OSTER project's Twitter

Translations of tweets from @fuwacina. For an archive of other Vocaloid-related Twitters I no longer keep up with, go here.

December 30th, 2022

[Re: Rainy Cat and Cappuccino] This was the first public appearance of a Merow song by me, but I've actually used her a ton already for temporary voices for work, so I had a grasp of her potential.

[Re: meal delivery song] It's just too much for this to be the first Zundamon song I made.

When you do something silly, the more quality it is the funnier it is, so, it's like that.

I'm thinking I want to make a Zundamon song next year.

I watched Zunda Hori-zun.
The only thing I can say is that I watched Zunda Hori-zun.

If someone told me I could be reborn with whatever voice I wanted, I'd want to be either Sister Claire or Belmond Pandelas..........

I'm working on sequencing a song to test out new synths and then do a cover, but it's arranged such that you absolutely won't tell what the original song is.

:woman dancing: #Dominowns

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