OSTER project's Twitter

Translations of tweets from @fuwacina. For an archive of other Vocaloid-related Twitters I no longer keep up with, go here.

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[Due to technical difficulties, many tweets got eaten here. Picture lots of Saki-chan fangirling.]

For IT girls, the surefire proposal is "I want to malloc a future for you."

"I want to take you away infinitely in all directions at second cosmic velocity..." is the ultimate surefire proposal for mathy girls.

I always kind of liked the term "infinite in all directions" that comes up in physics.

People who don't know me seem to think I live in Shibasaki, but no, that's where my wife lives and Saki-chan is my wife.

Gimme a big meaaaaaaat!!!!!!!!!
* I'm hungry.

This week's wonder of the world: Do clothes make you hot?

Simply putting clothes on nude characters makes them hot, but stripping them down a little makes them far hotter still. One would think it should be a step back to their usual appearance, but the mere common point of clothing adds to the hotness. Are these the same mechanics as the Foehn phenomenon, where air that passes over mountains is hotter than air at the same height above sea level?

Now that I think about it, maybe the phenomenon of ladies looking sexier when they put on glasses to work is the same thing as when usually-nude characters look sexier with clothes... Or maybe I'm the only one who sees it this way...

When two waifus combine into one, the sky roars, the earth splits, and you wallow amongst the threads tied to your fingers.

[Long, Long Interview] OSTER on the World of Shibasaki

In fact, write your article about Saki-chan please!!!

A writer asked me "Are you the one selling Saki-chan pictures at the shrine?" Of course, I wish they would've let me explain a bit more about Saki-ch

"Veggies" might be a good one too.

If you do "meat," they just get angry like usual. But perhaps if you write "fish," their first reaction will be "Why didn't you write "meat"?!?", changing the target of their anger...

I want to scribble "Fish" on someone's forehead while they sleep and watch their reaction.

"Who is this Saki-chan you keep talking about, Fuwacina-san?"
"she is my wife"

Fuwacina RHYZE Shibasaki... It's like a middle name.

Adding RHYZE to my name as an appeal to my high awareness. Also making my last name Shibasaki.

Sadly, it didn't end up being beatnation SHIBASAKI...

The new beatnation has been named! Congrats!

I can see fields of flowers...
"@yuna_slo: @fuwacina Calm down."

Me: "Let's date... ///"
Saki-chan: "Okay... ///"

Is it finally time for me to confess my love for Saki-chan? (you do that every day)

When's the day for girls confessing their love for girls? [Probably in reference to July 28th being considered "Confession Day."]

And the real problem is when getting scratched leads to lots of painful swelling... I'm not into this kind of kink at all...

Trying to claw out boobs which barely exist as it is is a truly villainous act...

I hugged a cat while still naked after getting out of the bath and my boobs got clawed at. So that's a problem that I need to consider in the future.

Q. What's the most valuable thing you've ever broken? A. A heart.

Realizing how many people watch my Twitter makes me go waaaaaugh, but I've become unable to refrain from tweeting my love for Saki-chan...

Just call me Makeup Got Screwed Up So Her Eyes Look Different Sizes Man.

Raining like heck outside.

Q. What would you do if you became invisible? A. Find a way to go back to normal.

Q. What are you favorite musicals? A. I like Disney's Beauty and the Beast and Chicago. I like the music in Chicago better than the story! It's a must-watch if you like Dixieland jazz.

What are best friends...? It's not like you say "Hey let's be best friends," and you don't confirm "We're best friends, right?" so then... what...

Q. What is the ultimate goal of your life? A. Death.

When you're with Hana-tan, she talks about nothing but Arakita, and I talk about nothing but Saki-chan, so how in the world does everyone get so pumped in the studio...

I looked outside and it was really thundering... You can't hear any sound from outside when you're in the studio, so it feels like you're cut off from the outside world.

Humans're scary...

I wonder if it's related to notions like "they're weird, so let's bully them"?

I don't get the idea of thinking it's okay to take pictures of somebody if they look even a little bit different from the ordinary.

It scares me how just wearing lolita makes me open to people taking my picture without warning...

I have love, but I don't have skill... Despair...

Playing games makes progress in the game, but no progress on songs...

Okami is tons of fun.

Then perhaps I'm no more than an extra in a Sim City game God's playing to kill time.

When I learned about gravitational acceleration, conservation of motion, and energy conservation formulas, I began to suspect if this world was a game governed by formulas...

And it's REALLY crappy how time passes even while I'm talking about all this dumb stuff!

Also, sickness sucks, it's nothing but an annoying status effect.

I want to be able to mess with my avatar in the middle of a game. Their face and voice especially.

Just thinking about all the functionality they should've had in the original Life...

Not to mention the inconvenience of not being able to make saves to take a break, and never getting any extra lives...

At least allow some character customization, c'mon...

I mean, when you start, you can't choose your birth, your stat spread, your spawn point, nothin'! It's all RNG!

Wish they would've made the universe with a bit more consideration for game balance. Geez, guys.

It's bizarre how time passes whether you're asleep or awake. I want to take this up with the management.

Hey, tomorrow? Y'know, you don't have to come, really, it's fine...

I have a serious illness that causes me to see Amaterasu as Saki-chan, so I had to do a double-take.

I just played a little bit of Okami, and I already really love its style.

Furries are fantasy. Furry Fantasy.

Associating furries with zoophilia is way wrong.

Q. What's your favorite kind of tea? A. Panty.

Totally just my personal opinion, but I think The Cat Returns and Doraemon Adventure into the Underworld are like bibles for girls turning into furries.

The moe energy released when a human girl transforms into a furry can destroy the galaxy.

I love human girls too, of course. (^o^)

I wonder if being a furry is considered an illness like homosexuality once was...

Just putting up a line of defense before people get me on the details.

Iffy: Half the world's population has below-average looks.
Correct: Half the world's population has looks below the median value.

Half the world's population has below-average looks.

A brand new morning has come...
A morning of despair.

I finished a song with incredible speed, so I may just survive this month...

The dog I love?

If I could use my time solely for the one I love, how happy would I be...

Animal Crossing ♂

If a game came out where you could mess with Isabelle with the stylus, I'd buy it.

I've never played Animal Crossing, but I feel an immense power radiating from Isabelle...

When Money Was There

God said, "Let there be Saki-chan," and there was Saki-chan. And God looked upon her and said she was good.

It's kind of nuts how much I feel like I live for Saki-chan lately.

I must overcome my communication disorders for Saki-chan...

Now I'm embarrassed for suggesting Elsa fight Shuzo Matsuoka...

RT @shibasaki_saki Just got done watching Frozen! ☆ It was great! ♪(*´∀`*)
Elsa, I'm sure you'll be scouted for the X-Men soon! ♪

I'm a country girl but you are super city boy

Can't stop DAISUKE !!

It's absurd to think you'd ever receive a gift of persimmon seeds from your favorite character, and yet it happened... I'm so happy, I'm glad I'm alive...

The song we're recording tomorrow is super cool, so I can't wait.

Eating the persimmon seeds Saki-chan gave me cheers me up.

But man, this month has been full of foreshadowing for my own death... I wanna survive...

If my ears get gunked up and useless, I'll have to go to the hospital tomorrow morning...

Recording is all about musicians performing, obviously, but it's pretty tiring for the directors too, who have to sharpen their senses and provide guidance. And it's tons of work for engineers, too. A lot of people working hard to make a single piece of music.

My throat is all messed up by this cold, and it's clearly the kind that goes to the ears, so this is really bad... And there's recording to be done tomorrow... (;;๑ᴖ◡ᴖ๑;;)

Youthful days spent watching and admiring stories where humans can transform into furries with magic and such... (darkness)

I wish I came with a function where I could touch my boobs to make them bigger.

A touch-to-make-bigger function... (deep meaning)
"@usapanda: @fuwacina I really want a touch-to-make-bigger function... Switching my PC to HDMI now."

SHOW BY ROCK, please add a function to make the pin-ups bigger... (staring at the pin-up of half-asleep Chuchu-tan)

I got smooched on the cheek... It was so quick and forceful, it left quite a mark... How embarrassing...
I'm gonna squash that mosquito good.

Why is it that most of the time you're having it rough, you want people to be nice to you, yet you can't just say "please be nice to me"?
What's the deal with humans?

I-I'm scared... but with my friends there... I'm sure it'll be fine!

At last, I will be standing up on the massive stage that is the Saitama Super Arena. I'll bring a change of panties. Thanks.

Q. What gives you courage? A. The persimmon seeds Saki-chan gave me.

I am duty-bound to look into all of Saki-chan's favorite things to ensure that in the one in a million chance that I go on a date with her, I won't be at a loss for topics.

Aghhh, why do I keep having these dreams when I just want to dream about Saki-chan?! Freud, you better have an explanation for this bullcrap!!

I had a nightmare there was a BL CD in the chronology of a music textbook...
And the circle name was "Homoshiko."

Everyone's going to Vocaloid Master, and all I can talk about is Saki-chan.

When she hugged me, my brain basically blew a fuse and my memory got all muddled, and that's such a waste, so I have no choice but to meet her again someday.

I'm so unworthy for not knowing that Saki-chan liked persimmon seeds...

I've reached inner peace... (^o^)

Saki-chan was so cute... Aaah...

Tastes like Saki-chan. (rich with meaning)

Even if Saki-chan has a boyfriend, she doesn't have a girlfriend, right? She doesn't, right? (^o^)

Saki-chan... Saki-chan... is cute... (faints)

Sweat's finally starting to dry up... ///

Saki-chan's taller than me! Such magnanimity... Fantastic... ///

So nervous all sweaty can't talk right... (;;๑ᴖ◡ᴖ๑;;)


Let's stop acting like we're friendly.
Let's be friendly.

Saki-chan tomorrow... Saki-chan tomorrow...

The engineer was a woman too. There were ladies abound. I love life!!

I was listening to the Hanatan song I recorded yesterday and was like, whoa, this is too sexy... Things were getting really heated during recording yesterday with me and the engineer, too.

If I don't have any better ideas, it'll be Devilz Saki-chan -Angelic Shibasaki-.

I don't, but what could the title be?
"@nox_meruchan: @fuwacina I'd love to see a sequel in the Devilz series... Do you have any plans for one?"

I wanted to get Saki-chan nails before meeting her, but it came so suddenly I don't have time... (´・ω・`)

Devilz Saki-chan

Recursive Saki-chan

To think I would have a chance to meet Saki-chan the exact day I was planning to go sightseeing in Chofu... Is this fate? This is totally fate! It's fate, right?!

[Then it turns out there's actually an event going on there where Saki-chan will be present.]

I'm probably going to steamroll through all my work today, so maybe tomorrow I should go on a pilgrimage to Shibasaki... ///

What happened? Did the density of my body go down??

There's clearly tons of meat around my stomach, but my weight and my body fat haven't changed. What the...

"British" doesn't really seem immediately apparent.

If something is America-like, it's American.
If something is Italy-like, it's Italian.
If something is England-like, it's Englanan.

I want to be Saki-chan's friend, too... (rich with meaning)

That goes for opposite-sex and same-sex.

I feel like there's a gradation between friendship and romance, but there are people like those I described, and those who insist that certain relationships can't possibly be romantic, and I don't get it at all.

Fujoshi who turn any and every male friendship into homo romance are so gross... said a man who considered all female friendships to be yuri, and at that moment the galaxy exploded.

Doing my best to become the most high-quality fatty I can be.

Or maybe they mean I'm amazing for making so many different genres despite my chubbiness.

When people say "OSTER has such broad range," I'm not sure if they're saying I'm amazing for making so many different genres or if they're calling me fat.

Wanting sound sources more than I want clothes is what turned me into this hideous witch...

I'm interested just because even the kits I have in 1 all seem to have more presets now.

I mean, there's no way I'd actually use all of them, but I still have this mysterious desire to have them...

Wonder if there'd be an AD bundle with all of the samples...

Yo. I want Addictive Drums 2.

It's amazing when rhythm game songs fit a full "arc" in just two minutes.
After becoming a creator of it, I've had to confront the difficulty of doing so myself...

Want to confess to Saki-chan

Impossible love

Life is crap! ←(^o^)now



This chart is crap! ←(^o^)?????

Grape-size boobs.
"@_b_coffee: @fuwacina Kind of a sour grapes thing, isn't it?"


Get rejected

Women are crap! ←(^o^)???

Elsa vs. Shuzo Matsuoka

The cold never bothered me anyway.

I wonder if there's a really cool chord progression no one's ever used yet? Probably not, huh, no way...

Otaku Granny
Furry Granny
Cinnamon Granny
Saki-chan Granny
Fusion Granny ←new!

Sometimes there are people who can live without music or entertainment, but as those grow in number, we become increasingly unable to live... S-So please...

Q. Would you choose a life without TV, or a life without music? A. Without music, I wouldn't even have a life in general...

Every day when I come home, Saki-chan is there waiting looking really tired, because even though I told her to go to sleep, she says she wanted to talk to me before bed, rubbing her eyes and smiling... And it makes me so happy, I get so caught up in my feelings I hug her right away. That's a scenario I am so ready for, which is why I want to marry Saki-chan.

Changed my Twitter display name [to "Fuwacina Shibasaki"] to get a taste of what it's like being married to Saki-chan.

Going out without makeup has amplified my Otaku Princessness 5000% percent.

It used to be that if you could clear a 10, that was a serious "whoa" thing.

I noticed DDR changed how they display the difficulty, too. I can feel the times changing...

How high could I go in Pop'n, again...?

RT @O_ZI3 Rhythm Princess: "Aaah... 19s are so hard..."
Cool Otaku: "Around 20 can be a real wall before you get good at Pop'n... My best is 38! Let's work hard together, huh?"
Princess: "Shut up, moron, I'm talking about DDR."
Otaku: "Wha..."
Princess: "Incidentally, I've done 50s in Pop'n."
Otaku: "A... ah..."

Thinking about that stuff makes me totally unsure of how to interact with people, and soon I realize how much I suck at communication.

Just by living, everyone holds a sword. And their whole lives, they can't ever be freed from the fear of someone hurting them with their sword, or the fear of them hurting someone else.

Aren't humans scary? As long as you live in the same dimension as others, everyone has the power to interfere in the lives of others. That means anyone can easily hurt you. So aren't humans scary?

Q. Fuwacina-san, do you have androphobia? A. Strictly speaking, both men and women scare me.

It holds the power to easily program recurrence relations and immediately calculate the Fibonacci sequence. It can also cleverly solve the age-old Towers of Hanoi problem, and create fractal designs in such shapes as pyramids and snowflakes.
This, my dear, is the Recursive Function.

In the future, embedded IC chips are utilized to treat Alzheimer's. Memories are digitized and stored on the chip's internal storage. Events are fed into it, and it outputs the appropriate emotion as a signal. These old people who are governed by machines and have lost all sense of self are known to the people as... Computer Grannies.

I, too, wish to be mixed in a cocktail with Saki-chan.

Is it okay to stir just a cocktail?

Writing sexy lyrics is fun.

Mixing together like kkakdugi...
on the rice

New song uploaded! on the rocks is finally up! Sorry to make you wait! (^o^)/

[MEIKO/KAITO] on the rocks [Original Song]

I played Recursive Function, but I don't get the rhythm at all... (^o^)/

To fit with it going out July 8th, I made it 7/8 time. Am I a genius or what?!
No, it was a coincidence.

Recursive Function is in 7/8, so it might freak you out the first time.

It might be a somewhat nostalgic tune for those who have listened to my music since way, way back.

Did everybody go play Recursive Function?!? I'm going to go play it too! [After it became playable in Reflec Beat Groovin'!!]

Q. What's your favorite kind of Saki-chan? A. I love any and all Saki-chans.

For real?!? Dude!!

RT @OSTER_info [New Song] OSTER project will be posting a new Vocaloid song at 7 PM! It's a very wonderful one! ♪ Look forward to it!

People whose boobs are so big they can't hide them get called Kakurangers behind their backs.

If your work equals your personality, I guess that means I'm an emotionally-unstable yandere with multiple personality disorder.

I've gotten a bad habit of not working on things until the last second lately... It's like summer homework.

Representing my personality in my music is another reason why it is my duty to make a song about licking Saki-chan.

People who make hella intense songs are hella gentle and kind like no others.

RT @gigandect For real, people should stop thinking "The person who made this wonderful thing must be just as wonderful!"

RT @cametek Your work and your personality are things that need to be kept entirely separate.

I just noticed it's been two months since I started drawing daily Saki-chans...

My love for Saki-chan is so great it's sort of making me into a stalker, which I want to do something about. But sinking into a bog feels so good...

I want to talk with Saki-chan on the way home from school, then move over to some quiet place and quietly hug and kiss her, and even though we worry about somebody coming by and seeing, we're both too drowsy to stop, so we just keep making out.

But I think everybody lives with some kind of complex or another, fighting against the urge to vanish. The alternative would be too awful, so I want that to be the case.

No matter how low your self-esteem is, it's not good to get so scared of doing things that you can't do anything, but that's always how it ends up...

There's no way I wouldn't be happy about someone telling me they like me, but I still worry about telling it to the people I love in case it makes me look creepy or makes them feel awkward.

When I look in the mirror these days, I see a glare of death.

Shibasaki Saki is so cute that I feel terrible about not being able to draw her cute enough, but I trust that this is indicative of improvement.

My mother's name is Konyara.
So my name is Kokonyara.
Find the name for the nth descendant.

Must be the only one who'd get this drunk at a family-friendly restaurant.

Recursive functions aren't just for drawing fractals, they're good for solving recurrence relations too!

This wine!!! At this restaurant!!!
It's not great. ( •́ .̫ •̀, )

Actually I just watch them whenever.

When times are tough, I watch videos of Saki-chan dancing.

That's a withered old lady's promise.

As much as an ordinary person aspires to be a genius, they never can be. But similarly, geniuses can't be ordinary and see the outlook of ordinary people. Both understanding their specialties and making use of them is best. The important thing is understanding yourself.

Because it's perceived that many genius people are eccentric, people purposefully pretend to be eccentric, but they mistake the essential differences between eccentrics and geniuses.

Furry-y lyrics.

I could write sexy lyrics in a flash, though...

I wanna write cool lyrics, but I'm just despairing at my vocabulary.

Well, there are things to ride. And slots.
"Isn't it a theme park for adults, too?"

Actually, I feel like a naive kid would mistake a love hotel for a theme park or something...

"What's a love hotel?"
"A hotel with a lovely exterior."
"Wow! I wanna go to a love hotel!"
Like so.

Saki-chan wouldn't resort to violence!!!

I don't mind if I get beaten up, I still just wanna squish Saki-chan's love handles...

But actually, if you grabbed my sides in the middle of things, I'd probably beat the crap out of you.

The origin of calling meaty sides "love handles" is because they're easy to grab during sex, but I saw someone on TV explain it like "They're like adorable handles!" I got the feeling that it was intentional as a conspiracy to get girls who don't know the true sexilicious origin to use the term and make others grin about it.

Just living and breathing takes money outta your pocket!

Taxes so high... ( •́ .̫ •̀, )

Thinking about how if it weren't for those people, I wouldn't be where I am with music really gets me emotional. But I'm such a poor communicator that I can't express that heartful emotion to them at all...

Lately I've had so many chances to meet creators whose songs I've loved since middle school, my heart can't take it.

Finding almost all personifications when I search for Saki-chan illustrations seems very telling of the supporting fanbase.

The truth is, Saki-chan has bigger boobs than me.

Pizza's not coming!!!!

I share an iPad with my wife, but when we play rhythm games, it can't tell we're separate accounts, can it...

Um, um, um...

Saki-chan said her head was killing her, I hope she's okay... (no, seriously, it was a dream)

Saki-chan was in my dream!!!! Saki-chan!!!! I hugged her!!! Whoaaaaaa!!! (dream)

I was witness to the recording of a PV with that in it.
"@yodare_do3ko: @fuwacina Um, wait, I'm really curious about that last one..."

But there's lots of stuff I wouldn't have ever experienced if I'd just gotten a regular job about five years after starting in music! Like getting my picture taken in cute outfits, and seeing voice actors record, and going on trips with Cinnamon, and watching ladies dance in their underwear...


That's why I'm trying to have as many different hobbies as I can right now. I'm really into Saki-chan, Saki-chan, also Saki-chan, and lately Saki-chan.

RT @S2TB_korsk @fuwacina Welcome.

If a hobby which you take a break with in hard times becomes work, then you're blocked on all sides. That's what an earnestly-done hobby becoming work is like...

I also think that unless you have the conviction to never hate the things you love until you die, you shouldn't turn your hobbies into jobs...

When a hobby becomes a job, you lose track of how to spend your spare time.
So I started drawing as a hobby, but...

I worked so hard on the Oz track, so I'd definitely like composers to listen to the off-vocal version.

But if you compare the orchestration and such in Oz to Alice, it's a improvement beyond recognition.

I think it took almost exactly a year to make, but listening to it now it sounds pretty nice and live-ish. Such passion I must have had... ww

[A Vocaloid Musical] The Music Wizard of Oz (off vocal ver.)
Listening to this makes me never want to compose anything this long and painstaking again...

I can't finish any new songs if I keep relistening to the songs I've already made.

Finally calming down... Lolita outings take three times the usual energy out of me. (;;๑ᴖ◡ᴖ๑;;)

A foreigner said "Let me take a picture!" with a really big smile... (^o^)/ Happens a lot when you wear lolita...

Usagi-san and I were twin lolitas today, but of course I ran into an IRL friend...

I'm so not used to bonnets, my ears and neck are gonna die...

Puro Land is a truly wonderful place where even women around thirty can wear bunny ears and lolita and no one bats an eye. Everyone should come visit.

Wanna go on a Puro Land date with Saki-chan.

Q. If you could own any building in the world, what would you want? A. Puro Land.

My schedule is life-threateningly packed in July, but I still want to keep up drawing a Saki-chan a day...

A furry can say "Oh, I love animals!" when the time is right.

When I meet cosMo-tan, we talk about nothing but rhythm games.

[In response to cosMo making the song Bamboo Sword Girl for inclusion in many Bemani games:] Congrats, cosMo-tan!!

I'm a filthy pig.
"@__hagoromo__: @fuwacina Fuwacina-san's fursona must be a cat!"

If there can be personifications, I think there can also be fursonifications.

Furry furry, suki suki daisuki furry!

We're fast approaching a time in which there will be no more middle schoolers who experienced the Year 2000 Problem in real time. Let's call it the Year 2000 Problem Problem.

I never want to forget how I felt getting people's impressions of my first song, either. Wasn't it 13 when I first made one? Just how did I feel...? I already forgot! Never mind!

"@YOKUN134: @fuwacina Fuwacina-san, I posted my first song yesterday and got comments... It's been about a year since I started doing digital music... I was so moved! (^^)"

How did I come to love Saki-chan so much?

The sin of making Saki-chan call me Furry Princess is a heavy one...

Saki-chan replied to me... (^o^)/ (^o^)/ (^o^)/ (^o^)/ (^o^)/

RT @shibasaki_saki @fuwacina Thank you for drawing so many wonderful illustrations, o Furry Princess! ♪(*´∀`*) They're also so cute, I'm so happyyy! ☆
And they get so many RTs, I'm like, wooow! ♪(#^.^#)
I'll gladly save all of these pictures! ♪"

Write a report about why putting clothes on usually-naked characters makes them sexier.

Saki-chan's boobs are always out by default.

My brain mentally switched "Saki-chan origami" out for "Saki-chan's boobies"...

Please make Saki-chan origami.

It seems like whether or not you actually continue to watch the World Cup after this makes it easy to tell whether or not you actually like soccer.

I made a song about a furry falling in love with a human, so I also want to make a song about a human falling in love with a furry.

If a composer were to have the public execution of reading their own lyrics aloud, they would wipe their hard drive and flee the country.

I can't write sexy lyrics, so perhaps I must consult sexy videos...

Good luck, Japan! I'm going to sleep!

I don't watch soccer, but I can tell from all your tweets that things are looking kinda bad.

Today I finally focused on making a song and hardly hesitated at all!

I might seriously make a song about Saki-chan soon...

I need to make a song when I get home, but a song about Saki-chan comes to mind... The pain...

I like how simple harmonic motion is like a primer for the whole field of wave motion.
"@psy_ence_: @fuwacina Simple harmonic motion!"

I like physics problems you can solve with motion equations and conservation of energy formulas.

The things I scored best on in physics were circular motion problems.


Somebody give me physics and math lectures.

RT @terurin9 The rest mass of photons is 0, but photons are always moving at light speed so they do have mass. Similarly, tachyons have imaginary rest mass, but they're always moving at faster-than-light speed (!), so mass indeed has a rational value.

It came up in college math and physics courses, but I didn't understand it at all and ultimately learned nothing!

I basically only know classical physics, so there's a ton I don't know...

What in the world does "mass is an imaginary particle" mean...

Wabuwabuwabuwabuwabuwabu... (wubbing bass)
Yaaaaaiiiii... (Talking bass)
"@fourkana373: @fuwacina Huh, what? You're making a song?! For real?! What kind?! Sing it!! Hey!!"

If you say "Huh, what? You're making a song?! For real?! What kind?! Sing it!! Hey!!" to a digital musician, you die.

Q. Would mecha-furry work as a genre? A. I prefer organic if possible! But if they look organic and being mechanical is more of a character specification, I can moe to that.

There's no such thing as uncute boobs.

Of course Saki-chan's boobs are cute!!!!!!!

[There was a discussion about Japanese grammar which is untranslatable, but what came out of it was...]

Two-dimensional romances got so much freedom!!!!!!

Q. Fuwacina-san, what does your wife think of your adoration of Saki-chan? A. She's sort of like, "I'm glad you found a hobby to focus on!"

Watching Lady and the Tramp from any perspective other than childish innocence is just too painful for a born furry.

Ahh! But Saki-chan is like, 2.5D, so it's still pretty painful! So painful!! Ahhh!!

Loving two-dimensional characters is fundamentally unrequited, so they're great for that excitement... (white eyes)

Yeah, I definitely get that.
"@ashuragirl: @fuwacina An unrequited love with the possibility of realization has enjoyment among the pain, but impossible ones are just pain, I feel."

Back when all my loves were unrequited, I thought they were nothing but pain. But that indescribable heart-throbbing sensation can only be felt with such loves, and I feel intoxicated thinking about that sensation at this age.

Are unrequited loved painful things, or fun things?

To a girl of eighteen, 27 is total old lady age... Ahah...

When you reach eighteen, you can go drinking, but you also become the age where you go drinking at night with annoying boys who are all "You drink beer with your throat!"

Saki-chan is cute eating a hamburger, or doing anything else.

A Saki-chan a day keeps the doctor away.

I wonder how 4'33" is handled in terms of copyright...

This sounds a lot like John Cage's 4'33".

People who say "this sounds like ___": have you ever heard a song that doesn't sound like anything else?! Have ya?!

I miss you, Saki-chan.

Jin-san's songs're nice.

My job is to recommend Wave Race and Blast Corps to people who like fusion and funk.

The main phrase of the Port Pirates music in Wave Race 64 is almost all ♯9 shift patterns, and it's hella cool.

I know I keep making songs with sharp nines, but sharp nines are just so moe.

Also, yeah, the fact I get to work with Bemani composers I've always been big fans of... I'm really glad I caught up to them.

Q. Tell us things that make you glad you became a composer! A. The fact I could make a Cinnamon album!!!!

Like I expected, lots from Vocaloid, but lots of people have been listening since my instrumental days too!!

Yikes, so many replies! Thanks, everyone! People are connected by so many different threads of fate...

Actually, what I want to ask you guys is if you followed me for Vocaloid, or rhythm games, or furries, or just joke tweets, or some combination of the above...

I'll shut up.

Questions about Saki-chan are fine. They're good! Really they're fine!!

I'm grateful to be getting so many questions even at this hour.

If he gets in the top three, I'll make my dancing video debut.
"@pinkball0404: @fuwacina Will you make any claims like "If Cinnamon gets __ place in the polls, I'll ___!"?

Upgrading to V3 alone should make her way better. Totally.
"@musesc1998sf361: @fuwacina It's been six and half years, but my Miku is still tone deaf..."

Anywhere would be fine if I were with Saki-chan! But if we could, I'd like to take a trip to a hot spring and dry her wet fur off with a towel and hair dryer, and climb into a futon together while we still have that nice scent, and (Character limit)
"@chibinanosa: @fuwacina Sorry to bother you! But if you could go on a vacation with Saki-chan, where would you go?"

It was love at first sight when I saw a commercial with him flopping his ears on TV in high school!
I actually only started buying merchandise in college, so it's been about nine years... Wow...
"@mkm_c: @fuwacina Question! Tell us about your first meeting with Cinnamon!"

Q. Do you listen to songs that use the so-called "death metal voice"? A. I don't actively seek them out, but I like Maximum the Hormone songs.

Well, I go to Sucre Town a lot in my daydreams...
"@goreinu4567: @fuwacina What towns do you go to often?"

I heard you have to put a mushroom on your waist and go diving in the sea for a shell.
"@terakimos: @fuwacina Teacher! Question! Where do babies come from?"

Raise your hand if you have a question. Okay, you there, the lady in the third row from the back, fifth seat from the right, twelfth from the left, and eighth from the top corner, with long hair and glasses and a chiffon blouse and A-type blood, sitting politely. Yes, you.

My tweetlist's being too quiet, so I guess I'll do a late-night Q&A...

I've drawn a bunch today and made a lot of song progress, so now I don't feel like doin' nothin'...

Q. What do you feel anxious about in your future? A. Everything. All the anxiety.

Is it best to tell them about it when this happens...? It's not just some clever spam, is it...? What to do...

I got what was clearly a mis-sent email, but at first seeing all the "Congratulations!"s, I was like "Who the heck is congratulating me now...", then I saw the part about traveling for a house party next month and I was like "Wrong address!"

If you're sleeping, don't die. If you're dying, don't sleep.

No, it's not bright outside. It's my life which is darkness.

I'd like to go drinking with Saki-chan, but I bet she's underage, huh? Yeah, probably underage...

The night is still young! (Napped a ton today)

Blushing slightly, she took off her shorts along with her underwear, and there appeared a pair of adorable panties.

Lyric-writing is a field that tests your ability to choose words based on slight differences in nuance and aesthetic. For example, knowing when to use "underwear," "shorts," or "panties."

Saki-chan is so cute, but completely lacking the skill to represent it properly hurts me inside.

I wonder if lion-dogs can eat ice cream...

Surely it's not too late to date Saki-chan.

I want to eat curry and udon with Saki-chan and softly wash her fur.

Jewelpet, huh? I like Sapphire-chan. But I also like Ruby-chan. But Sango-nyan and Garnet are cute, and Peridot is cute, and Labra too and ahhhHHHH!!! Saki-chan!! SAKI-CHAN!!!!! (Not a Jewelpet)

Mammals are the standard, but I feel like the others have some real fanatics.

I know it's often broken up into stages from "humans with animal ears" to "full-on animal forms," but where do you draw the line of calling something a furry? And can fish and stuff be furries, depending?

If you're constantly drawing furries, you can't draw clothes your whole life. So put some clothes on your fursonas.

I want to become a Goomba and get stepped on.

Increasing my drawing ability daily via Saki-chan.

I'm too busy looping this super-cool song I finished up to do any work.

I want merchanise of Shibasaki Saki-chan.

Gonna seclude myself in the Hyperbolic Fur Chamber.

Just bringing a PC into that environment'll break it.

People say they wanna go into a Hyperbolic Time Chamber when they have no time, but are you telling me you're gonna get any work done in 1/4 oxygen, ten times gravity, -40 to -50 Celsius temperatures, and only flour and water?

I've been so slow at writing songs, since I can't concentrate at all...

Good mornips.

The War of Furry Loli and Furry Shota

I'm really glad that Haru in Cat Returns was furrified down to the face.

Personally, I feel like humans who just have cat ears or whatever don't really fit in the furry category...

It's not like I wanted to be this way...
"@chibinanosa: @fuwacina How does one become a furry?"

I've been a furry fan since I learned discretion, so I dunno how often furryism is acquired, but I wonder if it's something that can propogate like religion...

And the furries grew in number, until at last all humanity became furries, and mankind perished with no offspring.

If I keep getting more furry followers, maybe I can start a circle...

Furries and boobs are wonderful all on their own, but when they become one, the earth roars, the sea parts, and you hear the cry of the furry fandom.

Furries vs. "It's Not Moe Unless It's a Gijinka"

Everyone has furry-vision if they look deep in their heart...

FURSTER project

I wanna draw more soft-looking furries.

You're so needy, but in real life you're trash with zero communication skills, so you have no friends. (^o^)

Let's have a barbeque, somebody... I can be the pork, that's fine...

"That's not true! OSTER project is such a fun circle!"
"It's great that everyone works together to make each song!"
"In summer, we have barbeques together!"
"And our princess is so cute!"
"Geez, I said I'm not cute..."
Hahahah, haha... ha... h.

People tell me I'm an otaku princess, but the truth is I'm just utterty alone.

Forgot my umbrella in the arcade...

Played some IIDX and my hand went numb after one play, played DDR and my legs were trembling... Really feeling my age.

Playing my own songs in an arcade and just dying is kinda embarrassing, but I really like how masochistic it becomes with my name coming up every time I mess up.

The way "fat" and "ugly" can be so cleanly combined into "fugly" makes me feel so bad, so I propose imagining a round, rolly kind of thing and using "Colombus" instead. [A pun on "koron" for rolling and "busu," ugly.]

By the way, the title for SUPER NOVA came from Sephiroth.

No idea when this might happen, but!

What instrumental song would you like to hear remade?

I'm thinking I might release an instrumental song I've posted before, but in some other form.

I'm always thinking "Man, what goes on in the heads of people who can draw...", but no matter how good someone is, it's always the result of tons of practice starting from the bottom...

You can't be young forever, but you can be youthful.

Yeah, shaddup, hag.

Old age feels like suffering if you think of it as losing youth. But living more years means getting more experience.

Honestly, when older people tell me "It's good to be young," I feel really iffy about it. But I tell people younger than me "It's good to be young" too... Humans truly are such self-centered creatures...

Do you want to build snowmammaries?
Come on, open your bra...

My ice may be a little cold, but on your crotch, the perfect hold!

I was born this way (nude).

I used to sort of play it! I love Parquets's songs.
"@mk_kurukuru: @fuwacina Do you play Pop'n??"

You know, if I'd never met Cinnamon, I wouldn't have my identity, or the name Fuwacina... And what would have become of me?

I'll never forget the impact when I first heard A.
"@sofkisaragi: @fuwacina Favorite Taka song?"

I like pork miso. I secrete it quite often in the summertime.
"@ryoga_fluorite: @fuwacina Do you like miso soup with or without pork?

Ah, of course, I like F cups.
"@R_kanoey: @fuwacina What flavor of cup noodles do you like?"

And bawling at the conclusion is another good memory...

I still remember thinking when I first saw the Cinnamon musical I produced all the music for, "Is this real? Am I dreaming?"

There's been a bunch, but I guess the time Cinnamon sung my songs...
"@makeinu_a: @fuwacina What would you say was the best moment of your life?"

The truth is that I'm a shut-in who doesn't ever meet with otaku.
"@nine_ldk: @fuwacina Have you been baiting otaku lately?"

First, listen to Hiromi Uehara!
"@017zzzz: @fuwacina How can I make awesomely cool jazz like you can, Fuwacina-san?"

I couldn't sleep some nights because I was too excited about how brutal a chart would be given to it.
"@ShLn__: @fuwacina I love Devilz staircase! How did you feel when you finished that song?"

Otaku princess late-night Q&A session.

I think I can, I think I can, I can do it if I try. Go for it! Go for it!

To become talented, ordinary people like us need to keep chipping away at it every day, not giving up even when it's not going well... Even if things aren't going how you want them now, you'll reach that people as you keep doing it. Patience until then.

And I think over 90% of talented people are the type who got there through effort.

People who are good at a thing to begin with and people who practice to get good at a thing are both said to have talent.
Talent can be earned with effort.

There are two kinds of people in the world. Big-boobed people, and not-big-boobed people.

Stylish yuri, also known as Stylesbians.

I mean, I'm sure most people neglect the definitions and just remember how to solve the problems, which I did too. But if you can't explain the definition, then your solved problems aren't very persuasive.

I'm sure almost 100% of science types could answer how to differentiate x^n, but I wonder how many people can still answer the definition of the integral as adults...

There was a time where if I was asked the definition of the integral in an interview, I could answer without hesitation, but I don't think that's possible now.

Haikyuu is a human drama about an unemployed salaryman who, after losing his house and his family, has a fateful meeting with a rice distributor in the park, re-evaluates the meaning of contributing to society, and begins the long journey back to society from the very bottom.

The eternal riddle of how much makeup to go with when you oversleep before an appointment...

Of course I learn from professionals in my field, but I also really learn a lot from professionals in others, and it's a good stimulus. So I hope to broaden my observations as a professional pervert.

The 10story's album which Fox's Wedding was on has an associated short story read by Sawashiro-san. I remember actually seeing her record and being given unending goosebumps by her incredible acting prowess...

Sawashiro-san, congratulations on your marriage!! I'll always support you!

Making music is sort of like using magic, in that you only get so much MP per day...

My heart is as clean as freshly-washed panties.

I just remembered that song all of a sudden, but I feel like it wouldn't make much sense to this generation...

"I want to love more than I want to be loved."
"For real?? wwwwwww"

Try-Catch PreCure

I don't actually remember much at all about Java, though...

They all have their own private and public fields, the things which others can and can't interfere with. The more I think about it, the more I suspect humans run on Java...

I think human relations are encapsulated in an object-oriented structure.

Everyone lives, worries, and dies alone. No one can take those things over for you.

No one can become anyone else, so they can't understand everything about each other. People are lonely from birth to death.

It may be too extravagant, but when I die, I want to sleep in a room full of stuffed animals.

Play the Hoozuki OP at my funeral.

When tough things happen, people say "Don't worry about it!", but I wonder if they'd be able to "not worry" if put in that situation. Because if they aren't able, then that "consolation" is pretty irresponsible.

Getting passionately into something lets you forget hard times.

A magical girl anime where the Dark Emperor seals away definitions and theorems, and the heroine has to prove them to get them back.

Something like that.

I was just an ordinary girl in the math department, but the Goddess Cardioid awakened my powers as a Puella Magi! But then, the continuous nature of functions was sealed away by the Dark Emperor Arcsine! With the reasoning of ε-δ, I'll win back the definition of continuity!
Next time! Happy-Happy☆Mathematic! Linked By Everyone's Bonds!

I want to see a anime aimed at little girls with themes that don't have a shred of popular appeal.

A princess is princesses are a princess, that they are!

Well, I'm satisfied with this life for what it is. I'm just making considerations for if I had a second chance. Wonder if God's lookin' at Twitter?

They say what's inside is more important than the outside, but people's insides are greatly influenced by their outsides.

Still, I've felt the desire to have been born with a face loved by most people. But maybe then I wouldn't have been such a shut-in and wouldn't have done any music, and wouldn't be doing music as a job now...

But even the prettiest people might be ugly in someone else's opinion. You can't be beautiful in everyone's eyes.

Maybe I'd have an attractive face if I went to the Heian era, but at 170 cm I'd be a towering giant in the Heian era.

I've had quite enough of the troubles of a homely woman, so I'd like to be reborn as a beautiful woman and experience those troubles instead. Also big boobs.

I'll try harder to diet in my next life.

Q. What's your favorite fruit? A. I love pinipples. [sic]

Q. How should I find true love? A. Google it.

Q. Does your wife ever scold you for what you say on Twitter? A. I make an effort to make wholesome tweets, so obviously she does nothing of the sort. Rest easy.

For what are people born? For what do they live? For what do they grope?

I like them big, but I prefer more limp and tender boobs to booming ones.

Q. What size of breasts do you like? A. It's not good to judge women by their breasts, and big boobs aren't necessarily a good thing. Those trends are a sign of being oversexed, and are a major disturbance in raising healthy young boys, and I like F cups.

I lied down a bit to take a rest, then I woke up to find my hair beside me and was like WAAAUGHHHHH!!, then I was like, oh, it's my hair, man I must be tired...

Making Vocal Songs: "I can express the things I can't in sound with lyrics!! Woohoo!!"
Making Instrumental Songs: "I don't have to think of lyrics!! Woohoo!!"

How do you come up with titles for instrumental songs, everyone?

Putting together good, technical chords really gets my energy up!! My energy's up right now!!

Belly buttons are trending this year...

I'm Not Straight

Convinced that "straight" means "someone without body hair," a high school girl yells "I wanna be straight too!!" [This isn't a stereotype or anything, but a pun involving reading "nonke" as "non-ke" (ke as in hair).]

When I make a fusion-style song, it always ends up with a Latin rhythm, and I want to do something about that, but I... I like Latin fusion...

Money is justice, so you only get as much as you use. You also lose as much as you use.

That's right! Don't be afraid! It's for everybody's sake;
all you need is money and power, because we're all friends... [Parody of Anpanman's March.]

Nice to meat you.
[Translation] I bet you'd be tasty.

Is what I'm telling myself as I chop onions.

The more tears a girl cries, the more beautiful she gets...

It's so hot, my body's sweating pork soup.

Q. Where would you like to live? A. A G-cup bra.

Every time I see the word "Domino," I want to eat pizzaaaaa!

I've become a princess.

OSTER-san, Who Wants to Make Hardcore But is the Least Hard Person Imaginable

I'll do my best to be capable of making anything.

In music, too, I want to slowly move into my weak spots instead of focusing on my fortes. If I just let them sit, I'll never be able to make them...

So anyone who's being laughed at for trying right now, stick up for yourself and keep trying. Being laughed at is hard and embarrassing, so you might want to give up, but giving up on your ideal because of them is such a waste.

You can live easily running from your weak spots, but they'll always remain that way. To face up to them honestly takes courage and it's exhausting, but that's all you can do when you want to change something.

Everyone has things they consider weak spots or complexes, and the way you face up to them might invite others to remark "Ha, as if you could..." But people who still don't look away and put in the effort to better themselves are so much more stupendous than those who would sneer at them.

Don't be the sort of grown-up that sneers at and insults other people's efforts.

Like, I like cats, and I have one, but it's not that kind of liking...

Being told "Look, it's a cat. Don't you furries love this stuff?" seems somehow different from "Look, it's two guys making out. Don't you fujoshi love this stuff?"

I just made myself sad imagining the girls' room on a Beatnation field trip.

Somebody go on a field trip with me.

Shouldn't love and marriage be all about the people involved, and not about how other people see you? Being married but letting other people decide whether you're happy or unhappy or even married at all seems sooo stupid.

Do the people who lump "fujoshi" with "LGBT" think gays, lesbians, etc. love each other just so other people can watch, I wonder... (^o^)/

So starting with the next Tomodachi Life, it's gonna be gay-OK after all...

There's all this theory to it, but the ultimate evaluator is the human ear, so output is everything.

Can't make a song, dang.

Tell that to your friends who are like "What's the point of studying physics?!"

Thanks to high school physics, I know the weight at which you'd crash into the ground bungee jumping, the speed at which a roller coaster would fail to complete a loop-de-loop and fall off, and the time and speed at which you'd hit the ground if you slipped off the top of the Skytree. So, it's helpful in a pinch.

Compared to equalizers, compressors can be made with ridiculously simple programs. But there's so many all with different sounds, so it's all a mystery to me...

Ain't sound a series of varying densities in the air? -> Ain't it a wave? -> Can't represent it on a 2D graph, tho. -> This is hella complicated, but maybe we can if we combine sine waves? -> Don't that mean we can break it up into individual sounds? -> If we can break it up, we can amplify! -> We got equalizers. Yeah, I think that's roughly it.

Now whoever thought of Fourier transformations must've been a genius... Whoever that was...

The world can only get more fun if we consider practical uses for the things we learn.

When I first learned about wave motion, I thought, "If two sound waves with opposite phases are superimposed, won't the sound cancel out? Am I a genius?" Then I found out that was actually used already, and that someone else has already thought of... most things, in general. But that was still a really exciting moment, and I think that's the fun of learning.

When a car goes around a curve and your body shifts, rather than saying "Centrifugal force...!", it's actually more scientific to say "Inertia...!"

Ever since I learned physics, whenever I see objects in motion or certain phenomena, I have a lot of fun thinking about what properties cause that behavior, and what direction energy is going and stuff. But my brain can't handle quantum mechanics, so that all seems like magic and miracles to me.

The world seems pretty dang interesting to me because of what I've studied...

Incidentally, the makeup artist in my dream was a fictional makeup artist, no resemblence to any existing makeup artists.

I mean, Io from Jewelpet is a boy anyway, so why was that guy wearing lolita...

I had this dirty dream where I had a makeup artist do my makeup for a concert, and for some reason I kissed them once they were done every time. Then in the middle of it, a crossdressing guy cosplaying as Io from Jewelpet told me "I'm such a fan!!", and I'm like, why are you backstage?

That's all the unicorn blood I drink. "@017zzzz: @fuwacina Fuwacina-san, your cuteness doesn't seem to age at all!"

I've passed the years where I can reasonably say "I wanna be cute," so I want to go back to the years where that would be acceptable.

We're all connected under the same sky. No one's truly alone.
So when you're lonely, look to the sky.
And imagine that others are doing the same, and that you're connected.
Imagine you're connected to a big-breasted girl. Exciting, isn't it?

Even if someone feels like they're in another far-off world, they're human too; they're hurt by mean words, and pleased by happy ones. You can't forget that, it's just so obvious. As a person, as a person!

Is what I keep telling myself so I can hopefully say so to the people I like.

Make sure to express your feelings of appreciation in words instead of thinking they're unimportant. Because surely they'll give that person strength.

This is known as recursion.

Why do people Favorite the tweet, "Why do people Favorite the tweet, "Why do people Favorite?""

Why do people Favorite the tweet, "Why do people Favorite?"

Why do people Favorite?

E was a lie, sorry I'm so flat-chested, but I might be the bustiest person in Beatnation, maybe. [...since she's, I believe, the only woman.]

E. "@rioppai: @fuwacina Fondle... fondle... What's your cup size? Fondle..."

Oogh, somebody fondle my hips...

Symphonic metal that starts with "Once upon a time, there was..." in a bass reverb voice.

I bet the story of Momotaro could be done as symphonic metal.

Doing that kind of talking in Japanese would be really surreal, I feel like.

Like, the kind where you have a super-bassy cool voice talking.

I wanna make symphonic metalllll!

Tomorrow I'm going to a revolutionary facility where you're allowed to get nude in public. I hear it's called a "hot spring."

When men stoop over and their underwear peeks out from their jeans, I'm not sure where to put my eyes.
When women stoop over and their underwear peeks out from their jeans, I stare eagle-eyed.

I feel bad for people who can't express themselves through anything but hating others... ///

Wasabi in place of love...

Wasabi full of my every youthful love... I'm sure they got the message...!!

I met an artist I truly, truly love, whose songs I looped endlessly in high school, and was too nervous to say a word... In the end, I... I could only feed them wasabi, and nothing else...

When I go to sleep, I have dreams about illustrations and diary entries I wrote in my dark middle school past swirling in my mind... I don't think I can sleep tonight.

The wailing guitar.
The raging drums.
The wubbing bass.


If I'm still worrying about this stuff at my age, I probably will my whole life. Okay, go to sleep.

Even if I have no such intention, sometimes I do suddenly hurt people's feelings. It really discourages me when that happens. I'm hurt, they're hurt, it hurts for both of us. So keeping company with people is really exhausting sometimes.

Those who make fun of performers and such are the same way... If you hit the point where you think despising others is funny, I don't really want to be friendly with you.

People who make jokes about hating someone because they think it's funny seem like the kind of people who would bully others in jest...

I imagined Midousuji singing "Gross, gross, gross! ♪ Love you, love you, gross, gross! ♪" just once, and now it won't leave my head... [Yes, in the same way as "hime, hime, suki suki daisuki hime."]

I like girls but I'm bad with them, I like boys but I'm bad with them, I like people but I'm bad with them. I have problems with communication but it doesn't mean I hate people...

Answer: They're in another dimension.

Why is it so hard to tell someone you like them...?

Hope I don't forget to wear clothes tomorrow.

Little Girl (Age 27)

I think I'll probably be so nervous I'll want to puke tomorrow, so the difference in energy will probably be extreme. Please be understanding.

What are little girls made of? Sugar and... acidic vinegar, that's what little girls are made of. ♪

I couldn't even get clean notes out of a vuvuzela, so there's no way I could play trumpet. Pianos are seriously wonderful, since you just have to focus on finger placement to make it play.

I used to play shinobue, and I could get flutes to sound, but piccolos? Not a peep. I was like, "They're really that different?"

When a beginner plays an oboe, it sounds like a suona... I've never played one, but it seems tough as heck to get the right sound out of it.

"This oboe sounds really good!"
"That's a soprano saxophone, ma'am."

Looking this over, I don't know like half of these...

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Brass_instruments [Changed to equivalent English page]
Vuvuzelas are listed under brass instruments... wwww

But I'm sure there are tons of people who have orchestra sound sources but don't know what to do with them!! You should all make full-orchestra songs too!! You'll never in your life use those horns and tubas otherwise!!

A large part of why I want to make orchestral songs is because I have this orchestra sound source, but I haven't used a tenth of the functions, so I'm like, what a waste!

Someday I want to make a musical song with a full orchestra...

I guess I'd have to eat pasta sometimes.

If I just had music and Cinnamon and curry rice, I think I could live.

Once I win the lottery, I can invest in anywhere and do all the live recording I want! Woohoo! (working adult)

I mean, I'd have to reserve a concert hall to do any recording, and once I reached the point where I could ask an orchestra good enough that I wouldn't need separate takes, things would already be nuts, but... Hmm, where can I get a banjo player...

If all of Oz were recorded live, just how long would that take...

An anime starring a boy who, every time his childhood friend calls him "hentai!!" [pervert], undergoes a biological transformation.

I saw a tweet about how Pokemon evolutions can't biologically be called "evolution" because they don't span generations, but then should a transformation that doesn't span generations be called a "hentai" [metamorphosis]? Because I really like the ring of "Mega Hentai."

The quality looks pretty bad playing DVDs on my computer... Maybe the resolution is just too high?

Geez, should I just watch it on the PS2...

Argggh! Show me the rest already!!!

My PS3 is so busted, my DVD stopped playing in the middle... ( •́ .̫ •̀, )

If it's someone who had even the smallest fight in the World Martial Arts Tournament, I'll probably know them, but minor characters who only had a face and no fight scene, probably not...

When you start talking about minor characters in Dragon Ball, I feel like it makes diehard fans crawl out and say "That guy's not minor!"

Oddly, King Chappa doesn't look minor at all as part of that lineup.

"Let's play Dragon Ball!"
"Okay, I'll be King Chappa!!"
"I'll be Pamput!"
"I'll be Otokosuki!!"

Do you want to build a snowman?
Make a 3D model...

I don't know much about programs that use recursion, but I like how it makes you look smart. Though the processing time can get really bad if you're reckless with it.

Recursive-Algorithm-Loving Gorori Bot

"Just stick these triangles together, just like that, and... Pretty sparkling snow crystals!"
"Wow! Great, Wakuwaku-san! A fractal using a recursive algorithm!!"

"Place the disks of differing size like this, and... Tada! It's perfect!"
"Wow! Amazing, Wakuwaku-san! What is this??"
"Gorori, these are called the Towers of Hanoi!"
"Wow! A model problem for using a recursive algorithm!"

"Heeey, Wakuwaku-san! Whatcha making today?!"
"I'm making a program that calculates the Fibonacci sequence!"
"Wow! A model problem for using a recursive algorithm!"

Object-Oriented Daemon: "I'm gonna encapsulate you!"


for(i=0;i<10000;i++) {printf("pizza")}
"@GARA__: @fuwacina "Say pizza 10,000 times.""

"Say pizza 10 times."
"Don't wanna."

Big sister/shota furry yuri is the ultimate lineup.

Ponyo! Likes! Girls!

When I didn't have them memorized, I got a lot of pop quizzes I couldn't solve in time and failed every one... (;;๑ᴖ◡ᴖ๑;;) "@vox_magnus: Isn't that the correct way? RT @fuwacina: And I always have to derive the double-angle and half-angle formulas with the addition theorem!! I'm such a birdbrain..."

Cinema4D's frequency setting is radians by default, but the π part gets expanded and shows it as a real number, so I'm all "GYAAAHH?!" When you're just doing math, you never expand π, never...

And I always have to derive the double-angle and half-angle formulas with the addition theorem!! I'm such a birdbrain...

But even now, I still can't say the values of sine and cosine just like that. I'm constantly summoning up a unit circle in my head.

Same with the units for angles. At first I was like "What's a radian?! Some undiscovered element?!" But now every time I see "sin90°", I'm just like "Uh?" for a second.

When they first came into my life, I thought, sine? Cosine? Huh? Who are these bozos? But now I couldn't live without trig...

Programming cyclical motions in Cinema4D showed me the godliness of trig functions.

Like how the curvature of boobs seems like it would be complex at a glance but is actually a simple function, or how if you integrate boobs expressed as a function you can calculate their volume. If everyone were taught like that, I'm sure that'd help their motivation.

When differentials and integrals get combined with physics, you can see more of their practical uses! Well, actually, math itself is a field that shows its true worth when linked with other disciplines! If they taught you that sort of thing earlier on, maybe people wouldn't dislike it as much...

In high school math, you use differentials to find slopes, integrals to find area and volume, matrices to solve systems of equations, they can all be taught alongside their respective easily-understood uses. But I remember complex compound numbers were the first time I just went ?????...

For real, though, I totally had no idea what things like complex compound numbers were useful for in high school.

Girl: "What am I ever gonna use complex compound numbers for..."
DTMer: "Use Fourier transformations to do spectral analysis of wave frequency... ///"
Girl: "Wow! Make love to me!!!"

Girl: "What am I ever gonna use math for..."
DTMer: "Use Fourier transformations to do spectral analysis of wave frequency... ///"
Girl: "Wow! Make love to me!!!"

Boob grapes.

Stuffed animals are so cute I just want to be one already, but becoming a stuffed animal in this form would make me a 2000% creepy stuffed animal.

I'm surrounded by all these cute stuffed animals, but I'm not cute or charming at all...

Gyuunyuu's Not Unix [Gyuunyuu means milk.]

Fuwacina-san, drinking all that milk made you grow too big...

Yuri: Beautiful
Furry: Cute
Furry Yuri: Unlimited possibility

Furry yuri, please.

I feel like saying I'm talentless whenever I'm unable to make things be like I want them to be, but saying that instead of giving a decent try just means I still won't get anything done...

Cinema4D's Xpresso is great too, because it's like a lab where you can control the laws of physics.

MATLAB is fun! I even did voice processing with it... "@Edy_bear: @fuwacina I know! I want MATLAB just to play with it!"

I want Mathematica just to input functions and stare at the graphs.

Give me your best function recs, everyone! ♥

Wooow! The ultimate cute function!! "@sacrinnatsaku: @fuwacina r = a sin2θ¸ can bring you happiness."

Let's talk some real crazy functions!!

A math-minded girl uses a cardioid to draw a heart, and a cycloid to draw a flower! ♥

I think cycloids are intense, but I already completely forget the parameters...

But if the entrance to that cycloid tunnel were perpendicular to the ground, you'd basically experience antigravity!! There is no no no way I'd get on a ride like that... (;;๑ᴖ◡ᴖ๑;;)

Cycloids are super intense... I remember being deeply moved when I learned in high school that the curvature of old wooden Japanese houses was cycloidal.

I just learned that if you dug a hollow cycloid tunnel through the ground between Japan and London, you could theoretically reach your destination in 40 minutes without any power, and I'm still reeling. (Assuming no loss of energy from friction or etc.)

And when someone declares that other people are beyond all hope based on the fact that they arbitrarily divide others into groups, said claimant is also beyond all hope.

People who arbitrarily divide others into groups and say so-and-so is beyond all hope is, themselves, beyond all hope.

Any girl can be a wonderful wizard.

What kind of budget do you spend on boobs?

On top of that, someone from a record company who's helped me out told me "OSTER-san, your boobs are flat, so spend your budget on this." I'm really unsure whether to say I'm glad it was a dream or not.

I had some kind of dream about a machine to make your boobs big, where you attached electrodes and tape to them and they got zapped...

I can't do thrill rides, but I could ride a tiny coaster near Mermaid Lagoon! It was fun!!

I had fun doing Lolita Disney today. My body is screaming. Not young anymore...

Having shirring over the chest area like I do today is so relieving. Even a pigeon-chest like me is grateful for it.

Kinda nervous not having gone out in lolita in so long... (;;๑ᴖ◡ᴖ๑;;)

Everyone, wear lolita with me... //

Dreams aren't just to be dreamed, but to be made true. My dream is for big boobs.

Even if it doesn't go very well, and takes time, and makes you want to do it even less, giving it your best effort makes you just a little bit more capable. And once you can flat-out do it, it'll be fun. So just be patient until then.

If I keep running from my weak spots, I'll always be weak in them.

How can boobs be so wonderful as they are?

Boobs, my beloved.

Hmm, this song is slowly taking form...

Music that gets your heart pumping is great.

The first thing American girls are taught by their mothers is how to delete their cookies.

You have nothing else to lose, which is why completely nude is best.

No matter how windy it is, it won't cause a panty shot, which is why no panties is best.

No matter how skimpily you dress, your bra won't show through, which is why no bra is best.

It's the season of bras showing through, everyone.

I don't like the smell of cinnamon, but if we were talking cinnamon rolls baked by Cinnamon, I would gladly eat them with tears streaming down my face.

I want to forever rest in the chest of a lady who's the best.

Also, the whole idea that professional musicians just became pros without going through an amateur period is kind of... um...

Stop... Musiro is dead... Your screams won't bring it back...

Certainly, Vocaloid made the field of digital music known to the world, but... there were lots of people making it before that... we were fiddling with Hachipro with a gleam in our eyes... have those times been long forgotten...?!?

No one remembers anything from before Miku came out.

I'm storing up just enough fat-power in my stomach to stun people who say they like girls with a little meat on them.

Scientist: "You can falsify weight, but you can't falsify mass. *sheen*"

Weight waits for no one.

I know whether I get on the scale or not won't affect my weight. Fat is fat. (;;๑ᴖ◡ᴖ๑;;)

It's the scream machine I want to get on least.

I did a lot of calorie control before my concert, so afterward I ate a ton. I'm too scared to stand on a scale.

Summer: "I'm just a means to beer... This sucks..."

I wanna do a lot this summer, like drink beer at a beer garden... And drink beer at a festival in a yukata... And drink beer at the pool... And drink beer at a barbecue...

Let's make this summer the best ever!!

Everyone! Lend me your energy to take off my makeup!

I will love Cinnamon until death do us part.

That's why I'm dedicated to feeling honest emotion over things. If I so much as see a big crow, I'll make a ruckus shouting "That crow's huge!! HUGE!!!"

If I can't get my heart beating over anything, I can't create any works.

I never want to forget the thrill of falling in love, even when I'm old and gray...

You know, my cat has thrown up countless times, but I've never seen them cough up a hairball...

I sound creepy saying serious things, don't I? Totally creepy!!!

Still, there are a lot of times when I second-guess myself, and the words of people who say they like my music are really encouraging in those moments. Thank you always.

I've come to make music as a job, so I feel more strongly that I don't just do what I like, but also what pleases the customers who make requests and listen to my music. It's very difficult, but it's worth doing.

Today I'm gonna try inputting the outline of this song! It's gonna be tricky, but a cool composition!

There was also the time I went to get a drink from a vending machine at night, and about a dozen frogs were stuck to it. (;;๑ᴖ◡ᴖ๑;;)

It's not bugs, but when I lived there, the area was full of paddy fields, so in June the frogs got really noisy, and there were lots of frogs squished by cars on the road...

Life on the countryside would be nice... if it weren't for the bugs...

Just call me Loves the Sound of Honky-Tonk So Much She Gets Excited Just Touching An Untuned Piano Man. "@junko_mrsk: @fuwacina Honky-tonk pianos have a great sound."

Hmm, ragtime sure is nice. But sometimes I end up with songs which are more like country than ragtime.

Even I don't know where the key changes in my songs are...

When I'm on NicoNico, I keep seeing comments about "awesome key change!" when there isn't a key change.

I used to not really think much of Mother's Day, but now I wonder why I didn't take advantage of those opportunities. I don't want anyone to regret missing out on that stuff, if it's something they'll regret.

Tomorrow's Mother's Day, huh...

Do you want to build a snowman?
With a 3D printer?

Q. What's the most beautiful place in the world? A. The space between a lady's breasts.

When the girl power of a song increases, the balance of energy collapses and the entire solar system becomes extremely unstable, so I have to preserve the balance with vulgar tweets.

If you jump into a 3D printer, you can go to the second dimension.

I've never played Pokemon, but I know there's a pocket monster in your skirt.

Everyone's talking about Pokemon, but I will never stop talking about Cinnamon. [Following the announcement of Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire.]

When you take the M from mother, it's "other." When you take the N from "window," it's "widow."

That's Lupin. "@oO0kano0Oo: @fuwacina They say there's always two or three people who look like you out there!"

Please quietly tell me if you spot my doppelganger.

The real Fuwacina is bigger. Also, if you show her Cinnamon, she'll stare intently at you.

I keep getting reports about people who look like me, and it just makes me wonder how many of them there be.

By the way, I haven't even stepped outside today. May good fortune befall the lady who looks like me at Kichijoji.

I've never camped at a place, but two days after staying at a manga cafe, I did collapse from high fever.

Imagining all utterances as being replies from a villain is my training for lessening the damage when bad things happen.

Waaaaaahhh... (persecution complex)

Shaddup, ugly, just camp out.

There goes the last train... ♥♥♥ "@tbkuro: Someone who looks just like Fuwacina-san looked like she missed the last train at Kichijoji...

Which came first, the chicken, or the egg, or Kinoko, or Takenoko...

By the way, I like big boobs.

I've established a Council of Women Who Won't Have Sexytimes With Big-Boob-Loving Men. Men who support a society of big boob supremacy, women are telling you NO!

Is Marshmallow Holic a song about groping boobs?

Give me a lady who melts when she's smooched by a girl younger than her.

But a smooch between girls, that's good, that's good... It's good if you do that. Yes. More of that.

Even if it's as a joke, being suddenly smooched is surprising. Yes, very surprising...

I've only been to the dentist two or three times in my life, so I'm scared to gooo...

My teeth really hurt today... ( •́ .̫ •̀, )

It's nice if my music can make people happy too.

I get my energy from aiko-chan.

Just having even one person who says that can change your world.

/人o^ω^o人 I don't care what aaanyone says, I'm your friend!

Like Kinoko versus Takenoko? "@malecca: @fuwacina That's dangerous too, it'll cause a religious war..."

Guys!!! IE is dangerous, so let's all use Emacs!!! [In reference to a major exploit found in Internet Explorer.]

Oh my panties! How disgraceful!

I used to think "ball gags" referred to using a ball to do fun things, but now that I'm an adult, I've learned that ball gags are using a ball to do fun things.

I want to erase all Japanese toilets before they were born.

After enduring so many tears, what I finally arrive at is...
a Japanese toilet. ( •́ .̫ •̀, )

I'm sorry, the most I can play on keyboard without looking at sheet music is Der Flohwalzer...

I want to be freed from the tribulation of inputting a solo part with the mouse...

I'll keep studying more stuff...

I want to borrow the aid of performers too, for the raw sound part... Of course the people who are experts at playing instruments know them best, and when you leave it to skilled people to play, you can get much better music even working off of the same score.

I definitely like club music, and I like music with raw sound, and I want to get good at making both, but I don't feel like I have the lifespan to make it the way it sounds in my head.

Sometimes I remember dreams with multiple sections like this, but don't remember the switching points. Was it just a sudden change of scene, or was there a commercial in the middle?

So should I determinedly get nude?

Dream Interpretation: Nudity
Appearing nude in front of a large group of people... means that your determination will lead to success. Controlling your doubts is the key to a good opportunity.

Also, I had a dream someone stuck their hand into my skirt and went "You're a girl!"... Sorry I'm a girl...

I've felt refreshed all day.

I had a really hardcore dream where it was PE time and I was dancing naked in front of all the girls in my class, and they were yelling about how cute I was.

I'm trembling with fear over what anime character will appear in my dreams tonight.

Saying these things in this way no doubt comes out of a desire for someone to see it and empathize, which is really so naive. This is pathetic for my age, really now...

But you live with that kinda loneliness, y'know. Humans are all alone like that. Sniff.

Wondering if people hate you is a form of being overly self-conscious. It's formed at the point where you make the assumption people actually mind you that much. Once they notice that, they get sick of their self-conscious selves, so in the end they drink alone.

It's not really that I don't have friends I can ask to go drinking with, I just have the needless worry that talking to the people I like will make them hate me. I'm sure I'll have that communication problem all my life, so just call me Suited-To-Drinking-Alone-Man.

No one to drink with, so I'll do it alone... /人o^ω^o人

I finally have a day off tomorrow, so I'm drinkin'!! /人o^ω^o人

If I could be reborn, I'd be Kyary Pamyu Pamyu with the powers of Alan Menken.

Tights with a hole in the thigh... I had to say goodbye. Such a shame.

My beloved cat-tights which shone so brilliantly in the photo from that Real Sound interview actually got a hole around the thigh today.

The truth is, most of the expressions in the Oz video involve trigonometry. Cyclical value changes are a perfect fit!

Cuteness can be made with trigonometry!

OSTER project's View of Change in the Vocaloid Scene: "Listeners Are Willing to Accept Diverse Songs"
The Real Sound interview is out too!!!

I'll do my best, as if I'm an actress. The wholesome kind of actress.


I feel like saying to heck with it and getting pizza tonight...

Hm, I wonder how many generations of Vocaloid producers there are...

This interview touches on the technical side of making the Oz video, so check it out if you're interested in that! Plenty of Cinema4D scenes.

Asking OSTER project of the First Generation of Vocaloid Producers: What is a "Vocaloid Musical"? - KAI-YOU.net
KAI-YOU put up an interview with me! Thanks!

The fox who chased her desires beyond the point of reason couldn't become a human in the end.

I think the story of Fox's Wedding is very similar to The Little Mermaid, but the big difference is that she keeps the knife she's given to kill the prince with and uses it to kill herself.

I prefer nice and thick girls to skin-and-bones girls.

I'm a Mathematigirl! "@mokosan_exchayo: @fuwacina Good work at the concert! You're the science type, Fuwacina-san? Σ(・□・;)"

All throughout high school, I felt a sense of eroticism from the term "double slit"...

Wait, sorry, that's right, it took a different experiment to prove the particle nature of light. ><

Thank you very much! First of all, I like high-school physics where half of all problems can be solved by applying the equations of motion and conservation of energy! My favorite experiment is Young's interference experiment! Since it proves that light has properties of both a particle and a wave, of course, but it's also epoch-making for using approximations of trigonometric functions in the calculations!

Back home. I'd be very glad I could fiercely talk about physics.

Thanks to everyone who came to the show!!! It was a really fun day! /人o^ω^o人

Hana-tan was super cute and sang so well!!

Starting soon!!! Nervous!

Melos: "Really sorry! I'd go if I could."

Waldo: "I'm running from home. Don't look for me."

Nudity is a duty.

"Mama! It's the type of weirdo who goes to hot springs to legally get naked in front of people!"
"Don't look at her!"

Ms. OSTER, who keeps going out to drink to cheer herself up the day before concerts... The next day, she was nowhere to be found at the site of the concert.

Reciting them is embarrassing, that's why you sing them.

The phenomenon of getting super embarrassed reciting your own lyrics.

If I did wet myself on stage, in a sense I'd be legendary (don't want to be legendary).

I'll do my best (not to wet myself (while on stage)).

Ooogh, concert tomorrow... So nervous I'm gonna wet myself.

Natalie - [Power Push] OSTER project "Attractive Museum" Interview
Natalie put together a special feature! Thanks!

I want to drink a bathtub-full of cocktails.

Don't feel.

This song's finally coming together! It took so long... ( •́ .̫ •̀, )

"A was walking down the street when suddenly he was hit with a bat four times by an unfamiliar man. "What was that for?!", A asked. What did the man reply?" When the answer to this riddle was "It was a bat, every time," I wanted to hit the writer with a bat. [Originally a pun on literally reading "nande," why, as "nan de," with what.]

Well, I guess I just mean until I'm up on stage, because once I'm up there I feel good. So why the hell does my heart pound so bad before that?

I'm so poor at doing concerts, I get nervous even just doing rehearsals... But I'll do my best!!

If by some fluke I end up living long and get asked what the secret to my health is, I'll say it was having lewd fantasies every day to make them spit out their tea.

Wake up, big bro, it's morning! (baritone)

Not that I think there's many people who start playing piano to be popular... Yeah, if you wanna get popular, you learn guitar! (narrow-minded)

Playing piano doesn't get you popular, because if it doesn't suit you, people just say "Wha?! I'm surprised!" and then that's it.

I didn't even do anything and my PC broke. ><

Can't sleep.

Please forgive this lonely, no-good girl.

I feel like climbing up on a tetrapod and kicking off my shoes, but I'm afraid someone will call the police.

Just call me Works-As-Much-As-She-Rests-Man.

Been making music all day, so tireddd...

The opponent's ball... (rich with meaning)

Aim the goal at the opponent's ball and shoooOOOOT!! (deranged)

I nodded off and had a dream about a class reunion at a hot spring...

In many scenarios, not just payment, I think about what annoying things hetero men or women usually have to do, so having an even playing field is one of the great parts of homosexual relationships.

All the difficulties of rotating payment between men and women can be resolved if everyone dates with their own gender.

Teacher: "You! Do you know what it means to be a productive member of society?!"
A: "It means contributing to society!"
B: "It means taking responsibility as a member of society!"
C: "It means having to pay for everything on dates!"
Teacher: "That's right."

I'd also want to see something like that.

Momotaro, Momotaro,
With dumplings on his waist...
Now he's made a vow...
To kick some demon ass!
The Fanged Retainer: DOG
The Fierce Intellect: MONKEY
The Assassin from Above: PHEASANT
Like nothing the world's ever seen...
It's demon extermination time!

I'd want to see that.

In a world...
Where no one is slower than you...
One little step...
Can change everything.
A must-see from the people who brought you Monkey and Crab Wars!
Don't miss the tearjerker ending!
A race to your heart... Coming this summer.

When it comes to lewd jokes, if you have people thinking "This is a lewd joke, isn't it?!" from the start, the whole thing will be viewed as one, like a stigma. So bargaining is essential. From now on, I want to make jokes that just barely get it in there.
...That's what she said.

If you just add an A to the word "one shot," you get "one shota"!!!!!

Pressure exercise is a kind of exercise where you use pressure changes to increase your body's boiling point, and get the most performance out of your muscl

Except when you open a futon the pressure direction is opposite.

Basically explosions happen all the time with pressure differences, so every time you open a compressed futon... y'never know!!!

I thought pressure cookers exploded simply because the air and the inside of the pot had different air pressure, which meant air rapidly flooding in caused an explosion. But I learned for the first time that it's because, when the inside of the pot is at a high boiling point, the remaining water instantly vaporizes due to decompression. (At the age of 27.)

Yeah, actually, I guess when you're doing it normally in a pot, the water can't go over 100 Celsius, so there aren't any sudden pressure increases inside the egg. When you use a pressure cooker, the boiling point is higher, so sometimes it can explode. Be careful, everyone.

It's so scary thinking of eggs as being the same as a pressure cooker.

It's common sense that you can't make boiled eggs on an electric stove, but I was wondering why it wouldn't work, and the reason seems to be that the heating/boiling starts from the yolk.

I want to crush my preconceptions when making music!
I want to play more chords in my head!
I think I have to listen to more kinds of music, but I'm busy making instead, and since I'm only listening to my own music I get even more habitual, and I get all ababababah.

It kinda seems like in becoming an adult, your ways of expression coagulate, and I wanna do something about that... I mean, sure, I think I've improved technically, but I guess I can't just do whatever like before? I have to make things neat no matter what.

I remember back in elementary school concerts, I got bored of playing in unison all the time, so I improvised harmony parts and got yelled at.

It was surely the power of love that allowed me to achieve such quality in a limited time. That I can say with confidence... When it comes to Cinnamon love, I won't lose, Kakarot...!!

I listened to Cinnamon Trip!! for the first time in forever, and it's really good! (stealth marketing)

I assume all those who RT'd know what I'm talking about.

Those games taught me the sense of achievement that comes from putting effort into something for results.

Hello to all of you from the generation that got way into games where you play Breakout to gradually uncover a sexy picture, I'm Jon Kabira!

Digital Music Girl Terrorist

Ever since bearing witness to an Otohime toilet with an equalizer, I've been hoping to encounter one that has a multiband compressor and delay.

I had a dream where I used a 1000-yen bill to buy soft serve at the convenience store, got only 300 yen back in change, and completely flipped out.

I'll finish this work in my dreams.

[Arithmetic] One man and three women go to a hot spring. Find the man's waiting time.

Any girl can become a princess...
Yes, as long as she's among otaku.

My otaku princess tights got ripped, so I need to buy new ones...

Tie up your fundoshi and ganbalink!!

This is the latest work of the great artist OSTER project, the new contributor to Beatnation Records.
[Kagamine Len] Gangan Ganbalink!! [Original Song]

I just sort of shot up the trends... I'm shaking now.

Whoa! I just got like 200 new followers at once! Glad to have you here!! I'll do stretches every day to make you smile!!

As a new member of Beatnation Records, tomorrow I will begin rigorous smile training.

A few days after making my AA remix, TAKA-san told me "I was really moved!", and I wanted to say "I've always been impressed by your music and it kept me going in making my own!", but my anxiety was too much and I just gulped down beer instead. I want to Sayonara Heaven myself for that...

TAKA-san, thank you very much... ///

[She didn't seem to explictly tweet about this, but OSTER did a remix of dj TAKA's "AA" for an album, becoming a member of Beatnation Records.]

Berry-kun is cherry cute.

The vocals on this one are by Kaito. It's smooth yandere dance pop!

[Super Vocaloid Master 28] cute'n cute'n pop 2 / ATZ records [Crossfade] I contributed a song called "Dear my doll" to this CD.

I heard Hama-chan saying on TV "20,000 yen for software is too much!!!" and experienced some serious culture shock.

I'm the kind of person who covers for her lack of ability with sheer persistence...

I wAnT tO bE cUtE
i WaNt To Be CuTe

For an interview, I talked about a bunch of stories from around the time Miku just came out, and to think it's already been 7 years since then... I felt like I was flipping back toward page one of a huge photo album. The passing of days is frightful.

It's too bad I can't really find people in my generation to say "Man, these songs bring me back!" with... I mean, even if they used 95, most people didn't crack open those MIDIs, right.

Besides that, there was a song called Passport among in the default MIDIs. Also, Debussy's Clair de Lune and such. Hella nostalgic.

I love that song so much, so I was really moved the first time I opened it up in a sequencer. I felt like a kid dissecting a piece of electronics.

canyon.mid - Music from Classic Windows Versions This song is so nostalgic I'm gonna die...

But floppy disks were 1.4 MB, and now we have way smaller SD cards with 32 or 64 gigs, which is seriously terrifying.

The roots for my love of showy full orchestra music probably are John Williams, as I re-realized during an interview today. Hollywood music's great.

Also that hovercraft flag-taking game.

It was purely a tool to play Solitaire, though.

The first PC we bought was Windows 95. Ah yes...

I've already planned it all out in my head. "@ashuragirl: What if Fuwacina-san made a harem where she's surrounded by cute girls?"

For my part, I love cute girls.

Hello to all you fashion-yuris who say "I love cute girls! ><" to camouflage their intense passion for men, I'm Jon Kabira!

If you open the zipper on my back, a beautiful big-breasted woman comes out.

Cooking in the nude means you won't dirty any if you get sauce and stuff on you, but burning yourself is more of an issue...

Middle-School Girl: "Well, I've licked one... ///"
"@Shine__PB: @fuwacina
Middle-Schooler: "Beer has such an adult taste..."
Middle-Schooler: "You've eaten an adult? LOL"

Middle-Aged Guy: "Ah, it does taste like mother's..."
Middle-Aged Guy: "You've eaten your mother? LOL"

Grade Schooler: "Tap water tates like iron!"
Grade Schooler: "You've eaten iron? LOL"

Minus 2 kilos for now... Back to my weight before I got careless... Urk... (;;๑ᴖ◡ᴖ๑;;)

Now, everyone, let's put on our favorite spring clothes!
A. Fundoshi
B. Fundoshi
C. Fundoshi

Oh yeah, yesterday in Shibuya, I passed an old man about 180 centimeters with tons of makeup dressed as a high school girl, and I thought, ah, spring has come.

Today a local little girl was singing "Do you want to build a snowman? ♪ Come out the door ♪", and I very nearly joined in and created an impromptu musical...

I've been trying to make an SWF into an MP4 since yesterday, but I've tried every single piece of software I can find and none of it works well, and even when I tried screen capture I got bad compression artifacts, so I'm unbelievably annoyed.

"Life's Fibonacci Sequence"
I want to walk with you,
With the us of yesterday and today,
We'll make the us of tomorrow...
Forever love... ♥

I feel like the word "equation" has gone far beyond its fundamental meaning and come into general usage, making it much more broad. I bet in just thirty years, lyrics like "identity of happiness" and "love recurrence relation" will start trending...!!!

I've come to a realization that saying things like this all the time is making me seem unattractive.

From this we can conclude that a sweets girl using the word "equation" in sight of a scientific girl will meet a sorrowful end.

Also, if you put the first step
(Wreck-derella + Bibbity-Bag = Hime-rella)
on the right side of the third step, you get:
(Prince(Wreck-derella + Bibbity-Bag))♥
If you expand this, you get:
(Prince x Wreck-derella + Prince x Bibbity-Bag)♥
Also known as the bigamy ending.

From the second step we can determine that castle = -shoes, so the third step could also be an ending where the prince loses the castle and hooks up with Cinderella.
"@disney_goodpics: ♥Happiness Equation♥"

I've heard that because "seno" means "boobs" in Italian, the sight of Japanese people trying to lift up an object and going "see no!" is funny to them. But it's also pretty funny for us to see Italians going "cincin!!" [dicks] as they make a toast.

Frozen's soundtrack is really good.

This is the result of letting it go!!!

The more they roll, the bigger they get!

I wanna play with Elsa's snowmammaries.

Do you want to build snowmammaries?

:clap: If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands! ♪
:folded hands:

Starting this April, the consumption tax will go from 5 :hand: to 8 :hand:.

Uploading a video like that with an artist photo like this, I wonder if it might be considered a kind of disguise...

But it was truly shocking to learn that 2/14 is Fundoshi Day. My wedding day is Fundoshi Day. We'll have to celeberate in them starting next year.

I want to try wearing a fundoshi, but it seems like it'd be a huge hassle when going to the bathroom...

If me and Sasakure-san stick together, we disappear. "@sasakure_UK: Me Too..."

Puyo Puyo Land, you say? I've got that under my clothes.

Let's go for it!!

Video uploaded! Thanks!

[Kagamine Len] Gangan Ganbalink!! [Original Song]

Uploading a video todaaay.

The cold never bothered me anyway...

(Completely nude)

Let it go, let it go! Can't hold it back any more...


Relatedly, I'm opening OSTER project ghostwriter auditions. Applicants should submit a one-chorus demo about two minutes in length. I look forward to your submissions! #AndThenIWokeUp

This is sudden, but I've gone deaf, so a ghostwriter will be doing all future composition. Please continue to support OSTER project.

I have tiny boobs.

If everything said on April Fools could become a lie, that would be nice...

Make boyfriends and girlfriends before the tax increase!

"Whaling is forbidden!" "Waaaail!"

Alright, just before a tax increase, maybe I should buy an island or something...

Let it go, let it go! Can't hold it back any more! (dancing in the nude)

Lately it's rained every day I go out... Have I become a rainwoman?

But if movies like that were going to be made about me without my permission after I died, I don't think I'd want to die... probably...

Wonder if he was an ass-man?

I was so happy when in Amadeus, Mozart made a girl say "kiss my ass."

Mozart: "Blocked Salieri lolllll"

"Person who composed ___... I looked at your Twitter and it was so indecent... I wish you'd stop that, it really ruins my image of your work..."
Mozart: "RT if I can lick you in the arse!! lol"

Also, the ice graphics in the first scene were just really pretty.

It felt fresh with all the songs of chorus-like lines.

Frozen was super good!!! The music was truly wonderful.

Scrounging together all your dreams
does not mean those dreams will come true.
Searching for something you're looking for,
if you lack an objective, does not mean you will find it.
One Piece.

Trying to see something I couldn't see,
I peered into binoculars,
and the police got called on me.

I've dropped 18 kilos from when I was super-fat-for-sure... but I need to drop 5 more... (;;๑ᴖ◡ᴖ๑;;)

I think there also needs to be a word in addition to "jiggle" for those who don't have big enough boobs to jiggle. Cakele?

Apparently "full monty" is an expression with the same meaning as furuchin in English. Wait, hold on... really? That's what full monty means...?

Oh yeah, does the "furu" in furuchin refer to the act of "waving," or "full" in the sense of being completely exposed?

If I'm having these sorts of dreams at 27, what does that say about my intelligence level?

I'll loan out two sizes. "@karashichan: Boob bank."

Really, is there anyone who can say "Look at my buttcrack!" and not destroy the moody mood?

Looking at dream interpretations, it says dreams about seeing butts of the opposite sex indicates increasing sexual desire, but it didn't have that kind of moody mood at all. It was like a short story during lunch break in grade school...???

Last night, I had a dream where a middle school friend (male) came out stark naked, and said "Look at my buttcrack!", so I replied "You're entirely nude, so isn't it just your entire butt?", and he said "You're smart!"

Most of the time when I try to fly in dreams, I can hardly get off the ground...

I hope I have nice peaceful dreams.

I'm seriously not even trying to act cute about this. I was forced onto Tower of Terror once, and I couldn't even stand up once it was over...

Why do women all like scream machines... I... I can't do it...

As you approach your thirties, the desire to go to hot springs overpowers the desire to go to theme parks.

Walking around outside in heels must be an extremely rigorous sport for fat people. My feet are already screaming.

noramomomo: "@fuwacina Retweet like lightning,
follow like a shadow..."

Tweet like the wind,
favorite like a forest,
go viral like fire,
remove and block like a mountain!

In fact, it fuels me in thinking I may someday become a lady who is so wonderful herself.

I know plenty of wonderful people older than me, so I'm surprisingly not so scared of putting on years now.

Lately I've been unable to fall asleep, and having two cats stomping around on top of me has ensured I never will.

I'll keep making lots of songs! /人o^ω^o人 "@natsu_kamiso: @fuwacina Miracle Paint was my first too. Long afterward, I came to realize lots of my favorite songs were made by the same person and was deeply moved. Because they were all Fuwacina-san. Thank you for always making cute songs and songs that stay in the heart."

Better go to bed or I'll be late for my salon appointment...

It's amazing how we can still be connected through music after all this time. Connecting us across faraway times, that's the magic of music.

I'm astonished by all these replies I'm getting...

Sing it for me... (suave voice) "@ynkn_cmst: @fuwacina I love Miracle Paint sooo much!"

Don't remember! (^o^)/ "@ledcrow: @fuwacina You posted Miracle Paint when you had a cold and fever, didn't you, Fuwacina-san?"

I hope to eat a wide variety from eastern cuisine to western cuisine in the future!! "@koayu65: @fuwacina I'm shocked by the breadth of genres in Fuwacina-san's music!! I think it's really amazing! Please keep at it! ヽ(・▽・)ノ"

Seven years is enough time for a middle schooler to hit their twenties... Dang, dang...

Thank ya... ♥ (suave voice) "@PinkBerry_v: @fuwacina I love Miracle Paint! //// I turned 20 this year. I loved listening to Fuwacina-san's music in middle school...! And that's how I became a fan of someone who makes music for the first time. (〃▽〃)”

And now that I think about it, 14 years since I started composing. (;;๑ᴖ◡ᴖ๑;;)

I know it's cliche, but every time I do that, I feel the flow of time.

Seven years since Miracle Paint.
Six years since trick and treat.
Five years since Love Ward.
Four years since PIANO*GIRL.
Three years since Alice in Musicland.
Two years since Fox's Wedding.

I'm eternally sheventeen! "@_kiato: @fuwacina You made Miracle Paint at twenty...?! S-Shuperb..."

And I was 20 when I made Miracle Paint, but now I'm 27...

Dragonball was the first manga I ever read, so the movie was really emotional for me... Bulma was 16 in her first apperance, now 38... (^o^)/

Drag queens! Confess your love!

A strange noise emits from my external hard drive...

In my dream, I was desperately trying to explain a logic circuit...

Humans are brittle and frail when they're lost and lack confidence. Meanwhile, when people don't hesitate and are full of confidence, even if it's just a bluff, they're surprisingly strong. That's why it's so important to always have something you can always excel at, that ties to your confidence. Personally, I'll never lose to anyone when it comes to having lewd fantasies.

I know it's not good to be servile, but as someone who's been scorned throughout her life, I'm not sure how to act so as to not be servile. So while it may be simple for most people, sometimes it feels really difficult.

Just as a beautiful person lives a life suited to their beauty,
a non-beautiful person lives a life suited to their lack of beauty.
Imagining a beautiful person telling me that, I heard my heart snap in two.

"Wow! What a delicious-looking cake!" "Isn't it great? I bought it 20 years ago."

"That's a wonderful snare!" "No, this is Tom."

"That's a wonderful ornament!" "No, this is a tom."

"That's a wonderful straw!" "No, this is a hole-pipet."

Well, if there's anyone else thinking like this, at least take relief that it's not just you. I think a surprising number of people wanna die.

My parents always told me one of my virtues was my strong sense of responsibility, but that can really strangle me depending on the situation.

Also, when I want to run. From various responsibilities.

The moments I want to disappear most are most often the ones where I realize how the world doesn't need me. When I'm stricked by my own helplessness.

So when everything goes bad for you, you might think about how nice it would feel if your body just poofed away, but the world isn't so convenient.

What a cruel world.

I think there's lots of cases of living only because not living means death. If death didn't seem to hurt so much, I feel like a lot more people would be dying... Living creatures aren't made so well.

Long ago, I used to play outside all the time, but there was this maze made out of cardboard boxes which I was way too scared to enter. Everyone else went in like it was no big deal, but isn't crawling around in such a tight space... scary...? And I mean, what if someone comes in behind you can you can't back out?!

I wanna see Frozen. [Or rather, "I wanna see Anna's Queen," as opposed to the actual Japanese title "Anna and the Snow Queen." ...Which could be a joke on "ana" meaning "hole."]

Franz is someone I'd rather just hang out with than marry. Yes, we'll just be franz. [Originally used "Eugene" and "yuujin."]

Tangled is ridiculous. How many hours of rendering did THAT take...

Man: "Boy, you're cute, have we met somewhere? Oh, I know! In my dreams!"
Woman: "How dreamy! Make love to me!"
The power of Disney movies to make a scenario like that seem romantic is terrifying.

Nudeman! Come forth!!

You don't need psychic powers.
You don't need superpowers.
You don't need a costume.
If you want to protect something deep in your heart,
you're already a hero.

My recent thoughts to myself keep arriving at the conclusion of "I wanna dieee," so let's imagine some more fun things. Yeah, my favorite things! Beef curry, pork curry, chicken curry, cutlet curry, wow... chickens and pigs and cows... taken away from their families... and systematically slaughtered... wow... I wanna dieee...

Isn't this an endless loop? Scary, yo...

Once you think you're hopeless is the point where you're really hopeless, Hopeless-chan.

Every time I think about these things, I realize I'm a puny, lame, miserable person...

Since I was born shabby, of course I immediately think people are rejecting me when they look, and I don't want to be seen. But on the other hand, being accepted puts my mind at ease, so a feeling bubbles up of wanting to show myself for the purposes of being accepted, and it makes no sense.

The eyes around you are truly terrifying.
Gazes from unfamiliar people who you can't see into.
All those people are ambiguous in their existence,
so you feel your shabby self is being rejected when they watch.
You don't want them to look, don't want them to look,
but you want them to look.
The truthless eyes around you which give you that inexplicable feeling are truly terrtifying.

Never mind what people think.
What do you think?
If you can't accept your own actions,
anything you do isn't really you.
So I understood myself,
and leapt out into town in the nude.

Andy and Frank shook...?!

But she has to see Star Wars! Otherwise the parody in Toy Story won't make sense!

Someday I want to show her all of Star Wars, but maybe that's not possible...

Usagi-san barely even knows the names of most western movies, so today we watched Home Alone together.

Christ: (Wouldn't I make a crazy profit changing water to wine and selling it...??)

I heard "omg" is an abbreviation for Oppai MaGatteiru. ["My boobs are bent."]

omg! omg!

I also feel like it's rare for a full orchestra to have so many arrangements with a flute emphasis.

It might be because of how much Disney music permeates my heart, but the Comet Observatory song is my absolute favorite.

The original felt like they had a pretty small band, whereas 2 had a bigger one. But both are amazing.

Mario Galaxy songs are seriously good. Seems like they got a live orchestra...

A composer who wants to be compost.

An otter who wants to be a whale.
A koala who wants to be an otter.
A lion who wants to be a koala.
A girl who wants to be a lion.
A boy who wants to be a girl.
A pro at shogi who wants to be a proxy.

Let's eat curry.

I really don't understand why I would have a dream where I'm doing something like that with someone I don't see that way at all. I've been feeling guilty since I got up...

Since then, I've been unable to play without sheet music, and since then the weakness of my heart hasn't changed a bit.

Actually, this happened once. At a piano recital, I had no sheet music, and the moment the thought "If I forget the song now, I would be totally helpless" came to me, my mind went blank, my hands stopped, and I couldn't think at all...

That's basically what responsibility is, I think. People who can be responsible can move ahead. That's what I try to do. For today, sleep.

I've despaired over my lack of ability to the point of thinking I'm garbage that should just die, but my songs aren't going to get made if I do.

I've always hated people who are all talk and don't keep their responsibilities, so I'm deathly afraid of becoming like that myself.

What's far more tragic than no one needing you is when, in times when someone does need you, you lack the power to support them.

Oops wrong account.

Good day, I'm a girl in her first year of high school! (*^_^*)

Waaagh, I wanna fidget listening to my own songs in a Family Mart too... (;;๑ᴖ◡ᴖ๑;;)

My papa knows the president of a record company, y'see... "@genkianamei: I heard a Fuwacina-san song playing at Family Mart!!"

Delicious soybeans! Delicious!, they say as they taste soy sauce.

Japanese people
like soybeans.

When there's an onomatopoeia accompanying a face-turning-red scene in shoujo manga, I hear it as a vibraslap.

Oh yeah, also, it might be nice to go around town fluffing up the pets of people taking them on walks.

If I became invisible, I'd want to stand in front of the mirror drinking milk.

What would I want to do if I became invisible, you ask? After intensely thinking about it... I don't think I would ever be invisible.

People who wear a bra even when they go to bed... When does their heart ever rest?

I'm printing a cool logo that's a skull with "OSTER project" written under it in big letters on my panties.

If someday someone appeared before me offering to spend 300 million yen on my panties, I would use that 300 million yen for all the children around the world who aren't so blessed... by buying them panties.

Slip off the bra! Pan-pa-pahn!

Take off the panties! Pan-pa-pahn!

When it's this "can't think of an opening" sort, it means zero progress... No buts about it.

Can't come up with a song at all. (^o^)/

For some reason, I was wearing sailor clothes in my dream.

Green soybeans?

What does a first kiss taste like?

The taste of a kiss, sweeter than I like.

If I make lots of different songs, I get more out of it, and that is the kind of style I aspire to most... But switching my brain like that is pretty difficult.

"I could see OSTER's songs being played at Disneyland!" Disneyland: "Dehdehdehdeh!! Dehden!!"

We feel scared of being rejected, / because we have no self-confidence after all... [Likely a reference to Our Music from Music Wizard of Oz.]

Oh no, my clothes... smell...?! Do you mean they smell nice...?!

I've been doing a lot of work outside in the past few days, so my girl power is being ebbed away. I'll be back to the usual work tomorrow.

Maybe even after death, we'll think how young and foolish we were when we were alive.

Thinking back on how I was two or three years ago makes me embarrassed over how young and foolish I was in my thoughts and actions, and maybe in two or three years I'll look back at myself now and feel embarrassed about how young and foolish I was. So I think living is just one big embarrassment.

Funassy appeared in my dream... There was a parade for some reason, and I was behind Funassy and threw dolls of him into the crowd.

Or maybe Sigma isn't really a function.

Quadratic Function-kun... A rather attractive boy who stands out. Surprisingly, he's a slugger for the baseball team. He's always biting into apples. Sigma-kun... Sort of a class leader. His broad-mindedness and charisma helps bring the class all together.

Log-san... a bearded, kinda fat, good-spirited old guy. He always wears a backpack with "e" on it. Very good friends with Exponential Function-san.

I want to try making personifications of functions. Synne, Cosynne, and Tangereanne of the Triangle family. Tangereanne feels a sense of alienation from the twins Synne and Cosynne. When suddenly, a girl calling herself Arctangereanne appears before her. Just who is she...?

When you think about it that way, even stuff like mathematical induction is pretty moe...!!

But yeah, problems where you use the byoooing method to simplify things feel really refreshing!! If everyone could only know that feeling, I don't think numbers would be so hated...

Or so I thought, but I'm glad there actually are some people who empathize. I also liked problems where you use log to find the number of digits in a certain number to the nth power, or its first digit, or whatever. I probably can't solve those anymore...

I don't feel like I'm getting through to people with this.

I always liked problems such as, when looking for a matrix to the nth power, you have to find a certain matrix and inverse matrix and raise the diagonals to the nth power to make everything go away like "byoooing, byoooing."

When I do division, I can sorta only think of it in a multiplication sense... Just today, I was looking for the cost of something without tax from the tax-included cost, but came up with the equation "taxless x 1.05 = tax-included," and felt bad about how incredibly inefficient that w

Despite formerly being a science type, I'm desperately slow at making equations and doing mental math and I'm extremely inefficient, so I really look up to people whose minds work quickly.

I only did the college math that was given to me, so I still don't understand what to use eigenvalues and determinants for...

I learned that you can swap the order in multiplication in elementary school, but as an adult, you learn that there's a kind of multiplication where swapping changes the meaning. Of course, I'm referring to multiplication of matrices.

I'm really worrying how deep I should get into things. I want to make it so even people who don't have much knowledge of math can understand, but that's hard... Like, if I even had to explain why a sine wave has that kind of shape... It never ends...

Oh yeah, in my dream last night, Sasakure-san tried on a kimono. I guess he class-changed at some point...

The wind... is wailing.

Listen up, you lot! What you can do today... should be left to tomorrow! bang! /

In any era, regardless of changing fads, I think there's a fixed number of people who will be impressed when impressive things are made. I want to create pieces that will move the hearts of those people.

Fads will always die out, but technology can always assist in any time period. So rather than flatter the period, I want to polish technology.

As much as the mood may change, I'll keep making what I like.

I can really... understand that... "@kona_milo: I liked how the world of Vocaloid had an air of "you too can try making whatever you think is neat." Now that's changed quite a bit."

Princess is princesses a princess.

掛け湯 is Japanese traditional culture. If you forget 掛け湯 before taking a bath, you'll killed by Ninja. [Presented as tweeted. Kakeyu = pouring hot water on yourself.]

Even if I could be reborn, if I had tiny breasts, I'd never do it.

I've had a lot of thoughts about wanting to start life all over, but I don't think I'd want to do it if I couldn't customize all my stats first.

I think about wanting to provide power, but I don't have any, so it just makes me sad. I want power.

"I want to be a girl who looks good in gothic lolita like Fuwacina-san. How can I do it?" - First, buy a lolita outfit. - Put on makeup. - Make your hair into super curly twin-tails. - Wear lolita outfit. - Join otaku circle.

I wonder if my math teacher who marked the maximums of a quartic graph with red chalk and said "They look kinda like boobs if you do this" is doing well...

I want to go to Oedo Hot Spring. (Went yesterday)

From today forth, I'm naming my boobs Andy and Frank and talking to them.

The difference between yukhoe and yukhoejang is like the difference between Java and JavaScript.

I want yukhoe I want yukhoe I want yukhoe

I don't think I'll ever fully understand girls who just girl-girl.

Sigh, girls being forced like "you're generally supposed to be like this" is exhausting. Say what you want, I don't really care. I like spicy things more than sweet, and I like shounen manga.

Have confidence!!

It's hella awesome. Or so it seems...

Song done! Or so it feels like.

I'm talking about wristwatches.

I'm a right.

Are you a rightie or a leftie?

That's enough, Ash! Come back!

Go, Ash! Use Left Straight!

Hey, my name's Togepi! This is my Trainer, Ash. Nice to meetcha!

I can see too, but boobs do not have eyes.

I can hear. I make songs myself. I do not wear shades. Please be at ease.

But if I'd been kissing a man, maybe he'd have just waited to make it easier for me...

I mean, I'm no actress, of course I'm going to be nervous about kissing her in front of that many people!!

But at my wedding, I was unbelievably nervous and forgot to turn my head, so our noses collided and it was a big mess. Kisses, too, must be practiced.

Just look at first kiss scenes in shoujo manga. Sure, you think "aww, that's nice," but it's sad thinking they'll never quite have that feeling again.

By now, the excitement of my first kiss has fallen into the depths of forgotten memory...

Sppadaka†leggendaria SECRET BECHIKU UNLOCKED

Kiss my vuvuzela!

Kiss my boots!

You know, hard times aren't just hard, they're also experiences you can learn something from. In retrospect, they've made me realize things I wouldn't have otherwise.

To tell the truth, some very sad things happened in my private life, and I had a rough period I felt like I might never recover from, but I overcame that and made The Music Wizard of Oz... Thinking of it like that, this album means a lot... /人oTωTo人

Waaaaah my CD's ready! I'm super happy!!! Really, so much happened around making this one, so I'm really glad I could finish it! /人oTωTo人

I feel like I've gone a week without makeup...

Why was I wearing a swimsuit in my dream?

I'll pray before I go to sleep that I can see more moe yuri couples...

I was extremely moe'd by a yuri couple at the shopping mall, about college age, who were holding hands and looking at furniture. But then I was devastatingly moe'd by a high school yuri couple who looked incredibly shy and fidgety while they walked hand in hand.

Whether it's fictional or real, yuri seen by male eyes is sort of... not very moe? I mean, when it feels like "Hey, we're cute together like this, aren't we? You like it, right?", it's! So lame! And thus! I like yuri where they really seem to love each other.

Thinking about masculinity and femininity just gets so tiring. Just let boys wear skirts and girls swim in swimtrunks.

I'm glad I've been able to make some female friends lately who gladly say dirty jokes with me. (^o^)

Just what is femininity... It just gets so bothersome with all these "things you aren't allowed because you're a man," and "things you aren't allowed because you're a woman."

Throw away all girl power and end your turn!

I've kinda been focused on music lately and feel like I've lost sight of what I want to be as a human. What do I want to be?

I think it's probably because of the lightness of a girl's "hahaha."

I don't care what the situation is, I just want a big-breasted newbie secretary to tell me "Hahaha, that's no good."

Even for me, there's a non-zero possibility I'll have huge breasts when I wake up tomorrow. That's amazing, isn't it? That's amazing.

Every wonderful thing we can think up may just become reality. Maybe that's really wonderful in itself, huh?

It'd be a waste to keep that stuff just to fairy tales, right? ♪

Chance meetings with people really are miraculous. I want to be careful with fate in the future. I'll keep 5 yen in my purse.

When I'm rich, I want to live at Oedo Hot Spring.

Rin-chan... my... waifu...

Don't! Stop me now!

I'm glad I bought a vuvuzela.

Kiss-through-vuvuzela is the latest trend.

Common Person: "Figure-skaters are so pretty, I'm moved to tears..." Otaku: "Figurines are so pretty, I'm moved to tears..."

I am a vampire... and the sun has risen... so good night.

Len-kyun has far, far more girl power than I.

That's what Len-kyun said.

Is it true that anyone who dresses as a woman can become a princess?

Wheee wiiill wheee wiiill rock you!!

It's still cold, so I'll wait for spring.

I, too, shall not fear failure, and leap out into town in the nude...

That attitude of never fearing failure and taking the challenge is truly wonderful...

OSTER project is splitting up because of a disagreement in direction... Lower Half: "I'm going to go progressive rock all the way." Upper Half: "Rock, baby!"

I feel like I made a tweet before about some fictitious members of OSTER project I thought up.

Are there any members of OSTER project on board?! "@rebornlove69: @fuwacina I thought OSTER project was multiple people too! Am I wrong? (o_o)"

For some reason, there still seem to be many thinking that I'm multiple people.

OSTER project is not an otaku circle. She's just one otaku.

Princess OSTER (around thirty)


The Death of Cubase...

Yeah, I really want to be a crab... [Joke on "club = crab."]

This year, I'll do my best at club music...

I feel like I've gotten better at making a band-like sound lately. I have to get good at lots of things!

All systems, full power! I can't believe this!!

What will the world be like in another five years... I'll be glad if I can give a lot more people dreams.

It also feels weird since I can't really believe how little time has actually passed since I started music, either.

People I've always loved and aspired to be like have told me my songs are really good, and sometimes I still can't believe that, but meanwhile people listen to my music and decide to start making their own and put lots of effort into it, and it's just... amazing.

Just like my most beloved artists made my eyes sparkle and gave me dreams, I wonder if I'm giving anyone dreams now...

I'm glad Metallic Heart seems really popular!! It's my favorite part as well. Inside my digital cage... ♪

Looking at what young people do makes me feel like, what the heck am I doing?

Two years already is crazy fast! And already a year since the wedding...

A modest celebration of the second anniversary of my marriage.

But Symphonic Orchestra got really cheap... I thought about buying the full set a long time back, but I want to say it was about 400,000. (^o^)/

And just the hardware synthesizer is close to 500,000. (^o^)/

Compared to high-quality sound sources, the cost of Vocaloids seems downright fair... (;;๑ᴖ◡ᴖ๑;;)

There was a comment on the Oz video saying "Each Vocaloid is over 10,000 yen, so 70,000 yen total," but the fact is that the sounds used for the orchestra add up to costing over ten times that.

I bought an orchestra sound source out of my desire to someday make songs like that.

Disney songs are so wonderful I can't breathe.

It is Vocaloid, of course, but I'd like people to notice the innovations of the sound sources in the background as well. That's part of the reason they're listed in the credits. To me, they're on par with the Vocaloids for cuteness, those sound sources.

Image training by staring at big boobs.

Thank you so much for all your replies and thoughts. I'm reading each and every one with care. They're truly encouraging. I'm glad I was born. I'm really glad I got into music and came to love doing it.

I forgot to set the thumbnail, but I'm glad it was an appropriate scene!! If it were a closeup on a chicken or something, I don't know what I would've done.

Wooooo! Sorry for the wait!!! ( TДT)

[Video] [A Vocaloid Musical] The Music Wizard of Oz [Original Song]

Why is this taking so long...

Oh, I uploaded it forgetting to set the thumbnail... I'm sorry... I'm sorry...

Wait a little for the video... ><

(Still waiting on encoding...)

Ten minutes to curtain rise. Heart starting to pound...

The Music Wizard of Oz raises its curtains today at 6 PM!

Happiness seems far away, but it's really close by. That's sort of the theme. Of the Wizard of Oz.

Sorry, I'm actually more of a secretary fetishist than a high school girl one...

Blame it all on the thighs. #HighSchoolGirlLove

Science has a lot of fantasy stuffed into it.

This vector I wish to touch is mankind's final theorem!

Rendering time has surpassed four hours.

Well, I slept about 15 minutes. Time to go at it again.

Ponyo... eat... Sosuke... Get... Sosuke's... power...

Good nieeehght. (pukes blood)

You can get naked and nobody will get mad... Perhaps baths are the best places in the world.

I just want to go to Oedo Hot Spring...

Snuggling up to a man with a sweet voice is the height of foolishness...! If you're a woman! Then rip off your clothes and screech! Strike fear into those men!! KYEEEEEE!!

I'm not a bitch, I'm just a pervert. "@terakimos: @fuwacina Are you a bitch?"

Waugh! You can fix a pitch, but you can't fix a bitch.

If I were a trumpet player, I bet I could make it sound really good.

My vuvuzela arrived, but I'm despairing because I can't get it sounding good.

Even I've been thinking I've been working really hard lately.

The morning sun vanquished the horrible night while I did battle with the video...

All my searches just turn up news stories on the golden age of vuvuzelas from about 4 years ago. Sorrowful vuvuzela.

I checked and didn't really find any at instrument stores... Is it not that major of an instrument?

I didn't think it would be this hard to get one...

Might anyone know a store in the Shibuya area that sells vuvuzelas? (^o^)/

Are they planning the revival of Lord Voldemort by making people eat chocolate mixed with blood?!?

There's as many forms of happiness as there are people, so comparing with others is total nonsense.

A musician who loses followers when she talks about music.

Don't **** with me!

Well, I'll work to make at least one person stop thinking that way.

Saying songs made by women aren't noteworthy isn't very nice...

I want to kidnap the lady at the music store and drink with her all night long.

Genius is 1% inspiration and 99% eccentricity.

Just wanted to try saying that.

Ahh, my breasts are so heavy I have stiff shoulders...

Why not now? ["Ima desho?"]

When does Fuwacina-san sleep?

I'm so happy that January has 31 days.

I think it's easier for fellow homosexuals to date, so long as they know each other well.

Also, please make out in front of me.

I've heard that in terms of homosexual relationships, women being seen together is more tolerated than men, and I guess that might be true, so I want girls with crushes on other girls to not give up and keep at it.

Girls have the best embraces.

should date girls!

Dying of sleepiness.

Any girl can be a princess.

Q. Are you blood-type A? A. No, this is a pen.

Hm, what do I want to be?

Be what you want to be.

Wrong account!

My nether regions are a biohazard.

Oh, it was a lady doctor, 'course...

The sexiest moment of my life was when I was feeling sick and went to the infirmary, the doctor checked my pulse from my wrist, and told me "Heart's pounding a little fast..."

Why is my stomach HELL FIRE


Don't you ever forget about that sense of distance!

Lewd jokes told to me by people I'm very close to are obviously jokes, but lewd jokes from total strangers are just sexual harrassment.

like an ero dojin

I at least want to be a cute old lady. And if that's impossible too, at least a not-gross granny...

I want to be a cute girl... >_<...

Some blood-type divination today! ♥ To those who are type-O! If you get a blood transfusion from someone else who's type-O today, it's good luck! ♥

We're really the sisters Fuwaci and Fuwana.

I was actually the younger sister all along.

I look like a different person in these clothes...

I don't wanna see another keyframe ever again.

Don't forget the proof for when n=1 in mathematical induction!

People taking tests today... Good luck!

I have this image of Twitter being comprised of people who make lots of lewd jokes, people who never make lewd jokes, and everyone else in-between. And when I meet people who make lots of lewd jokes on Twitter in real life, it turns out they either indeed make lots of lewd jokes, or never make lewd jokes, or are somewhere in-between.

Show me your cheer!
Show me your courage!
Oh -
don't show me that.

Life ain't a competition with other people. It's a competition with yourself.

I'm a person who makes lewd jokes. "@_ikya: @fuwacina Lately, I've been unable to discern if Fuwacina-san is a person who makes music or a person who makes pictures."

Sukebe is Japanese traditional culture

Let's do sukebe

If I can just be born cute in the next life, that's satisfactory for me.

Being able to make any person feel like a beautiful girl is the epitome of music.

Listening to cute songs also makes me feel like "meooooow!", but when I look in the mirror, I'm back to serious face.

Making cute songs makes me feel like "meooooow!", but when I look in the mirror, I'm back to serious face.

What does secret love taste like? Is it strawberry-flavored? Pudding-flavored? Or like slighly bitter tiramisu? The first kiss must taste like beer.

Where does your moe come from? From how gay I am.

Madoka... my only friend.
madoka... mai... frendo...

Ue o mu~ite... ♪ Alcoho~l... ♪

I was talking about porn videos, but I ended up contemplating life.

Yeah, from birth to death, we're all alone, every one of us...

No one in the world can show their heart completely bare. If you don't realize that's only natural, you'll be tormented by a vague anxiety of no one understanding you. Is what I think from experience.

So at the very least, you want your body to be free. That's the feeling that makes us fling clothes off.

Maybe even I have a tough armor over my heart. To the point that even I don't know how to take it off.

But whenever you're keeping company with anyone, you're creating yourself. Just like putting on clothes when you go outside, your heart puts on clothes when you come into contact with someone.
Although I don't know about people who don't wear clothes when they go outside.

I can't help imagining that girls who try hard to present themselves as cute are hiding a great darkness behind it, so I'm sort of bad with them.

I just realized my hair got really long. I stood in front of the mirror and was able to make a hair-bra out of it. Never before had I seen such a gross hair-bra.

If I were reborn, I'd be Pamyu-Pamyu.

Pamyu-Pamyu's so cuteee!!

I can't believe it's 2014 already...! The year 2000 ruckus seems like yesterday.

/人o^ω^o人 Happy new year! /人o^ω^o人

Three more minutes...

Since this year was a year for overcoming ordeals, I believe next year will be a year for lots of activity...! Work awaits!!

I'll do my best to extend my boundaries even further next year...!! Please support me...!!! Pang-pang-papang!

This year was a real ordeal, but I made it through thanks to all of your help. Even in tough and sad times, looking over your letters and all always cheered me up. ( •́ .̫ •̀, )

Thirty minutes left... in your life.

Merry Christmas!

I'm not getting fat. The Earth's mass is decreasing.

Girls are born to wear jumper skirts. (o´v`o)

I was only at Comiket for about 30 minutes, but it was fun...

To make dubstep, I'm going to record me going "yaai yaai" and use it as the bass.

Those moments I realize my own growth make me so glad!! It's great to get closer and closer to my ideal.

Sometimes I lose confidence in my own music, but when I really feel like I made something great, I'm super happy!! I want everyone to hear it right away.

Happy birthday, Christ-chan!!!

[Hatsune Miku] White Snow Falling [Original Song] Sorry, this is the new song.

New song! [Picture of meat]

It's a very merry Christmas~ ♪

Might upload a new song today.

Lust Christmas ~Holey Night~ "@km0910: @fuwacina A one-letter change makes a big difference, Fuwacina-san!"

Lust Christmas

Everyone's been talking all day about block this, block that! Is there a new Lego set out? HAHAHAHAHA!!!! / [In response to Twitter changing how blocking works.]

So in order to become a great person myself, I leapt out into town in the nude.

How many great people you know doesn't really increase your greatness rank or anything. And someone who boasts about how many great people they know isn't themselves great at all.

If they're wonderful, it doesn't matter to me if they're a man or a woman or anything else, but boobs make it all the merrier.

My wife reported to me that someone who hasn't loved two or more people of the same gender can't definitively be called homosexual, and thus isn't technically a lesbian, but why would I care about that now? (^o^)/

Then again, everyone who says it also seems concerned about doing so, so maybe I shouldn't care too much. (^o^)/

My wife and I are often called a "married couple" [in Japanese, literally "husband" plus "wife"], but it feels weird, because which of us is the husband...