OSTER project's Twitter

Translations of tweets from @fuwacina. For an archive of other Vocaloid-related Twitters I no longer keep up with, go here.

June 9th, 2021

I feel like concerts let people who all have their own experiences with an artist assemble together, and I get to participate as well with their many memories, and it's really, y'know, and it's great. (it's great)

Seeing this series of concerts starting with Miku Expo is giving me super huge emotions... I hope the culture of concerts doesn't go away forever, and that corona does go away forever.

That's the first time I've gotten such a workout going to a concert. :guitar:

I went to aiko-san's concert!!!!! It was super fun!!!! My plans for tomorrow are muscle pain!!

I updated Kiritan and her window got all small, turning her into "Kiritan getting in between yuri."

Outing day.

I want to stream, but I can't find the time or opportunity!

[Retweets Tesro fanart asking for "Tesro's profile"] Tesro-sama's profile, huh... They're three key-changes tall... (??)

Twitter: (A request came in, wonder who this is...)
Me: "This chord's so sexyyyy!! (deranged)"
Twitter: "Uhhh... (concerned)"

Might as well try... [Screenshot of submitting application to be Twitter verified]

I thought "Corona Accelerator" was some kind of experimental facility where they accelerate coronavirii to sub-light speed and crash them into each other to observe the reactions, but apparently it's something else.

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