OSTER project's Twitter

Translations of tweets from @fuwacina. For an archive of other Vocaloid-related Twitters I no longer keep up with, go here.

August 13th, 2020

Are you going to Scrambledegg Fair?
Sorry, Simon and Garfunkel. :woman bowing:

Both eggs and people's hearts get scrambled if you don't peel the shells properly.

No matter how I look at it, there's gotta be more demand for automatic egg peelers than automatic egg crackers.

I messed up peeling the shell and the egg got scrambled.

I can do it. I'm sure I can.

For the sake of tomorrow's happiness, I have to boil the eggs now.

And I myself am one who would add more streams to it, but just what should I stream...???

There are too many streams in this world!!!!!!!!

When you say "the toilet's far away," it means you're a considerable distance from a toilet, but when you say "the toilet's close," it means you use the bathroom frequently... I seriously don't get Japanese. [It's an expression, presumably coming from the idea that someone who has to go frequently would stay close to a bathroom.]

I'm stuck on G#m7 with ukulele.

Domino's selection filters can pick out only the short notes, for instance, so my theory is you'd just copy those and move them to the interval of the staccato keyswitch.

Actually, I feel like a program that scanned MIDI data and automatically inserted staccato keyswitches based on the note durations would be relatively simple. I mean, not with my programming knowledge, but y'know.

Though maybe there being a different nuance to the release based on note duration is just a presumption. Don't you feel like there's something to that?

Maybe it'd be more realistic if there were a system that wasn't real-time, but loaded the MIDI data all at once to understand all the note durations, then automatically played short and long note samples accordingly.

With piano synths, sometimes the sound of a release feels a little off, and I wonder if it's because in a real performance there's a different nuance between a short release and a long release, yet when processing in real time, you don't know the duration of the note at the start and thus can't distinguish them?

When you spend money, your wallet gets poorer.
When you don't spend money, your heart gets poorer.

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