OSTER project's Twitter
Translations of tweets from @fuwacina. For an archive of other Vocaloid-related Twitters I no longer keep up with, go here.
April 14th, 2022
When it's a choice between parry, guard, or roll, it gets complicated and difficult, but guarding has the least lag from the button press, so I'm quick to use it...
It might suit my style more not to use a buckler, but a 100-damage-reduction medium shield so no damage goes through and I actually block when I block.
I practiced Morgott for 15 hours and wasn't able to do it cleanly, but this is where I'm at after 30 minutes on Elemer, so much simpler...
If you induce attacks that are easy to parry at close range, it can become dead simple, but I want to be able to properly respond when an irregular one comes too.
This boss is so fun?????
Elden Ring is my favorite rhythm game. #EldenRing #ParryInTheForgottenLands
I wanna do Elemer for the next Parry in the Forgotten Lands, so I have to clear Shaded Castle first. (the way to the boss is harder than the boss)
My tummy's rumbling a bunch, it's rough.
Talking so much about food and beer made me super hungry.
Talked a buuunch today! Good stuff. :green tea:
RT @kanatan0w0 [Re: the Cocoa truck song] And the one who sings this song:
I thought "I'm so bad at art," but looking back on it, I've started to think maybe it has a good flavor to it.
:clock: Tonight at 9:00:
Tesro-sama will be speaking.
We'll discuss recent things, Marshmallows, and future song upload plans.
[Chat] April Chatterings (Reading Marshmallows Etc.) [Musical Vtuber Tesro & Roset]
I've drawn so little lately, I wanna draw crappy comics again.
I feel the mental need to schedule tonight's stream, but I can't get out of bed.
The Parry in the Forgotten Lands series will continue.
[Retweets Akirose announcing an Elden Ring playthrough] Everyone's playing Elden Ring... Elden Ring is good...
RT @mainichi_cocoa Whaaaaa!!! LOLOLOL
Thank you for making such an amazing song!!! :woman bowing: :heart: Yeeaaaayyyyy!! Cocoa cocoa cocoa~ :music notes:
The woman herself...!! (?)
Glad to be of service. :folded hands:
A capable woman who comes to a cafe in her spare time.
I want to see Claire-san defeat Apex Zinogre with adrenaline in 2 minutes.
RT @SisterCleaire @fuwacina Maybe I should play Monster Hunter...
I saw a tweet like "If you're going to collab with OSTER, rather than work hard on compositon, it'd be better to work hard on Monster Hunter" and thought "that's true."
When you get to a week where the music you make seems boring, making music's tough.
Please give me Wabisuke bragging that he made Love Machine in the Actually That Was Me tag. [from Summer Wars, likely the source of the phrase]
This person may hallucinate Molcars too much.
RT @708_pad Feels like you'd make a song for a truck putting the pedal to the metal.
If you count Molcars, I have... :hamster:
Tr"a"ckmaker (person who makes music that plays from a truck)
I made the song that plays from this truck.
Let's all make the greatest chat stream together...
I was thinking watching someone else's chat stream yesterday how chat streams are where the "mood" of that channel, including the viewers, is most evident.
Today I'll make music and chat at night, today I'll make music and chat at night...
Why does it sound like there's vibrato on it just from changing the pitch?
[Re: new Parry in the Forgotten Land video] Noticing my talent for Yukkuri singing.
Tesroset tonight!
Humans are fools.
I made a friend I felt like I could get along with really well and was having a great time, and I was like "I hope I don't wake up and you disappear," and they were like "It's not a dream LOL," but in the end it was a dream, you liar... I hate you, brain...