OSTER project's Twitter

Translations of tweets from @fuwacina. For an archive of other Vocaloid-related Twitters I no longer keep up with, go here.

August 7th, 2022

[After linking live orchestra version of Ahtal-Ka's song] I like Nakarkos's music too, but I doubt it'd get performed live.

Woman playing Ahtal-Ka's music at 4 AM while waiting for the bath to fill.

The result of Twitch for some reason not allowing a display name with "oster" in it. [Screenshot: "Hello, Tesroset-chan!"]

The archive of me dying 8 times to Chameleos was buried away in darkness.

Guess I've got no choice but to stream again...

Honestly pretty sad it wasn't saved, lol

I thought "doesn't leave an archive, huh," but I guess the default setting is to not leave an archive? :crying: I've set it now...

Thanks for coming to my first stream! I made progress making weapons. :shades:
Chameleos :oni:

Doing my first stream on Twitch.

[MHRise/SB] Pro Composer-Hunter's Longsword Training

←Seriously Doesn't Get It At All And Is Uneasy

I finished a song, so I'm gettin' a stream set up.

I just want to aspire to skilled people, and always keep the drive to study day after day to get if only a little closer to them.

When you have a self-debasing mindset, you unconsciously bring those around you into it and earn their ire, so you seriously should be careful.

Let's stop thinking that just because there's someone better than you, you're bad at games.

I'll do my best to be able to stream on Twitch tonight.

I don't know a thing about Twitch, it's amusing.

[Photo of Twitch profile: "About fuwacina-san / 0 followers / We don't know much about them, but we're sure fuwacina-san is great."] What do you know about me, huh?

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