OSTER project's Twitter

Translations of tweets from @fuwacina. For an archive of other Vocaloid-related Twitters I no longer keep up with, go here.

March 17th, 2022

Just thinking about how I beat Morgott with parries makes the world seem to sparkle.

I think that probably took about 15 hours... 15 hours of my Elden Ring was Morgott...

My parry precision wasn't all there, but I stayed calm and parried all the way to the end... My heart hurts...

I did ittttt... :crying: :crying: :crying: :crying: :crying: I didn't give up and won sticking to my style... :crying: :crying: :crying: #EldenRing

Despite me playing an incredibly popular game, because I always play in an incredibly unpopular manner, it's hard to share my pain with others playing the game.

Morgott has a single move I just can't parry nor dodge no matter what, so if he rolls it, it's over...

I'm way too bad at games. :smile with halo:

My parrying is going terribly...

Today's the day I beat Morgott.

To celebrate Astalos joining Sunbreak, I sang Astalos's music. #MonsterHunterRise #MHSunbreak

If you can't use Hoarfrost Stomp, you can just parry, right?

People good at singing, or good at art, or good at games, or with pretty faces, seem like they must have such fun lives..........

My Monster Hunte cover series is sung to the original songs so that they line up perfectly if you play them together.

That was the announcement of my new work.

:lightning bolt:

[Re: Morgott parry video] Planning to make a full version of this.

[Retweets Elden Ring patch notes] So Hoarfrost Stomp was fixed...

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