OSTER project's Twitter

Translations of tweets from @fuwacina. For an archive of other Vocaloid-related Twitters I no longer keep up with, go here.

March 5th, 2021

Thinking how amazing human intuition is to take what from a brute-force perspective is an absurd number of combinations and select meaningful ones. The issue is that they have limited time to live, so they have to hone that intuition.

Given infinite time, Roset-chan sequencing randomly in Domino will eventually produce all the symphonies of Beethoven. (infinite Roset-chan theorem)

Relative to the size of humans, light can feel like it's infinitely fast, but relative to cosmic scales, it's way too slow... Weird to think about.

I'm trying it again now, but it's hard to beat the speed of light. If I'm reborn, I wanna be a tachyon.

Did you ever used to try looking behind you faster than light, to see if you could see your back in the mirror?

Tachyon. (end) ["-n" in Japanese can't be used to start a word, so a word ending in it ends word-chain games.]

Shiritori for things that are faster than light.

I dunno why, but I was under the mistaken belief that gravity took effect instantly.

But my imagination is much too weak to picture the value of infinity.

What's that called, the infinite monkey theorem?

Though it's kind of in the same way that a monkey at a typewriter will eventually produce the works of Shakespeare.

At this late hour, I start thinking things like "an infinite series of random numbers can contain all information in the world, so Pi is an Akashic record."

Coming Soon #TesrosetTransmission

Lately I've become a machine of infinite creation, doing stupid stuff and getting inspiration from it and doing even stupider stuff.

People sometimes think "OSTER-san, you're super good at piano," but if I were super good at piano I wouldn't be sequencing it with a mouse.

When I say "annoying," I don't mean like the sound being loud and distorted, but rather, it's good when there's a vocalist singing in the middle but there's also a guy dancing joyfully in the back the whole time.

World! Make more songs with annoying piano!

In parts like this, whether the piano has flourishes or not feels like the difference between an illustration having highlights or not. Ornaments can make it so lively...

I'm good at sequencing things that are like screaming "Piano is fun!!!"

I'm a little good at sequencing.

When I listen to something like this, I'm like "Piano rules!!", but when I'm sequencing it, it's hell's workload.

Yep, songs where the piano's going ham even when it's not an interlude are the best... #Dominowns

Team Shoot Me If I Become a Zombie VS Team Wanna Adapt and Live VS Team Research a Way to Turn Back

Huge dogs are cute.

I'm in Guinness as the artist who's uploaded the most Tesroset art in the world.

I'm watching a guide for the stages from last night's FlopRoset, and amusingly, their approach is totally different...

Wish I could wipe my memory of Human Fall Flat and play it again.

I want to eat King Ghidorah to distract from my empty stomach.

Empty Stomach VS King Ghidorah

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