OSTER project's Twitter

Translations of tweets from @fuwacina. For an archive of other Vocaloid-related Twitters I no longer keep up with, go here.

August 14th, 2020

If you do, I'll give ya tons of fanservice.

Gotta envy how cats get humans pampering them and calling them cute just by being cats. Make me a species that humans will fawn over unconditionally and pamper me... Spoil me all like "You cute widdle human! :heart: :heart: :heart:"

Even though my current feelings, even my current self, only exist in this moment, you know.

It's really painful having someone who I could call a best friend be outside my prefecture... I know the feeling of wanting to meet someone so bad you're shaking...

This year is really one where I have to put in more effort than usual to feel like I'm living as a person. I wanna be a person... I wanna get dressed up all nice and go to a normal restaurant and eat yakitori and drink beer and laugh out loud with my friends... That was my proof of being human...

I'm never gonna forgive you, corona... How many months of plans I was looking forward to have you ruined?

I'm a serious Toro Puzzler, but I'm stuck on Puzzle King Level 81.

As a result of fumbling around and exploring, Rin-chan stuck her lips and fingers into a shell... The sound of a conch shell ringing out... :conch:

These lyrics from Whale Rider are super cute and innocent and sexy...
["What a model love is,
Or how to love each other;
Nobody will teach that to us,
So let's fumble around and explore,
Just you and I..."]

I thought Whale Rider might be the simplest and most suited of my recent songs to play on ukulele, but I wonder if there's any others...

If you shift Whale Rider -1, it's in the key of C, and then even if the chorus shifts +2 it just becomes D, so it's easy to play in a way, but the augs are nasty.

I'm a huge newbie who just started playing ukulele 3 weeks ago, but I'm dying trying to play Whale Rider.

My songs are loaded with slash chords, so when I play them on ukulele ignoring the slash chords, you don't get a sense of the bass moving and it's no fun...

Totoro on ukulele gets hopelessly difficult after the key change, so I can't play it to the end.

Turns out "if you make a sound, you lose" wasn't a sexy thing.

The volcano Delaware. :volcano: [KÄ«lauea]

I'm having so much fun playing aiko-san's songs on ukulele, I switched to Hawaiian citizenship.

I gained over 1000 subscribers on my channel in a month, so I want to keep working away at it.

Making music is stupidly hard, so people who make music are heck of amazing.

My instruments: Recorder, ukulele

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