OSTER project's Twitter

Translations of tweets from @fuwacina. For an archive of other Vocaloid-related Twitters I no longer keep up with, go here.

January 5th, 2020

I wonder how many more times in my life I'll encounter something I love unbearably... Whenever I have an encounter like that, the potential of everything explodes upward, so I always want to be looking for them.

my ****ing midi is so cool

Ahhhh, incredible... the most incredible... sound...

I'm sure it's 'cause I'm only human that I can write only-human lyrics, but!! I wanna be a god...

I have a desire not to cause anyone discomfort by putting my crude self out there, but it lives alongside a feeling of wanting to expose everything and have it recognized to make things more comfortable. They're constantly starting fights, so as the landlady, I wanna drive them out and live in peace already.

I spend my days painting a shameful life...

I'm little miss can't-read-the-room, so I don't want to cause accidents by misunderstanding the intention of people's words. Even when it comes to romance, I bluntly ask with zero hesitation, "what do you mean?" But even then, I realize and worry over my mistakes after the fact, so I'm powerless...

Believe it or not, I'm delicate. Last year, at a tsukemen noodles restaurant, an employee asked "would you like to use a hair tie?", and I turned it down like "I'm fine" - but all this time later, I'm getting embarrassed about the possibility they weren't saying "it'll probably be hard to eat, so by all means," but "if you eat with your long hair hanging down, it'll ruin the look of the store, so tie it up."

In exchange for getting a ton more clothes in my closet, it feels like it's become much harder to decide how to combine them...

It's because I love it that I keep getting ideas about wanting to make it more like such and such, but it's seriously annoying because it takes my own effort to implement those ideas, but it feels really satisfying when I do implement them, so I pile up hell in front of me time after time...

When I say making music is a pain, people who don't make music might think "So you don't like music?!" But it's because I love it that I refuse to not put outrageous care into it, which is suuuch a pain, waaaaaaaaaahhhhh!!!

For some reason, I had a dream about going on a date at Muzan-sama's house. He served me spring cabbage peperoncino, but the room tilted and the pasta sauce all spilled out. He had a ton of Francfranc furniture, so I was like "So, you like Francfranc."

I'm an internet old-timer, so I've done those things where you answer questions and get assigned a price value. Any internet old-timer's done those, right?

I wanna be bought for 200 million yen by the president of Sushi Zanmai too.

****ing midi creator

I'm kinda loling...
all ****ing midi

RT @KaseboyAdvance [Quote-retweeting the Road Movie instrumental] this is... all midi.... holy s***. this is all ****ing midi. im just... woah.

Your-Cast Weather Report
[Screenshot of a series of text message bubbles, all on the right side.
"If it rains tomorrow"
"I'll put up an umbrella"
"If it snows tomorrow"
"I'll embrace you"
"Take an umbrella if it snows too dude"]

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