OSTER project's Twitter

Translations of tweets from @fuwacina. For an archive of other Vocaloid-related Twitters I no longer keep up with, go here.

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January 3rd, 2020

At this late hour, I'm devouring some black beans I left in the fridge all by myself... I'm clearly a youkai, to put it lightly.

Bass like this and strings like this. #ConfessOneOfYourInclinations

Right now, I'm doing something incredible... I wanna say it soon, this is seriously amazing.

My header alone still presents me as a person who exists, but contrary to my carefree tweets, she looks like a witch living in darkness... Who the heck is she? A different person?

Especially with her lack of recent appearances, Fuwacina-san is becoming a mysterious entity.

Putting a Twitter verified checkmark on my wishlist.

Drawing is hard, so I'll become a musician...

Miku-san vs. Cutlet Curry

Q. OSTER-san, why do the Mikus you draw have boomerangs stuck in their heads?
A. Why indeed...

That Heisei icon I drew on a whim was just too excellent as an avatar...

I made her my avatar, but that face looks kind of lewd...

Miku-san vs. Gyuudon

January 2nd, 2020

I want to keep finding many new likes, tossing them into the pot of my heart, and boil them to make fresh new music. I want to keep updating and moving forward. That'd be nice. And that's why I want to do a lot of things this year.

If I have talents, I think my talent is my good fortune to have become fond of music. Because of that fondness, I found people to look up to, went into a trance, found a passion, and chased after it. And now, I'm making music that packs in as much of that as possible. I couldn't have started without the feeling of "I like all of this."

I believe in the strength of the feeling of "liking," and think it's good to stubbornly, persistently dig into the things you like. In La La Land, they say it takes madness to achieve a dream. I really think that's true.

I've been encouraged by words I wrote myself at times, and I've had moments where it felt like working so hard hasn't been a mistake. To stock up a lot of those moments, I'm going to keep living the way I believe in.

Even if you're about to collapse from wounds, don't look away from the beauty you believed in.

At any rate, gotta look into how to do it...

If I streamed, would it be on TwitCast? YouTube?? It'd be a super hardcore stream, with me muttering to myself and placing notes on a piano roll unintelligibly, until all of a sudden it's become a song...

I seriously do want to try new stuff this year, so while I'm working independently, maybe I'd stream me composing in Domino in real time... Would people want to watch that...? I still need to look into a lot of how I'd do that...

"Liking is one-sided, matching is mutual" is a well-put saying.

Second verse:
I want to become slender and hang huge headphones from my neck

I Want To Become Slender And Wear Extra-Large Clothes (Lyrics/Composition: Me)

I want to become slender
And wear extra-large clothes
Not because my body's big;
With a slender body,
I want to wear extra-large clothes

It'll be just like
Eating ice cream in the middle of winter
In a warm kotatsu...

I want to become slender
And wear extra-large clothes

The law of conservation of mass might be fake.

I want to eat delicious things infinitely, but my stomach quickly fills up, and yet my stomach's still big even when I'm super hungry... The world is full of bugs.

Flat Earth??? If this planet were flat, the two of us wouldn't have met, right? That's common sense in our generation...

January 1st, 2020

And also, I really love relationships where interacting with someone else lets you see yourself, and I like the line "in darkness, touching your gentle hand, I know my own shape for the first time"... Yes... I love it...

Relationships... If they harden, it feels like they'll someday break, but if they don't harden, it feels like they'll be swept away, so no matter what state they're in, they feel unstable. But I kind of like two people doing their best regardless to look for meaning and define it in their own words like that.

Give This Relation A Name from my new album is that kind of song, where the relationship doesn't fit into any existing molds, but you're a little scared of it wavering if you do nothing, so you want to give it a name that's just for you... It's a precious song, so please listen to it...

Knowing a person who's kind to everyone and thinking that's what you liked about them, but then you notice their kindness toward you might be a little bit special, and your relationship becomes more and more important from there... Aren't songs like that emotional??? They're so emotional.

By the way, I'm glad to see thoughts on the CD! Glad! So glad!!!

In Bloom Into You,
it's not just Yuu-chan and Touko-chan,
Sayaka-chan is good too,
and so is Maki-kun,
and Koyomi-chan is also cute,
and Riko-san and Miyako-san are cute,
cute, ahh, everyone's so cute,
but Yuu-chan and Touko-chan
are cute above all else
(Free verse)

In Bloom Into You,
it's not just Yuu-chan
and Touko-chan,
Sayaka-chan is good too
(Free verse)

["CONGRATULATIONS! Cleared Puzzle Level 500!"]

[Pierre: "Pierre's first dream of the year... It was me at Lowrys Farm doing pulmonary respiration with OSTER, arf. ♥ Eee, how embarrassing! ♥"]
In other words, you didn't buy me anything from there?

To people who don't know the origin of that, look back to my tweets in April last year!!!

Everyone listened to OSTER-san's CD already? You listened?? You listened to the end?? To the very end, right??? Listen all the way to the end, okay???

Maybe life is about the act of finding one meaning after another in ordinary things, and enriching yourself that way.

Whenever I cross some thing of turning point like this year, I tend to think about the passage of time and how I live my life. I renew my determination. The meaning of entering a new year has changed from what it used to be.

If I'm taking on new things, I want to make an effort to expand into things I'm interested in moreso than begrudgingly doing things I'm unsuited for. That's what I'll do this year... I'll do my best.

Once again, happy new year! :sunrise: :kadomatsu: :torii: Last year was a breakthrough year, but I expect this year will be one too. :peace dove: Let's break through the stratosphere! :rocket:

[Santa Toro: "OSTER, I wanna deep kiss with you lots in 2020 too, meow."]
Here's to another year.
