OSTER project's Twitter

Translations of tweets from @fuwacina. For an archive of other Vocaloid-related Twitters I no longer keep up with, go here.

January 6th, 2020

If I keep creating, I'm sure we'll meet again somewhere.

This year, Piano Girl, Ladies First, my Tricolore Airline arrangement, Bathroom Garden, and I Wanna Be a Princess! have their 10th anniversaries... What a lineup...

That's 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014, and 2017.
If any of them applies to you, I'm glad... I'm glad...

Miracle Paint fans: "I'm generation OSTER!"
Love Ward fans: "I am generation OSTER."
Alice in Musicland fans: "I'm in generation OSTER, yo!"
Music Wizard of Oz fans: "Yo, I'm generation OSTER."
Cantabile Passione fans: "Generation OSTER, dude!"

Making incredible songs one after another definitely is exhausting. :drooling face:

[Jun: "It's Tuesday, hop. Guess I'll do my best again today, using wac-san's singing as a support song..."]
I'll do my best.

I'll overcome my stomach pain by imagining Miku-chan and Rin-chan's hot spring date...

my stomach has extreme pain

My hair was so purple on Comiket day, but already it's the lightest of light purple...

I'm glad to get 100 likes just for finishing a song... Definitely listen to it when it's debuted! :prayer hands:

Feelings are important.

When I listen to a stylish song, I feel like I've become a stylish entity! But it's only the feeling.

A song!!!!,!! I finished one!!!!,!!

Yikes, I'm gonna cry over this track, I'm crying, yikes...

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