OSTER project's Twitter

Translations of tweets from @fuwacina. For an archive of other Vocaloid-related Twitters I no longer keep up with, go here.

October 6th, 2020

Fangirling is a method of mental control.

You can't think too much about things that you can't actually arrive at an answer to, so you need something to fill your head with to live... Faves, games, manga, anything will do...

Even the act of writing about those feelings here might be spoiled of me.

I periodically think "I'm gonna stand on my own feet" and get reckless, but every time I meet someone deeply affected by something I made with those feelings, I realize I'm ultimately supported by and relying upon those people, and worry about if that's a good thing or not. (such a pain)

Lately, I've experienced the realness of a thing that I'd desperately done to encourage myself going on to save others who are similarly suffering, which makes me glad to have done it. Now, that fact is saving me as well... So ultimately, I really was saved.

I'm fundamentally moody, so when making lyrics brimming with hope, they're usually me trying to encourage myself or just a bluff. But maybe I do that because I believe people come to match the words they say??

Long ago, there was someone who said that even if your paints dry, dampening them with your tears will let you paint your dreams again. I believe it was a person by the name of OSTER.

Every tear you shed lets you grow stronger.

I'm deeply emotional, so whether I'm happy, or regretful, or lonely, or sad, I cry right away...

I'm a hooligan, so I go out to the store late at night and buy vodka and drink it and nearly cry. (emotionally unstable)

Sucks to still be just as busy even entering October...

I want the ability to watch Keienu-san's composition stream and Claire-san's Mario stream at the same time while I make music.

The wrongness of Roset-chan not wearing a hat.

The feeling I have of being infatuated with music probably isn't at all common, and may not even be understood, but I really want to share this feeling and thus give all sorts of presentations...

Though that does make me that much happier to meet someone with a similar sort of liking.

A lot of people around the world say they like music, but sometimes I feel sad that there probably aren't many people who like music from the same sort of viewpoint I do.

Is there anyone in these times who can make sheet music in software from scratch...? It feels like a mind-numbing task.

Finale was very much made for creating sheet music in the software, so it's super weak for loading in MIDI and correcting it...

I've been using Finale for a long time, but I can absolutely never learn how to use it, and I'm going nuts over how hard it is to use.

That reads like it's some omnious chord with an aug on top of a dim.

Pokémon aug/dim

I wanna become a nun. Sister Project-san...

If there being a lot of something means it's normal, is being able to speak English normal to humanity??? I Am Like A Sushi!!

Being convinced that your values are everyone's values is some incredible arrogance.

I like these proportions.

I just noticed I forgot the "minor," so it's just F#7-5... (making it even more nuts)

Why, it's only an I-balance. #TesrosetArt

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