OSTER project's Twitter

Translations of tweets from @fuwacina. For an archive of other Vocaloid-related Twitters I no longer keep up with, go here.

June 11th, 2021

I'm an artist... Whatever anyone says, I'm an artist.

It's the middle of the night, but now I wanna eat eclairs!!

Sister Eclair #IDrewYouClaireSan

Me when I'm listening to a good song. #TesrosetArt

["...Don't go making such a good song."
"It vexes me..."]

Though if it's not that serious of a song, maybe I could make one as a breather.

I don't get people who can compose as a breather from composing, but I totally get people drawing as a breather from drawing...

Doodling while looking at other people's doodles.

Might finally do a stream again tomorrow afternoon!

I'll do my best, so wait for me.

Really feeling like this is how weepy old people are formed...

It's up to them if they continue working or give up, and I wouldn't say anything about their decision, but I know that when you go so long you're visited by the thought of just stopping already many times, so going ahead and imagining how they must've overcome that makes me weepy.

The longer my work history grows and the more people I see retire or move on to bigger things, the more I feel the difficulty of continuing to do work, so I feel like I'm gonna cry just getting to interact with people with long work histories.

I'm a Vocaloid producer who's thought of as properly knowing music theory.

RT @fujitetsu8 Honestly, what Vocaloid producers actually do know proper music theory? Probably like OSTER-san, Nishijima Sondai-san, appy, and Wakaba-san?

Today I'm making a note to go look for a frame to put aiko-san's Tesroset in.

I had a dream I was taken by Russian intelligence and was made to play a dark game where me and quiz creator Matsumaru-san had to hold each other's bodies between curling irons...

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