OSTER project's Twitter

Translations of tweets from @fuwacina. For an archive of other Vocaloid-related Twitters I no longer keep up with, go here.

August 12th, 2020

It's just a story about how she wants to wear matching earrings with her friend as soon as possible, and when she gets a second piercing while still unsure if her first piercing is stable, it bleeds and hurts... but ended up the way it is after I gave said story a twisted feel.

I feel like the lyrics to Second Piercing are super pervy, but no one said anything about it, so I got away with it.

Did the second piercing you pushed yourself to do still hurt and make you yell out???

The piercing that seemed like it was going to close up tearing open at 4 AM.

It starts with a tonic major for the first "Totoro, Totoro," yet the next "Totoro, Totoro" inserts a dim, then lands with a minor - it's so dang dramatic...

I'm playing a wide spread of songs on ukulele, and I'm laughing at how good the chordwork in My Neighbor Totoro is.

I'm okay with calling everyone a winner just for living as a human. :medal:

So maybe we need things that we can just irresponsibly put blame on. It's all your fault, you poopy-head corona!

I'd rather die than become a person who blames everything on other people, but becoming a person who blames everything on themselves might be so painful that I'd die.

Whether the atmospheric pressure is high or low, I feel bad physically and mentally, so I dunno what to blame it on anymore... It's all the coronavirus's fault...

Fall Guys seems like a ton of fun...

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