OSTER project's Twitter

Translations of tweets from @fuwacina. For an archive of other Vocaloid-related Twitters I no longer keep up with, go here.

October 8th, 2020

Though naturally, when I go out on stage, I need to have a mutual understanding of intent with the musicians, so I've at least studied what I need to for that.

Theory is strictly just a tool to achieve the sound you're going for, so if you can make music that satisfies you without it, it's not a must... is what I want to say once I understand theory. (?)

It's probably because I started out like "I like this sort of sound, I wanna make it, I'll try to imitate that!" If I'd started with theory, I feel like I would've found it too hard and given up. Plus I wouldn't know what stuff was good.

Regarding cliches, the importance to me was always moving the sound by half-tones, and I wasn't at all aware that augs were occurring in the process... In fact, I made music without any knowledge of chord types or their functions, so it feels like I'm just going back and giving unified names to what I did by feel.

Wanna be an amusin' woman making amusin' music...

Stream where I make 100 songs arranging the Canon progression (ending in death)

I feel like I could make 100 songs arranging the heck out of the Canon progression.

A song based on the Canon progression.
[VOCALOID] White Snow Falling [Hatsune Miku]

The Canon progression is good.

All the sites I can find say it's E... Why... Am I listening to a different "I love" than everyone else...?

This is my favorite part of "I love...", so I'm gonna turn into a passionately-speaking otaku, but the end of this intro just being an E feels like such a waste... Makes it feel like crab fried rice with the crab taken out.

Wha, this last sound... That's totally a slash aug, right...?

I keep listening to the intro of "I love...", and it absolutely sounds like there's a slash aug, but all the sites I'm looking at don't say so...???

Wanna stream composition soon... If I don't hurry, Halloween season will be over. :jack-o-lantern:

Since I know I'm going in the bath after exercising anyway, I do Ring Fit with my makeup still on, which is super slovenly.

I try this hard and can't even work off a single rice ball... Calories are nuts...

D-Dead... [Ring Fit results: 32m23s, 154.59kcal, 1.56km]

Cut my bangs too short. :eyeroll:

If you think it's unfair they're making easy money doing "something anybody could do," then just try it for yourself. 'Cause it ain't easy at all.

It's like, a few years ago there were lots of people who questioned "YouTuber" and such as professions, and I super don't understand why. For any occupation, there's people who want to be paid for their skills, and they're making it happen, so what right do outsiders have to talk smack?

'Salright for there to be musicians who just use a mouse and a PC.

Thus, entering a studio super makes me feel like I'm working. I'm like, dang! Now this is being a musician! Yer a musician too, y'know.

It's me, whose work environment couldn't be further from what people imagine when they hear "musician." I've never even touched a keyboad while making music.

Making music goes so slow, I'm despairing.

So you can't be afraid of being hated...

There's no such thing as a person who's liked by everyone. So long as there exist people who hate those seem like they'd be liked by everyone.

The Galaxy Express 999 :galaxy: :railcar: :sparkles:
will take you on a jerky :dog: :sparkles:
a never ending jerky :dog: :sparkles:
jerky of the beef :dog: :sparkles:

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