OSTER project's Twitter

Translations of tweets from @fuwacina. For an archive of other Vocaloid-related Twitters I no longer keep up with, go here.

January 7th, 2020

This is true.

RT @ito_yusaku [Engineer Terminology Explained]
"I understand it completely."
Finished the tutorial on how to use the product.
"I don't know anything."
Knows so much as to actually confront the fundamental issues with the product.
"I'm okay."
Could make the same product from scratch. Alternatively, is actually the developer.

Godzilla vs. Mouth Ulcer in a Weird Spot

Someone in this huge universe catching my broadcast, thinking "There was a lifeform who's the same as me!" and feeling saved... Just thinking about that for a little makes me want to keep putting beautiful works into the world.

But in doing that, just like my past self, people might show up whose eyes sparkle realizing there was a world this beautiful, who realize they weren't alone. If there's someone who thinks that, I'm saved by that person's existence too, and can also think "I wasn't alone!"

Because I want to meet people who find the same things as me beautiful for similar reasons, I want to keep broadcasting the utterly honed-down form of what I call beautiful. I want to keep yelling that "there's somebody living like this here." Like sending out a message into the vast cosmos.

The more picky I get about making something, the more I feel that people are really lonely creatures. I can't be the same in every way as anyone else, I can't have a perfect understanding with anyone else. But because of that, the things I want to treasure and share an understanding of, I can gradually find some part of in other people. Having someone to do that with is a happy thing.

I'm able to think I wasn't mistaken for treasuring the things I think are beautiful and focusing solely on them. The existence of people who see what I believe is beautiful in the same way affirms my existence. So I'm happy.

A single landscape in front of someone has as many interpretations as there are people who see it, which is why the world is so colorful, and which is why people are so lonely. In such a world, meeting someone who can look at the same things with a similar viewpoint and call them beautiful is important, and nothing could be happier.

Even I think it's amazing that a mouse-clicker like me could make this many songs, and it's wild thinking about how many times I click in a year... My mouse is wild too for enduring it all... It's a dirt-cheap mouse with nothing special about it at all, but it's got serious guts.

Looking at it this way, I actually think I worked super hard!! And I think I can keep working hard!! I'll work hard!! Blasting through 2020!

It's a little after the start of the new year, but I compiled all the songs I worked on in 2019. I also made a bunch of stuff that hasn't been announced yet! I'll do my best again this year, so thanks in advance. :woman bowing: [A list of a lot of songs. To summarize: 9 songs on OSTER-san's CD Vol. 2, 2 Bemani songs, 6 miscellaneous songs, and arrangement of 11 songs composed by Underbar.]

Multiples! You know them? Multiples.

Which is to say Tapioca New Year isn't just a jokey song! :fire:

You're free to prattle on about the past, and it should be something you can enjoy, but as soon as you start ranking now and then to devalue the present, I'm like, that ain't no good... Lament it as you may, all you have right now is the present, so it's just constructive to think about how to live in it, and where you'll go from here...

Everytime I see someone cool and older than me, I think "I really wanna age well..."

I'm feeling more and more like an old person who talks on and on about the past... I'm really feeling how humans are creatures that want to share their feelings and memories. That can be a troublesome trait that results in the feeling of loneliness, but beauty and preciousness can be born from that too... By continuing to be human, I'm studying humans... These are my 30's...

Maybe time seeming to pass in a blink is as simple as me having gotten older... (despair)

I'm sure this is true of all early Vocaloid fans, but don't the flows of time in 2007 and the time afterward feel totally different? The condensing of 2007 is incredible. The excitement of a new culture building itself in front of you was amazing... Every day was packed.

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