OSTER project's Twitter
Translations of tweets from @fuwacina. For an archive of other Vocaloid-related Twitters I no longer keep up with, go here.
October 11th, 2022
Undertow Spillway is a stupid-hard map.
I did good, so I want my debt forgiven.
I've been rendered unable to Splatoon ever again.
How good would it be if this were a dream...
I'm retiring from Splatoon.
[Paying 160p, while already 379p in debt, to start an Anarchy Battle Series]
Splatoon destroys your health.
RT @FumiVirtual It's not right... I thought I'd get my rank up to A and go to bed... On top of losing the Rank-Up Battle and creating a debt, it's 4 in the morning... Why... Why...
I've suffered mental damage from being bullied by Clash Blasters.
After getting into S+, I can't win at all. In other words, it's an opportunity to get strong.
What's the deal with me getting communiction errors treated as losses only when I'm doing Series, can you stop?
Woman who stubbornly holds a longsword in Monster Hunter even if it's nerfed, and who stubbornly rolls sushi in Splatoon.
I've done nothing but roll sushi this month. [From "sushi" being an abbreviation for Splattershot]
Twitch telling me not just concurrent viewers but unique viewer count shows me that a surprising number of different people are watching, which encourages me.
Splatoon OK :squirt gun:
Tomorrow's Twitch stream: [Poll]
- Monster Hunter [31.8%]
- Splatoon [68.2%]
Laughed at Excel having an "XMATCH" function.
In Splatoon, I've gotten to the point where I can afford to look at the map, detect someone trying to sneak around us, and ambush them.
I was at a sushi place where they cut it up the fish you buy in front of you, and was excited to have them cut up a scabbard fish, but then I woke up...