OSTER project's Twitter

Translations of tweets from @fuwacina. For an archive of other Vocaloid-related Twitters I no longer keep up with, go here.

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February 3rd, 2022

[Retweets the Hatsune Miku: Colorful Stage English Twitter about Rainbow Stories being added] Wow English Muzukashi [difficult]

February 2nd, 2022

If I erase my memory, do I have to confront Jean Armstrong again...?

The loss from having finished Ace Attorney 3 is intense, so I wanna erase my memory and play it again...

Mr. Trite...

:coffee cup: #AceAttorney #Dominowns

Medical expenses are harsh... Thanks, insurance...

No stamina to make music...

People who say "there's something wrong with their personality" have something wrong with their personality. (recursive)

Even if your eyes were 10,000 volts, if my heart is 0 amperes, nothing will come of it.

February 1st, 2022

For my mahjong stream, since I've strugged with it as a beginner, I want to put together a super-understandable rule explainer for people who know absolutely nothing.

I'm getting a little familiar with it, so I'll prepare for my mahjong stream... :red dragon tile:

Is mahjong not a game about calling agari, but keeping others from calling agari...?

January 31st, 2022

Y'know, I'm a little interested in Poke-Monster Hunter Ar-Seltas.

If only Betelgeuse would explode, I could believe it a little more.

I can't believe that all of the stars shining in the night sky are fixed stars, so I want to go see them.

My love for Friendship is abnormal.

I want to make another song like Friendship, but I'm always like "but Friendship already exists.........."

Is there a comic out there of Prosecutor Godot mixing up white and red dragon and calling kong...?

Prosecutor Godot: "Kong!! :white tile: :red dragon tile: :white tile: :red dragon tile:"

Almudron was super scary.

Godot is my fave..........

I've had fun slowly making my way through Ace Attorney 1/2/3, and now they're over...

Composition and longsword are kind of the same in the sense that it's hard to tell what you're good at until you actually try it, huh...

I might be happier being told I'm good at Monster Hunter than being told I'm good at composing, uh oh.

January 30th, 2022

Miracle Paint is not a theme song for hunting Rajang.

While listening to WonderShow Miracle Paint, I had to desperately fight against having hallucinations of Rajang.

I watched Sekai Live on-site! :folded hands: :folded hands: :folded hands: It was fuuuuun! Got to see WonderShow Miracle Paint... :smile: :smile: :smile: #SekaiLive

January 29th, 2022

Went on a talisman marathon, but it was to absolutely no avail.

I can lament after I've played another 2000 hours of Monster Hunter.

There's things I find myself nearly saying to people too, so I want to be careful, and I'm sure there are people who don't get happy having their efforts praised, so I can't say it unconditionally... so considering that, it's no more than a tweet about my feelings. I'm a puny creature with a power level of 5.

I haven't ever had this said to me or anything, but I think the thing that irritates me most might be when effort is boiled down to the word "genius"!!!! (declaration of intent)

January 28th, 2022

Thanks to my slow growth, I can still enjoy feeling a sense of growth in a game I've played for 10 months.

I wonder just how much alchemy I did to amass the talismans I'm now using over on Switch...

January 27th, 2022

I can't start doing time attacks until I get talismans, so I'm hunting monsters meanderingly to get talismans.

Since getting used to the PC version, playing Monster Hunter on Switch feels so choppy...

Great things about Monster Hunter Rise on PC:
- Super-high-quality graphics
- High framerate
- Blazing fast loads

Bad things about Monster Hunter Rise on PC:
- Almudron

Life is exhausting because not doing anything isn't 0, it's negative.

January 26th, 2022

60-FPS Teostra just feels so good I can't help it...

Lately, I've only been out to the hospital and mahjong and Kamura Village.

I'm a Vocaloid producer who can beat Rajang in 2 minutes and 52 seconds. I'm waiting for work. (?)

Capcom, hello.

Yesterday the topic of people who keep separate work accounts and game accounts came up, but I have an account where games are my work.

January 25th, 2022

Honestly, find a monster I can't beat faster than Miracle Paint.

[Retweeting] Here's my new video I uploaded yesterday, thanks in advance.

January 24th, 2022

Now do "OSTER project who can beat Magnamalo faster than Love Ward."

I imagine I'm the first human in history to write "Evil Afoot" with this font and colors.

[New Video]
[MH Rise] OSTER project Who Can Beat Rajang Faster Than Miracle Paint / Evil Afoot Rajang Longsword in 2'52" #TesrosetTransmission
[Also note the Twitter video thumbnail, with Miracle Paint Miku holding a sword and "Evil Afoot Longsword" in rainbow text.]

My next game stream: [Poll]
- Mahjong [33.3%]
- Banjo [17.4%]
- OoT [21.2%]
- Star Fox 64 [28.1%]

In this past year, I've fully remembered how much I liked games.

January 23rd, 2022

I'm continuing Ace Attorney 3, but the lady who looks like Almudron is so scary I cried.

Stream's done! Was able to beat up to Teostra!

Anpanman, it's a new stream!
[Monster Hunter Rise] Those Ancient Dragons'll Be History 2 [Musical Vtuber Tesro & Roset]

I'll continue in a separate stream...

My DAW died mid-stream...

It's sudden, but I'm continuing the PC version of Rise now.
[Monster Hunter Rise] Those Ancient Dragons'll Be History [Musical Vtuber Tesro & Roset]

How about Pokemon Legends Ar-Seltas?

I now understand how people feel when they say it's painful when you want to [cry] but can't. I'm glad I started playing mahjong. ["Naku" is both "cry" and "make a sound," and in mahjong, the latter means claiming a discarded tile]

Feels like I've finally escaped rock bottom, health-wise.

January 21st, 2022

Hunting itself became my goal for a long time, but starting the PC version over from the beginning, I've remembered the fun of hunting for a goal, but I'll never forgive Anjanath for being stingy with its gem.

Listening to cute music makes me want to make cute music, and yet I'm Magnamalo.

January 20th, 2022

The author's a psychopath who thinks 101.3 degrees is a slight fever.

RT @torarubokarop ["Just Vocaloid Things Bot"]: "Responding to Love Ward's "Only just 101.3? Do I need to show up for such a slight fever?" lyric with "that's not a slight fever!""
The result of me not communicating well enough that they have the sort of relationship where they can joke like this.

[Photo of a poster for the Switch OLED saying "In stock now!"... with a message taped on top saying "Currently out of stock"] In stock now! (not saying it's in stock)

Clubhouse Games Darts is really fun.

My fave said my name the moment I joined her stream, so I'll be smiling all day today.

January 19th, 2022

Wanna at least progress things to being able to do time attacks.

Sure enough, in my current circumstances, Magnamalo still takes 7 minutes. :thinking face:

Done with the Top-Hunter stream! Managed to progress to High Rank Magnamalo.


My tummy hurts, so wait a second.

Continuing to blaze through Rise on PC at 9 PM! Let's aim for Narwa! #TesrosetTransmission
[Monster Hunter Rise] Blazing Through PC Version High Rank [Musical Vtuber Tesro & Roset]

Women ought to kiss each other.

It's amusing how differently the words "dynamic" and "unique" are perceived by programmers and anyone else.

January 18th, 2022

I wanna advance in PC Rise quick, so maybe I'll stream tomorrow!

It's training for iai slashes.

I bought Clubhouse Games for mahjong, but the Impossible CPU in Toy Tennis is so fun I keep playing it.

There's a lot I wanna do, so I'm not sure what to go with, but maybe I'll progress in PC Rise?

I see people who're conscious in their teens and early twenties, which is amazing. [Using a term intended for babies becoming able to understand things, have lasting memories, etc.]

Now that I've become conscious of the world around me in my 30s, I wanna rewatch stuff I saw back when I was unconscious...

January 17th, 2022

Stop playing so much mahjong and go play Monster Hunter!

I don't get it if you say stuff like "shuntsu [run]" or "koutsu [triple]," so I want you to say "straight flush" or "three of a kind." (Westerner)

There's so much mahjong terminology to learn that even if I ask for explanations, I don't understand the terminology and get stuck.

I'm sure games with complex systems are fun once you learn them, but it's a big hurdle until you do.

I made what I'm supposed to, didn't I?! Why can't I call agari?!? Objection!!! Objection!!! :pointing hand:

I'm such a mahjong beginner, I'm crying over not being able to call agari even once.

The only way you have to observe, consider, and judge things is your own brain, so already it's impossible to look at things objectively, yet paradoxically, realizing that is the first step toward objectivity.

January 16th, 2022

When you have such a fun time being with your friends, it's lonely afterward! But I'm really grateful for meetups so fun they make me feel lonely...

January 14th, 2022

Today the doctor said they couldn't beat the elder dragons in Iceborne and gave up, which reminded me of Kushala Daora in Iceborne, so I had a spasm and died.

What do you say to becoming a composer?

This hunter named OSTER project is pretty good at her composing hobby.

Rise on PC is too fun...

January 13th, 2022

Thanks for the streeeeeam! It was a marathon, but I managed to get up to High Rank in one day!!

Stream restarted.
[Monster Hunter Rise] Blazing Through the PC Version Released Today [Musical Vtuber Tesro & Roset]

The stream's being bad, so I'll restart it. :sweatdrops:


However dicey it might be, I'm great for just living...

Today's treatment hurt too...

Out of 719 hours, 700 were solo.

My sense of time's out of whack, but even just playing 2 hours a day, that's 60 hours a month, right?

[Screenshot of Switch year in review, showing Rise as her most-played game at 719 hours] Everyone told me they thought I played more, and I thought so too.

:clock: Tonight at 8:30:
I'll do a stream blazing through the PC version of Monster Hunter Rise that released today!!! Thanks in advance! #TesrosetTrasmission
[Monster Hunter Rise] Blazing Through the PC Version Released Today [Musical Vtuber Tesro & Roset]

Just as announced, I'll be streaming tonight.

It's sad to even forget things you took the time to study and found interesting.

In my dream, I was like "what's the difference between quick sort and bubble sort, again?", and was shown some kind of color-coded chart I'd never seen before and told "You forgot about this too...?", but I guess I did forget that chart?
