OSTER project's Twitter

Translations of tweets from @fuwacina. For an archive of other Vocaloid-related Twitters I no longer keep up with, go here.

February 9th, 2022

The laggier the monster is on Switch, the more I fall in love with the enjoyable smoothness of the PC version...

[Continuing from "making Vocaloid for 15 years"] Even though I'm still only 18...

I put my life into my fixation on piano backing.

Sounds like an interlude, don't it?
This here's the backing for the verse. #Dominowns

Amazin' to keep making Vocaloid music for 15 years.

If you tell me Miracle Paint was from 15 years ago, I'm like, oh yeah, that's about right, but if you tell me Whale Rider was 5 years ago, that one really gets me...

I set the karaokes uploaded to NicoNicommons to be usable anywhere on the internet! Go and upload yer covers to YouTube too! :microphone:

The main cause of the high barrier to entry is all the special terminology... And it's rough how you need to learn how to read the tiles to know what anyone's talking about...

Mahjong had such a high barrier to entry until I learned it, so I want my casual explanation to be useful...

Shuntsu who? I don't know her.

I'm making a video explaining mahjong rules using hardly any mahjong terminology.

["Run / Run / Three of a kind / Run / Three of a kind
If you make something that looks like this, that's agari."]

Going from the PC version back to Switch, on top of the framerate, the lag is so rough.

If you ruin your body once, it'll follow you for life... Don't end up like me...

I'm good at spontaneous effort, but bad at long-term effort, so something like a disease that makes me have to re-examine my daily lifestyle is really painful...

tong poo :red dragon tile: #Dominowns

Considering there might be Sunbreak news, I've gotta watch the Nintendo Direct live, huh, oh nooo (delighted)

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