OSTER project's Twitter

Translations of tweets from @fuwacina. For an archive of other Vocaloid-related Twitters I no longer keep up with, go here.

January 31st, 2022

Y'know, I'm a little interested in Poke-Monster Hunter Ar-Seltas.

If only Betelgeuse would explode, I could believe it a little more.

I can't believe that all of the stars shining in the night sky are fixed stars, so I want to go see them.

My love for Friendship is abnormal.

I want to make another song like Friendship, but I'm always like "but Friendship already exists.........."

Is there a comic out there of Prosecutor Godot mixing up white and red dragon and calling kong...?

Prosecutor Godot: "Kong!! :white tile: :red dragon tile: :white tile: :red dragon tile:"

Almudron was super scary.

Godot is my fave..........

I've had fun slowly making my way through Ace Attorney 1/2/3, and now they're over...

Composition and longsword are kind of the same in the sense that it's hard to tell what you're good at until you actually try it, huh...

I might be happier being told I'm good at Monster Hunter than being told I'm good at composing, uh oh.

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