OSTER project's Twitter

Translations of tweets from @fuwacina. For an archive of other Vocaloid-related Twitters I no longer keep up with, go here.

October 7th, 2020

Person who got woken up by her cat and can't sleep.

May this become a world where people around the world can talk about exclusively the things they like. (sleeptalk)

I'm a Vtuber raising Yamagata cows inside my stomach.

I want life to also show a trophy in the top-left every time you work hard to unlock various achievements. Like "Trophy: Ate 200 Japanese Black Beefs."

I'm a Vtuber who worked and exercised and took a bath and is now going to drink and eat Yamagata beef. Winning so much at life... I'm unstoppable...

If you're wondering why I'm working so hard at Ring Fit, it's because I made a promise to go with hot springs with a friend. (shy)

I'm doin' it. [Ring Fit results: 29m56s, 132.42kcal, 1.24km]

When I make a swingy song around 130 BPM, it starts to sound more and more like the Full House opening.

Nobody stream while I'm making music. (because i'll go watch)

Official Roset-chan is so cute, I could draw her 5 billion times and never catch up to it... :love hotel:

Got a version of Roset-chan with her hands down from Bayachao-sensei, she's super cute... LOVE... :heart: #TesrosetTransmission

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