OSTER project's Twitter
Translations of tweets from @fuwacina. For an archive of other Vocaloid-related Twitters I no longer keep up with, go here.
August 10th, 2020
You might be thinking "If you like them that much, go make a song about boobs!", but I already have.
Even if you're ready to collapse from your wounds,
Don't look away from the beauty you believe in
Isn't it cool to consistently stick with the things you like? From birth to death, happily committed to loving boobs - is that not a beautiful love story?
Will I safely become a toe fetishist by the time I'm old? Isn't an old person with a toe fetish maybe a bit wild?
Hold on, I don't get what you're saying.
There's a weird theory that those who like boobs are kids, and the body parts you're attracted to move lower with age. But it's fine for adults to like Hamburg steak and Naporitan, right? Stick a flag in that cleavage. :Japanese flag: Here's your older-lady's meal, ma'am! :woman dancing:
When Siri gives me a weird response, I want to reply "How Siri-metsuretsu [incoherent]," but I don't have those kinds of conversations with Siri in the first place, and I like Mune [breasts] more than Siri [butts].
I don't have the ability to calculate 1024^3 just like that.
I'm the person who says things like "1 GB isn't 1 billion bytes, it's 1024^3 bytes."
When I'm not, I'm a beautiful older lady.
I'm a beautiful girl only when I'm making music.
RT @newariaimus When I'm listening to OSTER project-san's songs with earbuds, I feel like I become a beautiful girl.
I super get this...
Beer, women, women, and women.
My world is made of meat, beer, and sleep.
I want someone to make a system where 10 yen is provided from a fourth-dimensional source for every like you get.
My mouse also has five strings.
The people who play my songs all have 5 strings on their bass.
I feel like year by year, my songs' basslines become more vile.
I'm always thinking about what it means to compare atmospheric temperature and body temperature since solids and gases have different thermal conductivity.
I'll have an announcement very soon, so please please please please please look forward to it.
This month's busy!! Busy is a good thing!!