OSTER project's Twitter

Translations of tweets from @fuwacina. For an archive of other Vocaloid-related Twitters I no longer keep up with, go here.

October 4th, 2021

LOLing at how many good things there are about me.

Putting "can beat arena Rajang damageless" on my resume.

Can make music
Can make lyrics
Can make videos
Can draw
Can sing
Can take photos of tasty food
Can make jokes
Can talk about space
Can talk about physics
Can beat arena Rajang damageless

[Monster Hunter screenshot: "New resource added: Lily Squid"] :woman-woman couple: :love hotel:

I don't know their name or occupation, but I know their idosyncracies.
This is the proper way of using social media.

Discovered it... MIDI data I sequenced back in high school.

I thought I'd arrange an old song, but I lost the MIDI, so that's the end of that.

I feel like the more I play Iceborne, the worse I'll get at Rise, so it's scary.

Going viral a bunch this year from things that aren't songs.

If you want to be happy, don't let other people define your happiness.

Claire-san was cute yesterday, no wait, Claire-san is always cute, but I mean that Claire-san yesterday was especially cute. (fast-talking otaku)

Wanna put this in a frame and hang it up.

Glad it was a dream...

I have bad news and good news for everyone.
The bad news is, my credit card and ID, and nothing else, got stolen from my wallet...
The good news is, it was a dream.

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