OSTER project's Twitter

Translations of tweets from @fuwacina. For an archive of other Vocaloid-related Twitters I no longer keep up with, go here.

July 27th, 2022

I didn't do anything yet I gained weight. (did you mean: you gained weight because you didn't do anyhing)

[Retweeting Song of Super Chat] Singer-songwriter.

Writing a script for commentary is lyrics, and reading it out is singing, and I do retakes over and over until it sounds the way I want and string together the best ones, so I truly am a singer-songwriter. (?)

The work of writing a commentary script is also "lyrics" in a sense...

RT @catuelystype000 Why is OSTER-san able to do such talkative and rich commentary...
That she also created innocent revolver and Oort Cloud just makes her the strongest.

[Re: Colorless Nameless Fest] At last, this begins tomorrow. I've taken part. By all means, find me.

I'm being targeted by a Hamon attack?!

RT @toarubokarop OSTER-san is the Hirohiko Araki of the Vocaloid world.

There's something analogous between fumbling with the wrapping on a cake because you're not sure where it ends, and having a girl nice and worked up but fumbling with her clothes because you're not sure how to take them off.

[Retweeting announcement of the Electronica Tunes Final Fantasy remix album]
I took part in this album with an arrangement of "Those Who Fight." I'm glad to have been given an opportunity to make a remix like this for a song I remember playing by ear on piano long ago.
Please check out it. :folded hands:

Please give your support to the Tigrex Longsword Ichiro series.

My first Sunbreak time attack video. My regards. :folded hands:

[New Sunbreak Video]
:microphone: Tigrex Longsword Ichiro High-Speed Commentary Series :microphone:
Malzeno, Longsword, No Heroics, Dereliction 5:19 #MonsterHunterSunbreak #TesrosetTransmission

[Re: not working on Cinnamon/Miku collab] Why does a tweet about not having done work have so much more influence than tweets about having done work?

Feels like I'll never make a time attack video in my life at this rate, so I'm recording commentary.

In my dream, I was playing a new Bomberman game, but for some reason the first boss was Rathian.

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