シ Domino Taoshi Domino Toppling Source / Subbed / Alt ]
クリスマスなんかいらない Kurisumasu Nanka Iranai Don't Need No Christmas Source ]
トリノアイウタ Tori no Ai Uta Bird Love Song Source / Subbed ]
Christmas Morgue (J) Christmas Morgue (R) Christmas Morgue (E) Source / Subbed ]
愛迷エレジー Aimai Erejii Love-Lost Elegy Source / Subbed ]
ポケモシカ Pokemoshika Pokémoshka Source / Subbed ]
むかしむかしのきょうのぼく Mukashi Mukashi no Kyou no Boku Once Upon A Me Source / Subbed ]
ワンステップ・レイヤード Wan Suteppu Reiyaado One Step Layered Source / Subbed / Alt ]
生きる明日へ Ikiru Ashita e To Living Tomorrow Source / Subbed ]
夢、時々… Yume, Tokidoki... Dream Sometimes... Source ]
Endless End (J) Endless End (R) Endless End (E) Source ]
大丈夫だ 問題ない Daijoubu Da Mondai Nai No Problem. Everything's Fine. Source ]
トップシークレット Toppu Shiikuretto Top Secret Source / Subbed ]
ラストステージ Rasuto Suteeji Last Stage Source / Subbed ]
ぼくとわたしとニコニコ動画 Boku to Watashi to NicoNico Douga Me, Myself, and NicoNico Douga Source / Subbed ]
深海少女 Shinkai Shoujo Deep-Sea Girl Source / Subbed ]
心拍数♯0822 Shinpakusuu #0822 Heartbeat #0822 Source ]
マトリョシカ Matoryoshika Matryoshka Source / Subbed ]
病棟305号室 Byoutou 305-goushitsu Ward No. 305 Crossfade ]
ナキムシピッポ Nakimushi Pippo Crybaby Pippo Source / Subbed ]
どうぶつ占い Doubutsu Uranai Animal Divination Source / Subbed ]
夜行性ニワトリ行進曲 Yakousei Niwatori Koushinkyoku Nocturnal Rooster March Source ]
弱虫モンブラン Yowamushi Monburan Cowardly Montblanc Source / Subbed ]
モザイクロール Mozaiku Rooru Mozaik Role Source / Subbed ]
リンネ Rinne Lynne Source / Subbed ]
星屑メソッド Hoshikuzu Mesoddo Stardust Method Source ]
ハロ/ハワユ Haro/Hawayu Hello/Howareyou Source / Subbed ]
泡沫のダンス Utakata no Dansu Ephemeral Dance Source / Subbed ]
粘着系男子の15年ネチネチ Nenchakukei Danshi no 15-nen Nechinechi A Clingy Boy Sticking for 15 Years Source / Subbed ]
お茶 Ocha Tea Source ]
ワンダーランドと羊の歌 Wandaarando to Hitsuji no Uta Wonderland and the Sheep's Song Source / Subbed ]
ローリーズルーム Looriizu Ruumu Lowry's Room Source ]
*ハロー、プラネット。 *Haroo, Puranetto. *Hello, Planet. Source / Subbed ]
しゅうまつがやってくる! Shuumatsu ga Yatte Kuru! The Weekend's Coming! Source / Subbed ]
くたばれPTA Kutabare PTA Sod Off, PTA Source ]
7番目の僕 Nana-banme no Boku The Seventh Me Source ]
デンドロビウム・ファレノプシス Dendorobiumu Farenopushisu Dendrobium Phalaenopsis Source ]
沙上の夢喰い少女 Sajou no Yume-Kui Shoujo Dreameater on the Sand Source / Subbed ]
エーヤ Eeya Eya Source ]
サクラノ前夜 Sakura no Zenya Night Before the Sakura Source / Subbed ]
演劇テレプシコーラ Engeki Terepushikoora Terpsichore Theatric Source / Subbed ]
双声ノ詩 Sousei no Shi Twin-Voiced Poem Source ]
レゾンデートル頂戴 Rezon-Deetoru Choudai Raison D'etre, Please Source / Subbed ]
インターネットシティ Intaanetto Shiti Internet City Source ]
ローリンガール Roorin Gaaru Rollin' Girl Source ]
もやcm Moya-Senchi Centimeters of Haze Source ]
サボテンと蜃気楼 Saboten to Shinkirou Cactus and Mirage Source / Subbed ]
背中合わせの僕と君 Senaka-awase no Boku to Kimi Back to Back, Me and You Source ]
恋率方程式 Koi-ritsu Houteishiki Love-Coefficient Equation Source ]
花束と水葬 Hanataba to Suisou Bouquet and Burial at Sea Crossfade ]
Ghost Mansion (J) Ghost Mansion (R) Ghost Mansion (E) Crossfade ]
バウムクーヘン Baumukuuhen Baumkuchen Crossfade ]
待チ人ハ来ズ。 Machi-bito wa Kitazu. My Awaited Won't Come. Source ]
木偶殉歌 Deku Junka Wood Doll's Song of Martyrdom Source ]
文学少年の憂鬱 Bungaku Shounen no Yuuutsu Depression of the Young Literati Source / Subbed ]
オメデトウ Omedetou Congratulations Source ]
マリオネットシンドローム Marionetto Shindoroomu Marionette Syndrome Source / Subbed ]
ラブアトミック・トランスファー Rabu-Atomikku Toransufaa Love-Atomic Transfer Source ]
恋人のランジェ Koibito no Ranje Dear Rangge Source / Subbed ]
孤独の少年 Kodoku no Shounen The Lonely Youth Source ]
千夜一夜千日手 Senya Ichiya Sennichite One Thousand Senseless Repetitions Source ]
絡繰賛歌 Karakuri Sanka Karakuri Hymn Source ]
clock lock works (J) clock lock works (R) clock lock works (E) Source / Subbed ]
ミミック Mimikku Mimic Source / Subbed ]
もしも話 Moshimo-banashi Tales of Ifs Source ]
Floating Darkness (J) Floating Darkness (R) Floating Darkness (E) Source ]
Bad Apple!! (J) Bad Apple!! (R) Bad Apple!! (E) Source ]
お姫様は電子音で眠る O-hime-sama wa Denshion de Nemuru The Princess Sleeps to Electronics Source ]
雨降る街にて風船は悪魔と踊る Ame-furu Machi nite Fuusen wa Akuma to Odoru In a Rainy Town, Balloons Dance with Devils Source ]
ペテン師が笑う頃に Petenshi ga Warau Koro ni When Crooks Laugh Source / Subbed ]
Mrs.Pumpkinの滑稽な夢 Mrs. Pumpkin no Kokkei na Yume Mrs. Pumpkin's Ridiculous Dream Source / Subbed ]
Sing My Love (J) Sing My Love (R) Sing My Love (E) Source / Subbed ]
Toy Box (J) Toy Box (R) Toy Box (E) Source / Subbed ]
孤独のおとぎ姫 Kodoku no Otogi-Hime The Lonely Fairytale Princess Source ]
オルトロス・ブギー Orutorosu Bugii Ultros Boogie Source / Subbed ]
No Logic (J) No Logic (R) No Logic (E) Source / Subbed ]
eight hundred (J) eight hundred (R) eight hundred (E) Source / Subbed ]
ぼくらの非想天則 Bokura no Hisou Tensoku Our Hisou Tensoku Source ]
Qualia (J) Qualia (R) Qualia (E) Source / Subbed ]
Persona Alice (J) Persona Alice (R) Persona Alice (E) Source / Subbed ]
結ンデ開イテ羅刹ト骸 Musunde Hiraite Rasetsu to Mukuro Close and Open, the Rakshasa and the Corpse Source ]
吹き抜けろトルネード Fukinukero Toruneedo Blowing Tornado Source ]
初音ミクの あたまのたいそう Hatsune Miku no Atama no Taisou Hatsune Miku's Head Exercises Source / Subbed ]
GO!GO! パチュリーロボ!! Go! Go! Pachurii Robo!! Go! Go! Patchouli Robo!! Source ]
でんわにでんわ Denwa ni Denwa Phone to Phone Source / Subbed / Alt ]
Francium (J) Francium (R) Francium (E) Source / Subbed ]
カエルウタ Kaeru-uta Frogsong Source ]
Sylpheed (J) Sylpheed (R) Sylpheed (E) Source ]
イチバンになりたい! Ichiban ni Naritai! Wanna Become Number One! Source ]
K・S・K~キミのその手はここにある~ K-S-K ~Kimi no Sono Te wa Koko ni Aru~ Excitement ~You're All Here~ Source ]
受かるまでは眠らない! Ukaru Made wa Nemuranai! No Sleep Until Pass! Source ]
ナンバーファイブの片思い Nanbaa Faibu no Kataomoi Number Five's Unrequited Love Source ]
こいつはホントに協力する気があるのか? Koitsu wa Honto ni Kyouryoku Suru Ki ga Aru no ka? Is This Guy Really Trying to Help? Source ]
クリアまでは眠らない! Kuria Made wa Nemuranai! No Sleep Until Clear! Source ]

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EveR ∞ LastinG ∞ NighT (日本語)






今宵 世界を飼い馴らすように




今宵 世界に飼い馴らされ




村娘役「EndroLL!? これで【皆】助かる!?」



【脚本(シナリオ)通り】のBad ∞ End ∞ Night



今宵 世界を飼い馴らすように



True enD

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EveR ∞ LastinG ∞ NighT (Romanji)

Shounen Ningyou-yaku: "Subete no hajimari o..."
Shoujo Ningyou-yaku: "Omoidashite goran...?"
Shujin-yaku: "Arashi no yoru no tegami..."
Meido-yaku: "Uragirareta no wa, dare...?"
Okugata-yaku: "Nakushitakatta peeji wa..."
O-jou-sama-yaku: "Hitsugi no naka ni kakushite..."
Shitsuji-yaku: "Koyoi mata enjimashou..."
Kuromaku: "Subarashii yoru o... ∞"

Okugata: "Bukimi ni akai mangetsu... arashi ni narisou na yoru..."
O-jou-sama: "Konna yoru wa... konna yoru wa..."
Meido: "Jiken ga okorisou ♪"
Shujin: "...Chi o motomeru vanpaia?"
Shoujo Ningyou: "...Kiba muku, ookami-otoko...?"
Shounen Ningyou: "...Furanken, no, shutain, ni...?"
Shitsujji: "...Manekarezaru kyaku...?"

O-jou-sama: "Tai~kutsu~ su~gi~tee~~"
Shoujo Ningyou: "Tai-kutsu-su-gi-te...?"
Shounen Ningyou: "Tai! Kutsu! Su! Gi! Te!"
Meido: "Shinde shimaisou desu ♪"

Shitsujji: "Ittai konna yofuke ni..."
Meido: "Dare ga nan no goyou deshou ka? ♪"
Murako: "Gomen kudasai, hitoban dake... tomete kuremasen ka?"
Okugata: "Ara ara"
Shujin: "Yoru no mori wa abunai ne"
O-jou-sama: "Hayaku o-hairinasai na"
Shounen Ningyou: "Manekarezaru kyaku no..."
Shoujo Ningyou: "Odemashi desu yo..."

Shujin/Okugata: "Bukimi na... arashi no yoru..."
Meido: "Nanika ga okoru? ♪"
O-jou-sama: "Sore nara sawagimasho~?"
Shitsujji: "Yoake made...?"
Futago Ningyou: ""Me ga sameru hodo... subarashii yoru o...""

Koyoi sekai o kainarasu you ni
Kimi no butai no toriko ni shite?
Suberu you ni tsukamitore
Shinario-doori no EncorE

Yagate hakushu ni nomikomareta kyaku wa
Setsuna no towa ni kogarete
"Subarashii kono yoru ga, tsudzukeba ii" to negau

Shitsujji: "Me sameru to, oya, fushigi na...?"
Meido: "MIta koto mo nai keshiki, desu ka~? ♪"
Murako-yaku: "Koko wa doko?! Naze ano ko wa..."
Murako-yaku/Futago Ningyou: """O-ningyou nano deshou?!"""
Shujin: "Butai setto mo kyasuto no mo"
Okugata/O-jou-sama: ""Uso ga honmono ni natta?!""
Murako-yaku: "Ima sugu kaerasete... Watashi no sekai ni...!!"

Shujin/Okugata: "Akenai... yoru no sekai..."
Meido: "Butai wa tomatta...? ♪"
O-jou-sama: "Anata ga machigaeta kara...?"
Shitsujji: "Hitori dake...?"
Shoujo Ningyou: "Yarinaoshi de...?"
Shounen Ningyou: "Kanpeki na yoru o..."

Koyoi sekai ni kainarasare
Kimi no butai no toriko ni natta
Murako-yaku: "Watashi dake kidzuiteru... kono sekai wa tada no feiku"

Minna, butai ni nomikomarete
Toki wa setsuna no towa ni kawaru
Murako-yaku: "Okashii!! to sakende mo, dare ni mo todokanai..."

Shitsujji: "Nusumareta peeji wa mitsukarazu"
Meido: "Jikan dake ga mujou ni mo sugiteiku ♪"
Okugata: "Dousureba butai wa owaru no deshou"
Murako-yaku: "Dousureba minna o tasukerareru no ka..."

Shujin: "Shuyaku ga ikiru kagiri butai wa tsudzuku"
O-jou-sama: "Dakedo shuyaku ga shinde mo butai wa owaranai"
Shoujo Ningyou: "Atarashii dareka o tsurete kureba ii no"
Shounen Ningyou: "Soshite atarashii PagE o tsumugou"

Murako-yaku: "Yahari watashi ga yaranakute wa... minna o sukuidasu tame ni..."
Nigirishimeta poketto ni mitsuketa no wa
Murako-yaku: "EndroLL...?! Kore de minna tasukaru...?!"

Shounen Ningyou-yaku: "Koyoi ano ko o kainarashite..."
Shoujo Ningyou-yaku: "Shinda kanojo o torimodoshimashou..."
Shujin-yaku: "Honmono to nisemono o..."
Meido-yaku: "...Surikaeru tame ni EncorE"
Okugata-yaku: "Ano ko ni dake wa himitsu ni shite..."
O-jou-sama-yaku: "Minna de, riaru ni kaeru tame ni..."
Shitsuji-yaku: "Nana-nin de enjimashou..."

Shuyaku: "...Subarashii yoru o... Ahhahahahahahahaha"

Subete ni uragirareta kimi wa
Dareka no kae no kyuu-nin-me?!
Kanpeki ni shikumareta
Shinario-doori no Bad ∞ End ∞ Night

Yagate kyouki ni nomikomareta kimi wa
Nakushita toki ni kogarete
Dakedo mata..., mou osoi
Jikan-gire da yo...?

Murako-yaku: "...Miittsukketa"

Koyoi sekai o kainarasu you ni
Kimi no butai no toriko ni shite?
Suberu you ni tsukamitore
Shinario-doori no EncorE

Yasashii uso ni mamorarete
Subete wasurete o-nemurinasai
Soshite, mata enjimashou... ∞
"""""""EncorE e to Repeat"""""""
Murako-yaku: "EndinG e to Fermata"

Furueru ryoute ni naifu o nigarase
"Nozomanu toki" ni kaerou

True enD

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EveR ∞ LastinG ∞ NighT (English) [Alternate]

Role of Doll Boy: "Try to remember now;"
Role of Doll Girl: "How did it all begin?"
Role of Master: "A letter on a stormy night;"
Role of Maid: "Who was it who was betrayed...?"
Role of Mistress: "Take the "truth" you wanted gone,"
Role of Lady: "And hide it in the coffins..."
Role of Butler: "Tonight, we shall perform it once again:"
Mastermind: "A most magnificent night... ∞"

Mistress: "In the glow of an eerie red full moon, a storm brews this night..."
Lady: "On such a night, on such a night..."
Maid: "An incident is sure to occur! ♪"
Master: "A vampire out for blood?"
Doll Girl: "A werewolf BEARing HIS fangs?"
Doll Boy: "A FranKENstein's monSTER?"
Butler: "An uninvited guest?"

Lady: "It's just sooo boooring..."
Doll Girl: "It's just SO borING...?"
Doll Boy: "It's! JUST! So! BORing!"
Maid: "I feel like I'm going to die! ♪"

Butler: "Why, it's so late at night..."
Maid: "What could someone possibly want? ♪"
Villager: "Sorry to bother, but could I stay for just a single night?"
Mistress: "My, my..."
Master: "The forest is dangerous at night..."
Lady: "Come right in, please!"
Doll Boy: "Looks LIKE we've FOUND..."
Doll Girl: "Our UNinvited GUEST..."

Hosts: "What an ominous storm tonight..."
Maid: "Perhaps something may occur? ♪"
Lady: "So then shall we make merry?"
Butler: "Until daybreak comes,"
Doll Twins: "Shall we show you a night so magnificent..."
Seven: "To keep you awake?"

Tonight, so that the world shall be tamed,
Shall we become slaves to the lead role's play?
The script is controllingly captivating,
And this EncorE follows it to the letter!

Soon the "audience" is taken by applause,
And yearns for "eternity in a moment";
"May this magnificent night go on!", they pray...

Butler: "Upon waking, hm, isn't this odd?"
Maid: "This isn't like any place I've ever seen! ♪"
Role of Villager: "Where is this?! Why are they..."
Role of Villager & Doll Twins: "Dolls, you ask?!"
Master: "The play's set, and the cast too..."
Mistress/Lady: "Have those "lies" become "real"?!"
Role of Villager: "Take me back at once... Back to the real world!!"

Hosts: "The world of an undawning night..."
Maid: "Did the play stop? ♪"
Lady: "Because you made a mistake?"
Butler: "Must you alone..."
Doll Girl: "Try it AGain?"
Doll Boy: "To spin THE tale OF..."
Seven: "The perfect night!"

Tonight, we've been tamed by the world,
And become "slaves" to the lead role's play...
Role of Villager: "I'm the only one who notices: this world is just a fake!"

All are swallowed up by the play,
And "time" becomes "eternity in a moment"...
Role of Villager: "I shout that this is all wrong, but it reaches no one's ears..."

Butler: "Still unable to find the stolen page,"
Maid: "Time just mercilessly passes by... ♪"
Mistress: "How might the play come to an end?"
Role of Villager: "How might I be able to save everyone?"

Master: "So long as the lead role lives, the show must go on,"
Lady: "But even if the lead role dies, the show will still not end!"
Doll Girl: "Then CAN'T we bring IN "someone NEW"?"
Doll Boy: "And THEN we'll spin a NEW PagE...!"

Role of Villager: "It seems that what I must do to save everyone, after all,
Is to squeeze my pocket, for what I find there is..."
Role of Villager: "The End roLL...?! With this, can I save them all...?!"

Role of Doll Boy: "Tonight, we'll tame "that girl"..."
Role of Doll Girl: "And bring "her" back from the grave..."
Role of Master: "The real and the fake..."
Role of Maid: "Shall be switched with this encore..."
Role of Mistress: "We'll keep it a secret to "her" alone,"
Role of Lady: "And for us all to return to reality,"
Role of Butler: "We seven shall perform..."

Lead Role: "A most magnificent night! AhahaHAHAHAHAHAHA!"
Seven: "...!!"

The lead role, betrayed by everything,
Was a ninth person, "someone's" substitute?!
In the perfectly plotted script,
It's all in accordance, this Bad ∞ End ∞ Night!

Soon the lead role is taken by madness,
Longing for the missing PagE...
But "once again," it's now too late!
Time is up, you see...?

Role of Villager: "I fooound it!"

Tonight, so that the world shall be tamed,
Shall we become slaves to the lead role's play?
The script is controllingly captivating,
And this EncorE follows it to the letter!

In the protection of kind "lies,"
Forget everything, and go to sleep!
And "once again," we shall perform... ∞
Seven: "On to the EncorE - Repeat"
Role of Villager: "On to the EndinG - Fermata"

In my shaking hands, I grip the knife,
And into the "unwanted reality," we return...!

True enD

* All appearances of "lead role" (with the exception of the "if they live, if they die" part) are sung as "you."
** The two musical symbols at the end are a repeat bar (instructing the player to repeat a section) and a fermata (instructing the player to hold a note longer than usual).
*** The novel implies that "a most magnificent night" can also be interpreted as "a crazy night," using the "outrageous and unbelievable" sense of the word.
**** The novel is more or less based on this song specifically, and this song makes the most sense in relation to it. Its contents were clearly planned out by the time this song was posted, but probably not so much with the previous songs.

***** Show me some magnificent meaning! (MAJOR SPOILERS FOR THE NOVEL)

This song finally creates a distinction between the play's characters and "the role of" each character, AKA their actors. In the song, it just says "Role of [Character]", but the novel names them Miku, Kaito, Meiko, Rin, Len, Luka, Meg, and Gack.

The song reveals (or clarifies) that this was originally all just a play, but the actors were sucked into the world to perform the play indefinitely. The novel goes into plenty of detail about the acting troupe; Miku is a novice actress who performs for the lead part of the play Crazy ∞ nighT.

At the beginning of the song, we see West End (presumably actually London's West End) and the theater. It's clear it's still a regular play in the first part - there's a visible audience, the set is just a stage, the "front door" is just there off to the side. Also, this is the only part of this song where simply "Villager" speaks, as Miku's in her role.

Miku becomes very caught up in the party that's part of act one (genuinely feeling similar to how the Villager would, because she always dreamed of standing among these actors), and as she speaks her line about wishing for the moment to last forever, she makes a misstep and accidentally knocks the hands off the clock. In the novel, this is followed by the others adlibbing to close out the act. They support her despite her mistake (in fact, they think it turned out really well), but she later finds a letter addressed to her on stage, then wakes up in the play without remembering what happened afterward.

In the play world, the others have become their roles, and it seems only Miku acknowledges the world's fakeness. She's horrified, and desperately wants to return everyone to reality. Of course, the hunt for the stolen page is going on all the while.

Now, let's backtrack a little. The letter Miku found on stage after act one revealed that the other seven fabricated the "lost play" of Crazy ∞ nighT (presenting it as a lost script by the legendary playwright Burlet, who their troupe is dedicated to) to bring the troupe out of its financial woes.

Miku went and told the seven she intended to reveal their secret. The letter was seemingly meant to get them to have a discussion and set things right, but due to misunderstandings, Miku ended up running from the others and falling down the stairs, the clock-hand knife (which she was going to show to Kaito to ask about fixing the clock) piercing her through the chest.

When this happened, the seven wished that tragedy could have been merely part of a play. The Mastermind granted this to them via the endless play world of Crazy ∞ nighT: Miku's death was excised from reality and endlessly repeated in the world of the play, meaning she was fated to die in accidents during the course of it.

The seven can't let Miku know the truth, as it would destabilize the world built upon her still being alive. So they act like they've forgotten their real selves and are now part of the play, meanwhile trying to protect her from the accidents the world tries to kill her with. They also devise a plan that could, with many repetitions of the night, theoretically affect reality and prevent her death.

(So to answer the questions posed by the intro: It all began with Miku finding a letter on a stormy night, both parties thought they were betraying the other, her death was the "truth/page wanted gone" hidden in the coffins, and they keep performing the night to try and save her. The scream is Miku's accident, and the applause and buzzer mark the start of the play; Miku hears them when she picks up the letter.)

In the final loop, interested in what might happen, Len/Doll Boy brings Miku to the library, shown in the middle of the PV. There, she finds books describing the past loops. She's also realized (after Rin/Doll Girl tried and failed to steal it) that the letter in her pocket contains a blank page, the "End roLL" - which would usually translate to "credits," but it's considered the last page of the script, the place for the ending to go.

While Miku's mind forgets everything each loop, her body "remembers" the secret room in the basement and leads her there, so she learns about the coffins, but they're locked. She realizes that the End roLL, the clock hands, the script, and something to use as ink are all crucial.

When she goes to meet up with the seven and tell them about her discoveries, she overhears them talking out of their roles. Miku comes to think they've been repeatedly trying to kill her in "the proper way," such that her death could be "traded" with the death of their star actress - so she's merely "the ninth person," the replacement for that actress. Thus, she feels betrayed; she doesn't realize it's actually her they want to revive, and the other actress they brought up earlier is entirely unrelated.

Once Miku has gathered the other essentials for the ending, she feigns ignorance to trick the seven and get the script, then runs off. (Incidentally, they go along with Miku's false assumption to keep her away from the truth.) After a chase mimicking the night of the accident, she eventually ends up in the coffin room, but wasn't able to keep the wine she intended to use to write with. The minute hand unlocks the coffins (which contain the actors' original bodies and the missing page of Miku's death), and she finds her own dead body.

Miku remembers everything, including what the others did from her death up to starting the loop. (They read a message from the Mastermind at the start of the script which lays out their choices, then plan out how they're going to operate to save Miku. Also, it turns out the "page thief" was Luka: she tore out the page to make everyone forget the rest of the play and create an excuse to not have to follow the script. But while she did this independently, the others applauded her brilliance.)

Even knowing the truth, Miku still feels guilty about having killed the others on occasions such as Bad ∞ End ∞ Night. She feels she needs to destroy the play and force the others to go back to reality, even if she might not be saved there. The part with her thinking about the others toward the end likely represents her remembering the actors from reality, and how she wants them to return safely after all their hardship in the play world.

She slices her wrist and uses her blood and the minute hand to write an ending ("The Everlasting Night has (is) fading away, here comes a new dawn") on the End roLL. Putting it in at the end of the script, her ending causes a fire that burns down the mansion, forcing everyone outside. As the play world is destroyed, they return to the "unwanted reality": the moment before Miku's accident.

While Miku ended the play before the seven decided they were ready, their plan succeeds after all. The final shot of a hand reaching for hers shows how, through their repetitions of the everlasting night, they were able to offset events ever so slightly that one of them successfully grabbed Miku's hand in time, rather than coming just short. The Mastermind applauds them for achieving the True enD.

How many times?! How many times?!