OSTER project's Twitter

Translations of tweets from @fuwacina. For an archive of other Vocaloid-related Twitters I no longer keep up with, go here.

November 14th, 2022

I'm extremely excited to see what angles people come from.

Isn't Heliopause Love Letter such a good title? I understand OSTER songs so well.

I summed up the project I said I'd do on stream. Go hogwild and take part.

It's my birthday very soon, so I'm holding an #OSTERSongEsqueSongNameContest.
It's a festival where you think of an OSTER-song-esque song name and submit it. Do come and take part.
(Please keep the number of songs you submit to a reasonable amount, up to about 3 max.) #TesrosetTransmission

[Virtual Actor's Birthday Project
OSTER-Song-esque Song Name Contest
- Summary
It's a project where people think of song names that sound like they could be OSTER songs to be ranked for a public reveal. The grand prize winner will be made into an actual one-chorus song.
- How to Participate
Submit a song name you thought up via Marshmallow, marked with "OSTER-Song-esque Song Name Contest" at the start. If you voluntarily include your motivations or thoughts put into the name, they may be included during the reveal.
- Example Submission
"OSTER-Song-esque Song Name Contest
Song Name: Heliopause Love Letter
Motivation: I thought of it while staying up all night."
Please send something like this.
- Submission Period
Now ~ 11/20/2022 (or so)
I'll round them up as close to the deadline as possible, but if you want to be sure you get included, please send it within the day.
I'll be awaitin' yer submissions!!]

I'm an old-timer who lived through the 90's, so I'm always looking at 90's quizzes.

Abnormal Seismic Intensity is such a cool song.

I won't stand for paper straws.

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