OSTER project's Twitter

Translations of tweets from @fuwacina. For an archive of other Vocaloid-related Twitters I no longer keep up with, go here.

October 5th, 2021

I didn't know anything about Darkrai except that they were a person fighting a lot of things, so I only just learned they were from Pokemon.

Having a constant struggle between the inconsistencies of a song a brat (high-school me) made, and my desire to still respect what she was going for.

Just the fact that even not having played the games, I'm aware of them and I know the character, is pretty amazing.

RT @mfmftanutan Super Non-Human Followers

I really like the overseas reaction.

[Retweeting the Village Vanguard collab video, which starts with an Inkling reveal parody] This is a video of when Tesroset joined the Village Vanguard brawl.

Foreshadowing the addition of Dragon Maleficent to Monster Hunter Rise.

The size of Smash Bros. is monstrous.

[Re: Sora being lighter than Isabelle in Smash] You'll make Isabelle worry about her weight, you know?

Game development's too amazing.

Here comes Utada Hikaru.

What is Slash Bros... (typo)

It's finally time for Tesroset in Smash...

No one told me about this system where your back hurting also makes your legs and butt hurt.

A peek at an instrumental song from the album!!!!! #Dominowns #OSTERsanCD

The next CD is two discs.
The next CD is two discs.
The next CD
is two discs.

Currently, my most viral tweet this year is seriously worthless, so please let a more proper tweet go viral in the next two months!! (go viral with songs, you)

At the end of the year, maybe I should stream a My Viral Tweets of the Year Awards... (?)

kgrecord [on appeal points tweet]: "Being able to stream 3 hours of chatting is also a talent."
What a streamer needs is the resolve to reveal your every shame.

When I receive wonderful feelings from wonderful people, I can write the most wonderful lyrics.

Add Apex Tetris to Monster Hunter Rise!!!

[Retweets Monster Hunter crossover in Tetris 99] For real?! I gotta play Monster Hunter Rise!

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