OSTER project's Twitter

Translations of tweets from @fuwacina. For an archive of other Vocaloid-related Twitters I no longer keep up with, go here.

June 10th, 2021

I say I want to wear a yukata and go out this year every year, but I wanna wear a yukata and go out this year.

I wanna draw too, but why is it 2 AM already, whyyy?

I look forward to my songs being finished more than anyone!!!!! Wanna hear the finished version soon.

It's cute seeing Tesro-sama with a super maidenly face.

"Tesroset art drawn by aiko-san" are words of power.

This is it, the world's most valuable Tesroset art I received from aiko-san yesterday... :water pistol: :music score:
I'll frame it and put it up in the Tesroset Museum. :crying:
(Thank you for giving permission to post it! :folded hands:)

A mythical beast, by eating death, frees people from the fear of death. Once freed from fearing death, for the first time, these people learn the fear of living that remains in them.

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