OSTER project's Twitter

Translations of tweets from @fuwacina. For an archive of other Vocaloid-related Twitters I no longer keep up with, go here.

August 11th, 2020

When I turn 80, I feel like I'll be writing the lyrics "Put everyting up to my fingertips in your grave."

Miku-chan's birth was 13 years ago too, and I'm still writing lyrics they don't have a care in the world, but seriously, what's this "Dye everything up to my fingertips your color" business? You try reading that out loud with a straight face.

When writing lyrics from the perspective of teenage girls, I've had people say they're too heavy and they wouldn't be thinking that deeply, so it feels unnatural, and had to fix it. It depressed me to think that's a mistake I've come to make as an adult... (crappy mental health)

Even within that, I'll keep finding ideal, beautiful worlds and depicting them... I'm sure there's other people who'll think they're beautiful too... I'm not stoppin'.

Actually, because I seek so much meaning in everything as I age, I'm clearly growing distant from that pure passion, those feelings that goes beyond meaning that an adolescent has... I'm just an adolescence zombie wandering a false labyrinth of the ideal adolescence that adults thought up... Why...

It feels like as I age, I don't become distanced from adolescence, but rather understand the feelings of an adolescent gril from more angles and see it in higher resolution... My body grows old and weak, but my mind becomes sharp... How cruel...

Even at 40, I feel like I'll still write lyrics like an adolescent girl.

I'm a high school girl... Whatever anyone says, I'm a high school girl...

Pant... pant... One more year 'til my forties...?

[Takes a quiz on Showa-era merchandise and gets 10 out of 10, which prompts it to suggest she's in her forties]
I'm not forty yet... Still... one year...

I also haven't made Magical Paint, nor Trick or Treat, nor Alice in Wonderland.

I've heard "I like OSTER-san's Romance Ward" 5 billion times, but OSTER-san hasn't made a song called Romance Ward.

I've also learned that 102 degrees isn't a melting day, it's a deadly day.

I now understand that on a melting day of 102 degrees, you can't Play Ball, and athleticism is generally cancelled, so you can't break into a run. [In reference to the lyrics of the song Sunny Day Sunday]

You're the only one who can judge yourself.

I feel things can't continue like this. As such, I'm thinking things can't continue like this.

[Screenshot of Sora saying something that gets wrapped to four lines and sticks out of the three-line textbox] I understand CSS completely.

Maybe I just don't see them often in my day to day life.

You don't see bitmap files much lately, do you???

I actually take jobs making songs, and it's not often I get a request that goes "Display your power as a pervert as much as you please!" and lets me remove my handcuffs, but I must spend my days training my filthy powers for the rare case where I do get to do a request with my handcuffs off...

RT @foxnumber6 Some composers think "if it's Maaya Sakamoto, I can have her change key as much as I want." Yoko Kanno was like that at first, but after producing, she centered around relatively normal songs. But before long, new composers thinking "if it's Maaya Sakamoto, I can have her change key as much as I want" started joining the fight one after another and are bringing it back to how it was, which is amazing.
I super wanna join this fight... :bomb: :explosion:

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